• NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS of the Republic of Moldova

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(Comunicat) Investment activity in the Republic of Moldova in year 2008.

National Bureau of Statistics communicates preliminary data regarding the investment activity in 2008. In 2008, in the Republic of Moldova, from the account of all financing sources, enterprises and organizations invested in fixed capital in the amount of 17710 million MDL, registering an increase of 0,4 % (in comparable prices) compared to year 2007.

(Comunicat) Construction of dwellings in the Republic of Moldova in year 2008

National Bureau of Statistics releases preliminary data on the construction of dwellings in year 2008 in the Republic of Moldova. In 2008 from the account of overall financing sources, there were given for use 6152 apartments with the total surface of 623,2 thousand square meters, that constituted 111,7% compared to the respective period of the previous year. Construction of dwellings was mainly performed by economic agents from non-state sector of national economy, being 82,5% from the overall dwellings given for use.

(Noutăți) It is disseminated the "External Trade of The Republic of Moldova, edition 2008"

National Bureau of Statistics informs about the dissemination of the statistical publication "External Trade of The Republic of Moldova, edition 2008". The publication contains summary statistical time series for 2006-2007 on export, import, trade balance for total, by continents, countries, groups of countries, commodity groups according the Nomenclature of Goods, the Standard International Trade Classification and Big Economic Categories, and also by countries-commodity groups.The publication is available on the CD-ROM and contains time series for 2001-2007 (in Excel format).

(Comunicat) Freight and passenger transportation in year 2008

National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in year 2008 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 16163,7 thou. tonnes of goods, or 95,2% of the total volume realized in the previous 2007 year. The decrease of the volume of transported goods has been registered by railway (-7,2%), air (-17,0%) and road transport (-0,1%), whereas the volume of transported goods by river transport has increased by 21,3%.

(Noutăți) It is disseminated the "Energy Balance of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2008"

National Bureau for Statistics presents the "Energy Balance of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2008". This compilation contains detailed information on the creation of primary and total energy resources, distribution and final consumption of energy by main economic activities and branches of industry, as well as the characteristic of energy equipment: installed capacity of electric power stations, consumption of fuel for production of electricity and thermal energy. This edition contains time series for 2000-2007.

(Comunicat) Global agricultural production in 2008 in the Republic of Moldova

National Bureau of Statistics announces that agricultural production in all types of households in year 2008, according to preliminary estimations, was about 16,4 billion MDL in current prices, registering 131,9% in comparable prices against year 2007. The increase of global agricultural production was determined by the essential increase of vegetal production- with 69,0%, the animal production registering a decrease with 19,6% compared to previous year.

(Comunicat) Industrial activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-December 2008

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-December 2008 industrial enterprises of all types of ownership, produced goods to the amount of 29654,62 mio. lei, in current prices. The volume index of industrial production in comparison with January-December 2007 constituted 100,7% (comparable prices). This index in December 2008 as compared to December 2007 constituted 95,5%.

(Noutăți) It is disseminated the statistical publication "Results of the sampling structural survey of enterprises"

National Bureau of Statistics informs about the dissemination of the statistical publication "Results of the sampling structural survey of enterprises". The publication presents the results of enterprises activity (including small and medium) received as a result of data processing of the Sampling Structural Survey spent in 2007, with application of sample survey methods. The Structural Survey contains a set of indicators, by means of which the whole industrial and commercial system of the enterprise is characterized. Analytical tables containing main economical indicators, including by types of activities, forms of ownership and size of enterprise are presented.

(Noutăți) It has been published the statistical publication "Aspects of the standard of living of the Population"

National Bureau of Statistics informs about the publishung of the statistical publication "Aspects of the standard of living of the Population". The publication contains information regarding main social and economic aspects which characterize the welfare level of the population, especially incomes, expenditures, housing conditions, availability of durable goods, household food consumption etc. The information is presented based on the Household Budget Survey in the Republic of Moldova for 2007. For the main indicators methodological notes are presented.

(Comunicat) The evolution of industrial production price indices in the Republic of Moldova in December 2008

The National Bureau of Statistics announces data on the evolution of industrial production price indices in the Republic of Moldova in December 20081)2). In December 2008 prices in industry generally have decreased compared to November the same year by 0,3%. In comparison with December 2007 the industrial production price index have increased by 3,4%.

(Comunicat) Foreign trade activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-November 2008

Imports in November 2008 have decreased compared to those in October 2008 and increased if compared to those in November 2007, meanwhile exports have reduced compared to both periods. The fall was influenced, mainly, by the consequences of the world financial crisis, which had a negative impact on the trade relations of the Republic of Moldova. The exports of commodities in November 2008 have registered a value of 123,7 mln. US dollars, with 17,7% less to the previous month and with 16,8% - compared to November 2007. In January-November 2008 the exports have summed up to 1477,1 mln. US dollars, a higher volume than that registered in the respective period in 2007 with 21, 6%.

(Comunicat) Consumer Price Indices in the Republic of Moldova in December 2008

The National Bureau of Statistics presents data regarding the Consumer Price Indices (the level of inflation) in December 2008. In December 2008 the average consumer prices have dropped compared to prices in November 2008 by 0,2 percents, being influenced by the decrease in prices for nonfood products – with 1,3 percents, as well as by the decrease in the tariffs for service rendering to population - with 1,2 percents, average prices for food products have remained at the same level as in November.

(Comunicat) Price development in constructions in quarter IV 2008

National Bureau of Statistics communicates that the prices for construction - assembly works in quarter IV 2008 increased with 4,6 % against quarter III 2008 and with 19,2% compared to the respective period of the previous year.

(Noutăți) It is disseminated the "Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2008"

National Bureau of Statistics has published the "Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova, edition 2008". The Yearbook contains the most important data regarding the socio-economic and demographic development of the country during 2000-2007.

(Comunicat) The activity of institutions of secondary vocational education at the beginning of 2008/09 school year

At the beginning of 2008/09 school year the network of secondary vocational education contained 75 units, of which 2 units (schools of trades) appertained to non- government sector. The network of secondary vocational education units was made of 23 schools of trades (including 6 units nearby penitentiaries), 50 vocational schools and 2 vocational lyceums.

(Comunicat) Subsistence level in the III quarter 2008

Subsistence level in the 3rd quarter 2008 constituted in average per person 1245,8 lei. The evolution of the subsistence level in the first three quarters of 2008 has registered the same tendencies as in the previous year, the highest value being registered in the second quarter (1341,9), and the lowest level in the third quarter (1245,8).

(Comunicat) The remuneration of employees in January-November 2008

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the period January-November 2008 the average monthly salary of one worker in the national economy was 2489,5 lei, registering an increase compared to the same period of the previous year with 24%. The real salary in the same time period has increased by 9%. In the budgetary sector the average salary was 1939,1 lei and has increased to the same period of the previous year with 21%, in the real sector of the economy – 2775,3 lei and has increased with 25% to the same period of the previous year.

(Noutăți) It has been published the statistical compilation “Population and demographic processes in the Republic of Moldova” edition 2008

The statistical compilation “Population and demographic processes in the Republic of Moldova” edition 2008. The compilation contains statistical data about the administrative-territorial division of the country and series of statistical data concerning the number and demographic structure of the population, as well as its natural movement (borns, deceased, marriages, divorces) and migratory (international) movement for 2001-2007.

(Comunicat) Industrial activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-November 2008

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-November 2008 industrial enterprises of all types of ownership, produced goods to the amount of 27023,02 mio. lei, in current prices. The volume index of industrial production in comparison with January-November 2007 constituted 101,2% (comparable prices).

(Comunicat) Freight and passenger transportation in January-November 2008

National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in January-November 2008 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 15428,5 thou. tonnes goods, or 99,9% of the total volume realized in the corresponding period of the previous year. The decrease of the volume of transported goods has been registered by railway (-1,7%) and air (-15,8%) transport, while by road and river transport the volume has increased, respectively by 3,3% and 17,8%.

(Comunicat) Evoulution of producer price index in November 2008

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in November 2008 producer price indeces decreased with 2,4% compared to October 2008. Compared to December 2007, producer prices indeces increased with 3,7%, and to November 2007 - with 2,9%.

(Comunicat) Gross Domestic Product in January-September 2008

National Bureau of Statistics informs data on GDP in January-September 2008.In January-September 2008 Gross Domestic Product summed up 47149 mio. lei in current prices, and has increased by 7,6% comapred to the same period of previous year.

(Noutăți) It is disseminated the "Quarterly Statistical Bulletin, January-September 2008"

National Bureau for Statistics presents the "Quarterly Statistical Bulletin, January-September 2008". The bulletin contains data in dynamics in the form of tables on main statistical indicators for years, quarters, months, which characterize the social, economic and demographic situation of the country.

(Comunicat) External trade activity of the Republic of Moldova in October 2008

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in October 2008, exports of the Republic of Moldova amounted 150,4 mio. USD, 2% less that in the previous month and 5% more than in October 2007.In October 2008 imports of goods amounted 428,5 mio. USD, 2,1% less than in the previous month and 16,0% more that in October 2007.

(Comunicat) The evolution of the consumer price index in November 2008

National Bureau of Statistics informs about the consumer price index in November 2008. In November 2008, the average consumer prices remained at the same level as in the October 2008, being influenced by the decrease of the prices of non-foodstuff products - by 0,6%, as well as by the increase of tariffs for rendering services for population - by 1,1%, the average prices for foodstuff products remained at the level of October 2008.

(Comunicat) The remuneration of employees, January-October 2008

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the period January-October 2008 the average monthly salary of one worker from the national economy was of 2474, 9 lei, registering an increase compared to the same period of the previous year by 24%. The real salary in the same time period has increased by 9%. In the budgetary sector the average salary was 1917, 1 lei and has increased to the same period of the previous year by 21%, in the real sector of the economy –2764,3 lei and has increased by 25 percents to the same period of the previous year.

(Comunicat) The touristic activity of tourism agencies and tour-operators in January-September 2008

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-September 2008 tourism agencies and tour-operators have provided tourism services to 112, 8 thousand tourists and excursionists, with 3,0% less that in the respective period of 2007. This reduction was determined by the decrease in the number of tourists and excursionists participants at the internal tourism (-8, 0%) and issuer tourism (-0, 7%). However, receiver tourism has registered a moderate increase of about 0, 5%.

(Employment and unemployment) Labour force in the Republic of Moldova: employment and unemployment in the III-rd quarter 2008

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the III-rd quarter 2008 the economically active population (employed population and unemployed persons) of the Republic of Moldova was of about 1359 thousand persons, being almost the same as in the III-rd quarter 2007. Major discrepancies by sexes in the economically active population were not registered: the number of men was by 1% greater than that of women. The share of rural population was higher compared to that of urban population (56,5% and, respectively 43,5%).

(Comunicat) The evolution of the industrial production price indeces in the Republic of Moldova in October 2008

The evolution of the industrial production price indeces in the Republic of Moldova in October 2008...

(Noutăți) Round table “International comparability as a tool for analysing national educational system and for elaborating educational policies”

Within the technical assistance provided by UNICEF representative in Moldova on the 21st November 2008 the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of the Republic of Moldova has organized a round table “International comparability as a tool for analysing national educational system and for elaborating educational policies”.

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