Activity of the primary and general secondary education institutions, beginning of the school year 2013/14
Activity of the primary and general secondary education institutions, beginning of the school year 2013/14
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, network of primary and general secondary education is constituted of 1374 schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, including 1372 day schools and 2 evening schools. The majority of primary and general secondary education (98,7%) represents public property. At the same time, in the country activated 18 non-public lyceums which are located only in urban areas.
Day Education. The process of optimizing the network of primary and secondary general education continue and in its outcome studies in study year 2013/14 the number of these institutions decreased by 22 compared to previous school year. The network of primary and secondary general institutions of day education is the following: 112 primary schools, 771 secondary schools, 466 high schools and 23 schools for children with disabilities in intellectual and physical development.
More detailed information is available in Romanian language.
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