The statistical pocket book "Women and men in the Republic of Moldova" has been published
The pocket-book "Women and men in the Republic of Moldova" is a follow-up to a series of similar publications and contains information about the status of women and men in such areas like: demography, employment and unemployment, health care, education, social protection, criminality and living standards as of the end of 2008.
Gender equality, equity and the empowerment are increasingly recognized as essential to the sustainable development of a democratic society. This is grounded on the state's commitments to reach the goals and targets under the Millennium Development Goals as well as to fulfill CEDAW Concluding Comments to Moldova 2000 and 2006.
The statistical pocket book was published within the Joint UNDP UNIFEM, UNFPA Project "Strengthening National Statistical System".
Moldovan and English version
Format A6, 82 pages
Price: EUR 15
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