Statistical compilation "Population and demographic processes in the Republic of Moldova, edition 2009"
National Bureau of Statistics communicates that the statistical compilation "Population and demographic processes in the Republic of Moldova" edition 2009 has been posted.
The publication contains statistical data about the administrative-territorial division of the country and series of statistical data concerning the number and demographic structure of the population, as well as its natural movement (borns, deceased, marriages, divorces) and migratory (international) movement. The information about the borns is presented in accordance with the new-born’s sex, live-birth order, age group of parents and mother’s marital status. The data about the deceased is reflected by age, sex and main causes of death.
The collection also includes demographic generalizing indicators of the population’s reproduction processes – total fertility rate, life expectancy at birth and certain age groups. The main demographic indicators of the Republic of Moldova are presented in comparison with other countries.
Moldovan, Russian and English versions
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