Freight and passenger transportation in year 2008
Freight and passenger transportation in year 2008
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in year 2008 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 16163,7 thou. tonnes of goods, or 95,2% of the total volume realized in the previous 2007 year. The decrease of the volume of transported goods has been registered by railway (-7,2%), air (-17,0%) and road transport (-0,1%), whereas the volume of transported goods by river transport has increased by 21,3%.
Turnover of goods decreased with 1,1% compared to year 2007, at the expense of the decrease of it in railway (-7,8%) and air transport (-7,5%). Simultaneously, it increased in road and river transport by, respectively 10,7% and 24,1%.
More detailed information is available in Romanian language.
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