Population incomes and expenditures in 2022

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, based on the Household Budget Survey, in 2022 monthly disposable incomes of population summed up in average per person 4252,7 lei, increasing by 21,2% compared to 2021. In real terms (adjusted to the consumer price index) population incomes decreased by 5,9%.

Monthly population expenditures in 2022 in average per person constituted 3711,9 lei, which is 22,1% more compared to the level of 2021. In real terms (adjusted to the consumer price index) the population spent decreased by 5,1% compared to 2021.

More detailed information is available in Romanian language.

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communitiesGoal 3: Good health and well-beingGoal 17: Partnerships for the goals
2021 2022 2022/2021 cheltuieli cheltuielile bănești cheltuielile de consum cheltuielile populației cifre date gospodării gospodării cu copii indicatori localităţile rurale localităţile urbane madiul rural mediul rural mediul urban moldova ponderea gospodăriilor salariul statistica statistici urban venituri venituri disponibile veniturile bănești veniturile populației

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