Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2016 was published
This publication contains detailed information on the extensive socio-economic situation of the country and represents a working tool for the development and preparation of the necessary development programs for both state authorities and local government as well as for economic units and other users.
The Yearbook is structured in 24 chapters and includes 330 tables and diagrams. Each chapter contains methodological notes for basic indicators.
In the final part of the Yearbook data on international statistics are presented, fact that gives possibility to compare the indicators for the Republic of Moldova with those of other countries.
Edition 2016 includes less pages as compared to the previous editions, though the volume, the quality and the scale of the message arisen from statistical data is not diminished.
A more vast version of Statistical Yearbook including statistics at territorial level are to be found exclusively on the CD-ROM version of publication, thus turning into account the more generous possibilities provided by the electronic support for the storage of a greater volume of information on limited space and, at lower costs and with the possibility of taking over information, without transcription efforts, in view to insert them into various studies and analyses.
The main indicators are presented in territorial aspect.
This publication has been produced with the financial support of EU Project "Improved regional statistics in Republic Moldova".
Romanian, Russian and English versions
Format A4, 384 pages
Price of book: EUR 40
Price of CD-ROM: EUR 20
Price of book + CD-ROM: EUR 50
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