• NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS of the Republic of Moldova

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Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2024

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2024

In 2024, 24.6 thousand crimes were registered on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, which is 2.5% more compared to 2023, but less 6.5% compared to 2020. The crime rate in 2024 accounted for 102 crimes per 10,000 inhabitants, compared to 99 crimes in 2023.

Detected contraventions in 2023

Detected contraventions in 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2023 were recorded 730.7 thousand contraventions, with 45,5 thousand (+6,6%) contraventions more than in the previous year. On average, per 1000 persons there were 268 cases of contraventions detected accompanied by application of sanctions.

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2023

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2023

The crime rate in 2023 was 96 crimes per 10 thousand inhabitants, compared to 120 crimes in 2019. Every sixth crime is in the exceptionally grave, extremely grave and grave category. In 2023, 11,5 thousand victims of crime were recorded. As a result of the recorded crimes of domestic violence, in 2023, 685 people were affected, 71,2% of the victims were women. The highest level of crime was recorded among men – 90,9%, women constituting 9,1% in the number of people who committed crimes.

Detected contraventions in 2022

Detected contraventions in 2022

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2022 were recorded 685,2 thousand contraventions, with 55,9 thousand contraventions more than in the previous year.

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2022

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2022

According to the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2022, 26,8 thousand crimes were registered on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, decreasing by 1,2% compared to 2021 and by 16,2% compared to 2018. The crime rate in 2022 was 103 crimes per 10 thousand inhabitants, compared to 119 crimes in 2018.

Detected contraventions in 2021

Detected contraventions in 2021

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2021 were recorded 629,2 thousand contraventions, with 221,4 thou. contraventions more than in the previous year. For the most of the cases, sanctions were applied 97,2% or 610,6 thou. cases. On average, per 1000 persons there were 235 cases of contraventions detected accompanied by application of sanctions.

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2021

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2021

According to information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2021, 27,2 thousand crimes were recorded on the territory of the country, registering a increase of 3,1% compared to the previous year. The crime rate is 105 offenses per 10 thousand residents compared to 101 offenses in 2020 and 130 in 2017.

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2020

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2020

According to information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020, 26,3 thousand crimes were recorded on the territory of the country, registering a decrease of 17,0% compared to the previous year and 37,2% compared to 2016. The crime rate is 100 offenses per 10 thousand residents compared to 120 offenses in 2019 and 151 in 2016.

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2019

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2019

According to information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019, 31,7 thousand crimes were recorded on the territory of the country, registering a decrease of 20,4% compared to the previous year. The crime rate is 118 offenses per 10 thousand residents compared to 141 offenses in 2015.

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2018

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2018

According to information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, 32,0 thousand crimes were recorded on the territory of the country, registering a decrease of 10,0% compared to the previous year, and compared to 2014 the level of criminality decreased by 23,4%. The crime rate is 90 offenses per 10 thousand residents compared to 117 offenses in 2014.

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2017

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2017

According to information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017, 35,6 thousand crimes were recorded on the territory of the country, registering a decrease of 15,0% compared to the previous year, and compared to 2013 the level of criminality decreased by 6,8%. The crime rate is 100 offenses per 10 thousand residents compared to 107 offenses in 2013.

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2016

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2016

National Bureau of Statistics presents data on сrime situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2016.

Criminality in the Republic of Moldova in 2015

Criminality in the Republic of Moldova in 2015

National Bureau of Statistics communicates that, following the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2015, there were registered 39,8 thousand crimes on the territory of the republic, representing an decreased of 4,8% as compared to the previous year and compared to 2011 period the crime level increased with 13%. Crime rates is 111 offenses per 10,000 inhabitants, compared to 99 offenses in 2011.

Criminality in the Republic of Moldova in 2014

Criminality in the Republic of Moldova in 2014

National Bureau of Statistics communicates that, following the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2014, there were registered 41,8 thousand crimes on the territory of the republic, representing an increase of 9,5% as compared to the previous year and compared to 2010 period the crime level increased 1,3 times. Crime rates is 117 offenses per 10,000 inhabitants, compared to 94 offenses in 2010.

Criminality in the Republic of Moldova in 2013

Criminality in the Republic of Moldova in 2013

National Bureau of Statistics communicates that, following the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2013, there were registered 38,2 thousand crimes on the territory of the republic, representing an increase of 4,2% as compared to 2012. The rate of criminality represents 107 registered crimes per 10 thousand inhabitants, compared to 72 crimes, in 2009.

Criminality in the Republic of Moldova in 2012

Criminality in the Republic of Moldova in 2012

National Bureau of Statistics communicates that 36,6 thou. crimes were registered in 2012, which is 4,3% more than in 2011. The number of registered crimes per 10 thousand inhabitants was in average 103 cases compared to 99 crimes in 2011.

Criminality in the Republic of Moldova in 2011

Criminality in the Republic of Moldova in 2011

National Bureau of Statistics communicates that 35,1 thou. crimes were registered in 2011, which is 5,2% more than in 2010, and 41,8% than 2006. Of total crimes, 2/3 were registered in urban area. The number of registered crimes per 10 thousand inhabitants was 99 cases in 2011 compared to 69 in 2006.

Law violations in 2010

Law violations in 2010

National Bureau of Statistics communicates that in 2010, 288,2 thou. law violations were registered, or 81 punishment cases applied in average per 1000 inhabitants.

Criminality in the Republic of Moldova in 2010

Criminality in the Republic of Moldova in 2010

National Bureau of Statistics communicates that in 2010 33,4 thou. crimes were registered, which is with 30,2% more than in the previous year, and more with 34,6% comparing with 2006. Of total crimes, 67% were registered in urban area.

Law violations in 2009

Law violations in 2009

National Bureau of Statistics presents data on law violations in 2009. In year 2009 were registered 383,7 thou. violation of law, wich is 33,0% less than in year 2008.

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in year 2009

Crime situation in the Republic of Moldova in year 2009

National Bureau of Statistics presents data on сrime situation in the Republic of Moldova in year 2009.

Administrative law violations in 2008

Administrative law violations in 2008

National Bureau of Statistics presents data on administrative law violations in 2008. In year 2008 were registered 571,9 thou. violation of law, wich is 23,2% less than in year 2007.

Criminality situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2008

Criminality situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2008

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2008 there were recorded 24.8 thou. crimes or with 1.7% more than in 2007. The majority of crimes were recorded in the rural area - 66% from total crimes recorded. Per 10 thou. inhabitants there were registered in average 67 crimes, this index has been decreasing since 2000.

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