Aurelia Spătaru
Deputy General DirectorDate and place of birth: 13.09.1975, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
- 2010-2013– Doctoral studies, Economic Statistics department, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova;
- 1993-1998– Bachelor of Economics, department Cybernetics and Economic Informatics, qualification engineer-economist, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova;
- 1992-1993– English Language Diploma, upper secondary school no.56 (Lyceum „Spiru Haret”), Chișinau, Moldova;
- 1990-1993– Postsecondary vocational education diploma, qualification PC operator of Ist category, Republican College of Informatics, Chisinau, Moldova
Professional experience
- 2019-prezent – Deputy General Director, National Bureau of Statistics;
- 2007-2019 – Project Manager, UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System, United Nations Development Programme in Moldova, beneficiary the National Bureau of Statistics. Monitoring and evaluation specialist, UNDP;
- 1999-2007 – Assistant and Programme Coordinator, Arts, Culture and Media, Soros Foundation Moldova;
- 1998-1999 – Consultant, Agricultural Policy and Sustainable Growth Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry;
- 1994-1998– Junior consultant, consultant, Consulting agency “ECCE”.
Part-time activity
Scientific works
- Cara E., Spataru A. Measurement of the impact of decentralization on people equality, Ed. ASEM, no. 4(82), 2012, pp.22-32, ISSN 1810-9136
- Cara E., Spataru A. Methodological aspects regarding the measurement of the human development, in the Republic of Moldova: 20 years of economic reforms: intern. scient. conf., Chisinău, 23-24 September, 2011. Ch., 2011, vol.I, p.520-523. ISBN 978-9975-75-587-0
Spoken languages
- Romanian– native
- English– fluent
- Russian– fluent