Abortion rate represents the frequency of abortions in women per 1000 live births.
Abuse of power or abuse of functions (art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - intentional use by a public person of the employment situation, if it has caused considerable damage to public interests or the rights and interests protected by law of individuals or legal.
Accident at work is defined as an event that produced violent damages to the employee’s body (injury, psychological stress, electrocution, burn, freezing wounds, asphyxia, professional acute intoxication, body injuries provoked by insects and animals, natural calamities, etc.), as a result of actions induced by some risk factors (peculiarity, condition, process, phenomenon, behavior) peculiar to a work system element (executor, work tasks, production means, work environment), provoking the temporary or permanent loss of work capacities or death of the employee, occurred:
- during the carrying out the work tasks or duty obligations;
- before starting or after ending the work, when the employee moves from the entrance of the premises of the enterprise, institution, organization (hereinafter referred to as unit) to the place of work and backwards, changes his/her personal clothes into individual protection and work equipment and vice-versa, takes over or returns the production means and the place of work;
- during the set breaks, when the employee stays on the territory of the unit or his/her place of work, as well as when visiting the sanitary-hygienic or auxiliary premises;
- during the trip from home and backwards with the transportation provided by the unit, in the established way, as well as when getting into and out of this transportation means;
- during the move from the unit in which the employee works to the place of work organized outside the territory of the unit, or to another unit and backwards, or to another locality and backwards, so as to carry out a work task or a duty obligation, in a useful period for him/her and on the established move route, regardless of the movement way or the used transportation means;
- during the participation in cultural, sport events and other activities organized by the unit based on the order issued by the employer;
- during the action undertaken on own initiative for preventing or avoiding a danger or to rescue another employee from the danger within the circumstances specified in letters a), b), c), d) and f) from above;
- during the production training or professional internship based on the contract concluded between the employer and the educational institution, between the employer, pupils and students.
Accrued liabilities – liabilities to other legal and natural persons (personnel, social insurance funds, budget, various creditors).
Active user is the person or organization which has used the library services and facilities during the year of reference.
Activity rate of population by area - number of economically active women/men aged 15 years and over (including the employed and unemployed population), divided by the total women/men of the respective age.
Actuary - natural person specialized in financial risk assessment by actuarial methods (statistical, mathematical and economic), holder of a qualification certificate issued by the supervisory authority.
Adolescent and women fertility rate - number of live births per 1000 women of a certain age (in the limits of reproductive age - 15-49 years) divided to the total number of women of this age.
Age specific enrolment rate – represents the number of students of a specific age enrolled in educational institutions at all levels of education, expressed as a percentage of the total population of the same age.
Age-specific mortality rate – is the frequency of deaths by age per 1000 people of that age.
Agricultural land represents the lands plots used systematically for obtaining agricultural production. The area of the agricultural land is set from: arable land, perennial plantations (vineyards, orchards, and nut plantations), pastures and hayfields.
Agricultural production in value expression is calculated in current prices, also in prices of 2005 - for comparability at the calculation of relative indicators, and it is determined as the sum of plant and animal production.
Agricultural production sale volume covers the sale of own agricultural production obtained by the agricultural enterprises and organizations producing agricultural products (including farms with agricultural land area of 50 ha and over), regardless of the organizational-legal form and ownership type, through all sale channels, including the production sold through barter. The quantity of the agricultural production sold to enterprises and organizations collecting and processing agricultural production is indicated in equivalent mass, received for payment; through other sale channels – in physical mass.
Agricultural production value is reflected: with increments and price discounts for the quality of the sold production, excepting the taxes on products which are to be paid (value added tax, excise duties, transportation fees, production loading and unloading). The value of the agricultural production does not include the amounts of allowances and compensations for the expenses incurred for the agricultural production from the state budget and other sources.
Agricultural production sale price – the monetary value of a production unit.
Agricultural production average sale price is calculated by groups of products, specifying the main agricultural crops.
Agricultural production price indices are calculated based on real average prices set for the sold production during the reported period, in percentages as against the previous year.
The price indices may be obtained in two ways:
- Individual agricultural products’ price indices, which measure the evolution of prices for certain agricultural products sold during the current period as against the base or reference period.
- Aggregated price indices (Paasche formula), which are calculated by groups of products:
- cereals and leguminous-crops
- industrial crops
- potatoes
- vegetables
- melons and gourds
- forage crops
- fruits and berries
- grapes
- planting material for orchards, vineyards and fruit trees
- flowers
- dry walnuts
- livestock and poultry (in live weight)
- milk
- eggs
- wool (in natural weight)
- karakul and skin
- bee honey
Physical volume induces of agricultural production sale – are calculated as the ratio between the quantity of production during the reported period in prices of the base period and the value of production during the base period in prices of the base period.
Annual average number of population – the arithmetic mean of the number of the population at the beginning of the reference year and at the beginning of the next year.
Arable land represents the agricultural land plots systematically processed (ploughed) and used for sowing agricultural crops and perennial herbs.
Asylum – a welfare institution for the maintenance of elders, orphans, etc.
Authorized administrator - natural person invested according to the law with attributions of supervision and / or administration of the legal persons of private law or of the individual entrepreneurs in the process of insolvency or dissolution.
Auxiliary personnel – workers who participate in executing research and development themes or those who are directly involved in carrying out such themes: workers of the economic and financial planning subdivisions, technical-scientific information subdivisions; workers who assemble, adjust, maintain, and repair the scientific devices and apparatus; lab workers without higher and specialized secondary education.
Average annual number of population – the arithmetic average of population at the beginning of the reference year and beginning of the next year.
Average gross monthly earning represents the relation between the gross amounts calculated for employees by the economic and social units (remuneration fund) during the period of reference, regardless of the period of time for which these are due, and the average number of employees.
Average net monthly earning represents the relation between the gross amounts calculated for employees by the economic and social units during the period of reference (remuneration fund), regardless of the period of time for which these are due, except for the: income tax for natural persons’/ employees’ income and the individual contributions of state compulsory social insurance; individual premiums for health compulsory insurance (according to the in force quotas) and the average number of employees.
Average number of employees in the year of reference represents a simple arithmetic mean, resulting from the sum of the daily numbers of employees (excluding those whose work contract / work relations were suspended) from the year of reference – including the weekends, legal holidays and other non-working days – divided to the total number of calendar days (365 days).
Balance of internal migration /net internal migration (with change of domicile/temporary residence), on a given date (e.g., January 1, year t), represents the difference between the number of people arriving in a locality and the number of people leaving that locality.
Balance of international migration (net international migration) represents the difference between the flow of immigrants and the flow of emigrants, in the reference period (year t).
Balancing item of the external balance of goods and services represents the difference between exports and imports of goods and services; they can be calculated separately for transactions of goods and services.
products and including subsidies on products.
Non-market production is evaluated at current prices using
market prices at similar goods and services sold on the market, when it is possible to determine them, or,
by expenditures on production when market prices are not available.
Births attended by skilled health personnel represents births attended by skilled health personnel (doctors, nurses or midwives) during delivery as a percentage of births in the same period.
Blackmail (art. 189 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - the request to transfer the goods to the owner, possessor or holder or the right over them or to commit other patrimonial actions, violently threatening the person, his relatives with the spread of defamatory news about them, with the damage or destruction of the property of the owner, possessor, holder or with the abduction of the owner, possessor, holder or their relatives.
Book – an occasional publication of at least 49 pages.
Born-alive is the product of conception, expelled or completely extracted from the mother's body of the fetus at the end of 22 weeks of gestation and/or with the weight of the child from 500 grams and more, breathing or showing other signs of life (breathing, cardiac activity, pulsations of the umbilical cord or voluntary muscle contractions). Until 2007, a live birth was defined as the total expulsion or extraction of the fetus from the mother's body, regardless of the duration of the pregnancy.
Brochure – an occasional publication of 5-48 pages.
Budgetary sector – totality of units funded by the state budget, state social insurance budget, administrative-territorial units’ budget, and special means, regardless of the branch subordination.
Budget deficit represents the exceeding expenditures over revenues.
Budget surplus represents the exceeding revenues over expenditures.
Burglary (art. 187 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - the open theft of another person's property.
Capital repairs including the total of the works and measures to restore the operating state of buildings, constructions and their components, including the construction and engineering equipment, the expiry date of which has expired. In addition, the capital repairs of buildings and constructions, supposed the replacing of used details and constructions or the exchanging them with other more resistant and advantageous, which improve the functioning possibilities of restored object, with the exception of the replacement of basic constructions (walls, foundations etc.).
Capital repairs works is the value of a set of works and measures in order to restore the capacity or operating conditions of buildings, structures and their parts and components, including construction and machinery. Thus, for the overhaul work of buildings and constructions are carried out the replacement of used parts, or their exchange with other more resistant and advantageous. It improves the exploitation possibilities of the repaired object and increases the useful life, compared to the fixed duration of the initial entry, with the exception of the complete replacement of the basic constructions (walls, foundations, intermediate floors, etc.).
Capital transfers constitute operations with unique character and considerable as value, related to the procurement or sale of the participants’ assets in these operations. Here are also included taxes on capital, subsidies for investments and other capital transfers.
Cattle livestock – population of cattle and poultry in all the holdings which carry out agricultural activity, regardless of the fact if it is for market sale purpose or for internal consumption of the household (nutrition, etc.).
The main breeds of agricultural animals are the following:
- cattle;
- pigs;
- sheep and goats;
- horses.
Cattle – all the animals from cattle species, regardless of the sex, age or economic destination.
Cows – females who have calved at least once.
Reproduction bulls – males used effectively as breeders.
Work cattle – males altered at an age of over 2 years.
Calves of over 1 year – number of calf males and females of over 1 year.
Pigs – all the animals from pigs’ species, regardless of the sex, age, and economic destination.
Sows – females who have calved once and more times.
Pigs of 4 months and over – number of pigs of over 4 months. This group includes the young
females and males, without including the number of boars for reproduction.
Sheep – all the animals from the sheep species, regardless of the sex, age, and economic destination.
Lambing sheep – females who have lambed once and more times.
Goat – total number of goats (adults and youth), as well as he-goats.
Kidding goats - number of she-goats who have kidded at least once.
Horses – total number of horses, regardless of the sex, age, and economic destination.
Poultry – total number of poultry, regardless of the age and sex.
Rabbits – total number of rabbits for meat, skin, and angora hair.
Bee families – total number of bee families.
The information recorded in the census reflects population and housing characteristics as at 00.00 on the census reference date, which is the first day of the census data collection period.
Changes in stocks (CS) represent the difference between stocks at the beginning and at the end of period. The stocks represent the goods which are not included in the gross fixed capital formation existing in the production unit. By convention, households (as consumers) do not have stocks. Also, the branches of public administration and of non-profit institutions serving households sector with non-market production purposes do not have stocks, except the strategic ones.
Child trafficking (art. 206 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - is the act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, housing or receiving a child, as well as giving or receiving payments or benefits for obtaining the consent of a person in control of the child, in the purpose of commercial or non-commercial sexual exploitation, exploitation through forced labor or services, the practice of begging or other vile purposes, appropriation of aid, allowances or social benefits, illegal use in medical or scientific tests or experiments, exploitation in slavery or in conditions similar to slavery, use in armed conflict, use in criminal activity, collection of human organs, tissues and / or cells, sale or purchase, use as a surrogate mother or for reproductive purposes, illegal adoption.
Collection is a set of cultural and natural assets built in a systematic and coherent way by individuals or public and private legal entities.
Combined Nomenclature of goods represents the multifunctional classification of goods circulating on the world market and includes the codes, names and corresponding to the description of the goods classification systems applied in international practice, placed on or removed from the customs territory, and also the amount of duty to those goods. The Nomenclature is used for the purpose of implementing tariff and non-tariff measures to regulate the external economic activity of the state, to improve the statistical evidence and to exchange information on the movement of goods externally, and to align them with international standards. The criterion which lays at the basis of this nomenclature is the nature of the goods, a list of the goods being made depending on the degree of processing: raw materials, semi-finished and finished products.
Concert and performance institutions represent cultural units in public or private ownership, serving the society and having an educational and recreational role, as well as the role to promote cultural-artistic, local and universal values at the national and international levels. They present dramatic, lyrical, choreographic, entertaining, popular, circus, puppet shows, as well as concerts of any style or any type of performance presented directly to the public.
Concert institutions are philharmonics, orchestra or any other instrumental, chorus or vocal-instrumental bands, which have permanent artistic personnel able to provide activities for a whole concert season.
Construction permit – a document issued by the issuer, which is allowed to perform construction works on the basis and in compliance with the urbanism certificate for design and the developed and verified project documentation.
Construction works represent the entire set of activities performed with the aim to produce real estate assets, new buildings and civil constructions, as well as to restore, reconstruction and expansion, repair, and maintain the existing ones.
Consumer Price Index is an estimative indicator, which characterizes the general trends of the prices for purchased goods and the tariffs for services used by the population, in order to satisfy their needs over a certain period of time (current period) in comparison to a fixed period (base period).
The calculation of indices is based on the structure of households expenditures and the prices recorded for 1200 goods and services, representative in all forms of trade and services provided, in 900 centres of 8 cities of the country.
For the calculation of the given index, there are taken into consideration only the elements included in the population consumption (excluding the own consumption of goods and services; expenditures for taxes, fires, interest rates, securities and other).
The list of foodstuff and non-foodstuff products and services, for which the prices and tariffs are registered, includes the goods and services with the highest weight in the consumption expenditures of the population, thus the change of their prices would reflect the trend of the group prices, to which they belong.
Continuing vocational training represents all training measures or activities (courses or other forms of vocational training) which are organized and financed by the enterprises totally or partly, for their employees. In order to include an activity into the continuing vocational training category, it should be planned in advance; financed at least partly by the enterprise or from external assistance granted to the unit (grants, sponsorships, etc.) and have as their objectives the acquisition of new competences or the development and improvement of existing ones.
Contributing family worker – is the person carrying out the activity within a family economic unit, headed by a family member or by a relative, for which he/she does not receive remuneration in form of salary or payment in kind. The agricultural farm is considered as such unit. If several persons from a household are working within their farm, one of them – generally the household head – is considered as own account worker and the others are considered as contributing family workers.
Passive corruption (art. 324 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - claiming, accepting or receiving, personally or through an intermediary, by a public person or by a foreign public person of goods, services, privileges or advantages in any form, which is not he is entitled, for himself or for another person, or to accept their offer or promise to fulfill or not to perform or to delay or hasten the performance of an action in the exercise of his function or contrary to it.
Active corruption (art. 325 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - the promise, offering or giving, personally or through an intermediary, to a public person or a foreign public person of goods, services, privileges or advantages in any form, which are not due to him, for this or another person, to perform or not to perform or to delay or hasten the performance of an action in the exercise of his function or contrary to it.
Country of destination for exports is considered the last known country at the export moment, where goods are to be dispatched for consumption (public and private consumption, or used in the production process).
Country of origin for imports is considered the country where the goods were processed completely or the last country where the goods were significantly changed (in case when two or more countries were involved in the production process).
Court executor - a natural person who obtained the license and was invested by the state with the competence to carry out activities of public interest in order to carry out the forced execution provided by the legislation in force.
Registered crime (offence) - a deed (action or inaction) prejudicial, provided by the criminal law, committed with guilt and punishable by criminal punishment.
Contravention - the action or inaction - illicit, with a lower degree of social danger than the crime, committed with guilt, which violates the social values protected by law and is subject to contraventional penalty.
Exceptionally serious crime - is considered the crime committed with intent for which the criminal law provides life imprisonment.
Particularly serious crime - is considered the crime committed with intent for which the criminal law provides for a maximum punishment in imprisonment for a term exceeding 12 years.
Serious crime - is considered the deed for which the criminal law provides for a maximum sentence in imprisonment up to 12 years inclusive.
Less serious crime - is considered the deed for which the criminal law provides for a maximum sentence of imprisonment up to 5 years inclusive.
Minor crime - is considered the act for which the criminal law provides as a maximum sentence the imprisonment up to 2 years inclusive.
Crimes related to the illicit circulation of drugs (art. 217 - art. 219 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) illegal activities regarding:
- Illegal sowing or cultivation of plants containing drugs or ethnobotanicals, processing or use of such plants,
- Production, preparation, experimentation, extraction, processing, processing, procurement, storage, dispatch, transportation of drugs, ethnobotanicals or analogs,
- Theft or extortion of drugs or ethnobotanicals,
- Illegal use of drugs, ethnobotanicals or their analogues, committed publicly or on the territory of educational institutions, social rehabilitation institutions, penitentiaries, military units, in places of leisure, in places of education, training of minors or youth, other cultural or sporting activities or in their immediate vicinity
- Intentional unlawful introduction, in any way, into another person's body, against his will, of drugs, ethnobotanicals or their analogues,
- Unnecessary prescription of drugs, falsification of prescription or other documents that allow obtaining drugs
- Organizing or maintaining caves for drug or ethnobotanical consumption, as well as making the premises available for these purposes.
Criminal antecedent - the legal status of the person, which appears from the moment the conviction sentence becomes final, generating unfavorable legal consequences for the convict until the moment of extinguishing the criminal record or rehabilitation.
Criminal punishment is a measure of state coercion and a means of correcting and re-educating the convict applied by the courts, in the name of the law, to persons who have committed crimes, causing certain shortcomings and restrictions on their rights.
Cultural-artistic network represents the set of units and institutions from different cultural and artistic backgrounds: libraries, museums, concert and performance institutions, publishing houses (newspapers and magazines).
Current market price includes marketing and transport margins, taxes on products and excludes the subsidies on products. In order to eliminate the influence of various taxes and subsidies in different branches of the economy on the structure of production and generation of income, branch indicators are valued at basic prices.
Current transfers include the current taxes on incomes and welfare, payments for social security, voluntary payments and gifts which do not have capital character, fines etc.
Daily average duration of paid work and domestic work - average number of hours per day allocated by women/men, who have carried out paid work and domestic work activities.
Debt receivables – the part of assets of the enterprise, which have to be paid by third parties, natural or legal persons, in a certain period.
Deaths is the person whose vital functions have definitively ceased after some time has passed since birth.
Deceased person - the person who died at the scene of the accident or during a period of up to 30 days after the accident, as a result of bodily injury or complications following the accident.
Decile – is one of the nine values that divide the series of frequencies in ten equal parts so that the first 10% (1st decile) represent the population with the lowest incomes/expenditures, while the last 10% (10th decile) represent the population with the highest incomes/expenditures.
Deflator index is the ratio of gross domestic product GDP calculated in current market prices to the volume of gross domestic product calculated in prices of the previous year.
Demographic dependency ratio of the old people – represents the number of elderlies returning to 100 persons aged 15-64, at the beginning of the reference year.
Demographic burden index- the number of people unable to work per 100 people of working age.
Detainee - a person deprived of liberty under the law, who is detained in penitentiaries, regardless of his status (sentenced or unsentenced).
Detention - any form of institutional deprivation of liberty, ordered on the basis of a final or enforceable decision of the court (investigating judge), issued under the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Life imprisonment consists in depriving the convict of his liberty for the rest of his life. Life imprisonment is established only for exceptionally serious crimes. Life imprisonment cannot be applied to women and minors.
Disability - a generic term for impairments/deficiencies, activity limitations and participation restrictions, which denote the negative aspects of the interaction between the individual (who has a health problem) and the contextual factors in which the individual lives (environmental and personal factors).
Disability without a term of re-expertise - establishing the degree of disability without a term of re-expertise by the National Council for Determining Disability and Work Capacity. In children, disability without a re-expertise period is established only for the period up to 18 years.
Discouraged persons are inactive persons, available to work in the next 15 days, who do not have a job and who stated that they are looking for a job, but did not take any step over the last 4 weeks for this purpose, or they do not look for a job due to the following reasons:
− thought there are no vacancies or did not know where else to look for;
− do not feel themselves skilled;
− think will not find a job because of the age;
− previously looked for a job and did not find any.
The disposable incomes of the population are the sum of cash and in kind resources obtained from a paid activity and self-employment, from the sale of agricultural products produced on the auxiliary land plot, income from assets, pensions and other social benefits, as well as other current transfers (including goods and money received from outside the household).
The disposable incomes by type may be in cash or in kind:
- Cash incomes are amounts of cash received by people from different sources that are not reimbursable;
- In kind incomes (assessed in MDL) are both the counter value of consumption from the household’s own resources (auxiliary land plot, stocks, etc.) and the counter value of in kind incomes received at the workplace, education, individuals, cash benefits, etc. The assessment in MDL is carried out at the average acquisition prices in the period of reference.
The disposable incomes by their source are divided in:
- Incomes from wages and salaries are considered incomes received as wages, salary increases, bonuses, other salary entitlements provided for in the legislation or collective labor agreements for the time worked in the usual work schedule and in the additional one, as well as other salary entitlements. These incomes also include the counter value of products and services delivered as salary entitlements.
- Incomes from self-employment in agriculture are the net income from the sale of own agricultural products, as well as the counter value of consumption received from the own unsold agricultural resources.
- Incomes from self-employment in non-agricultural sector are the net incomes received from various types of self-employment in non-agriculture. These incomes also include the amounts received from the sale of end products of individual work activities and from the profit obtained by individuals as a result of trade-mediation activities.
- Incomes from property – funds received by the population as interest for bank deposits and loans provided to individuals; dividends and sales of shares; rent payments for assets that are not related to the production activity (real estate, means of transport, long-term use assets, etc.).
- Incomes from social payments cover old-age pensions, disability pensions and survivor’s pensions; social allowances; benefits for incapacity to work; one-off benefits (childbirth allowance, death benefits); child care allowance until the child reaches the age of 2,0/3,0 years; social aid; monthly state allowances; scholarships, etc.
- Other incomes – alimonies; cash and products received for free, remittances, etc.
Divorce is the dissolution of a legally concluded marriage, through a final decision of the judicial bodies.
Doctoral studies can be conducted throughout scientific research activity.
Domestic violence (art. 2011 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - intentional action or inaction committed by a family member against another family member, manifested by: i) abuse, other violent actions, resulting in minor bodily injury or of health, ii) isolation, intimidation for the purpose of imposing the will or personal control over the victim, iii) deprivation of economic means, including lack of primary means of subsistence, neglect, if they caused the victim minor harm to bodily integrity or health.
Drunkenness - the state of psycho-functional disorder of the body caused by the consumption of alcohol, drugs and / or other substances with similar effects.
Dwelling stock – is the totality of all dwellings irrespective of the forms of ownership, situated on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, including the dwelling-houses, specialized houses (hostels, invalid’s homes, veteran’s homes, old people’s homes etc.), apartments, office premises and other dwellings in non-residential buildings.
Living quarters is an isolated quarters which is considered to be immovable property and can be used for the permanent residence of the citizens (it complies with the technical and sanitary rules and regulations as well as with other legal provisions).
Dwelling house – an individually determined building, which consists of rooms and ancillary rooms, designed to meet the various household needs of citizens related to their housing in the building.
Apartment – a structurally separate room in a multiple-dwelling apartment block that provides direct access to common use rooms in this block that may have one or more rooms as well as ancillary rooms designed to meet the household needs of citizens, related to their living in such a separate room.
The room – is part of a dwelling or apartment, intended for its direct use for the citizens in the home or apartment.
The total area of living quarters is determined as the sum of the surfaces of all parts of such premises, including surface spaces auxiliary designed to meet various household needs of citizens in living their living space, excluding balconies, loggias, verandas and terraces.
Earnings include payments for time worked, time not worked and in kind. They include payments for piecework or for shiftwork, bonuses, allowances, tips, commissions, etc. They are recorded in the period in which work is accomplished. However, additional bonuses or other exceptional payments (thirteenth month salary, payments for previous periods etc.) are recorded when due to be paid.
Economic activity – the process that leads to the production of a similar set of outputs (goods, services), which characterizes the most aggregated categories of classification of economic activities.
Economic inactivity rate of the population - number of inactive women/men aged 15 years and over (did not work at least one hour and are not unemployed), divided by the total number of women/men of the respective age.
Enrollment rate by level of education - number of girls/ boys enrolled in the respective level of education, regardless the age, divided by the total girls/ boys in the official age group corresponding to this level of education.
Enrollment rate in primary and lower secondary education - number of girls/ boys enrolled in primary and lower secondary education, regardless of age, in relation to the total girls/ boys from the official group of age corresponding to the primary level (7-10 years old) and lower secondary level (11-15 years old).
Enrollment rate in upper secondary and tertiary education - number of girls/ boys enrolled in upper secondary and tertiary education, regardless of age, in relation to the total girls/ boys from the official group of age corresponding to the upper secondary level (16-18 years old) and tertiary level ( 19-23 years old).
Gender Parity Index - enrollment rate of girls in a certain level of education divided by the enrollment rate of boys in the respective level of education.
The transition rate from primary to lower secondary education represents the ratio of the number of students admitted in the first year of lower secondary education in a given year of study, expressed as a percentage of the number of students enrolled in the final year of primary education in previous school year.
Graduate - is the pupil or the student who successfully promoted the last year of studies of a school or a university.
Early school leaving rate - number of girls/ boys aged 18-24 who have completed at most basic education (lower secondary, primary school or no school), who is not involved in any further education or training, divided by the total number of girls/ boys aged 18 -24 years old.
Literacy rate - number of girls/ boys aged 15-24 years old, graduating at least a primary education, divided by the total girls/ boys aged 15-24 years old.
Population structure by level of education - share of women/ men aged 25-64 by graduated level of education (low: lower secondary, primary, no primary education; medium: general secondary, lyceum, secondary vocational, postsecondary vocational; upper: under-and post-graduate) in the total women/ men aged 25-64 years old.
Share of women and men among teaching staff - number of women/ men employed in the education system, teaching in the educational and training process (full-time and part-time) in relation to the total number of teaching staff.
Share of women and men as rectors of higher education institutions number of women/ men in management positions/heads of universities (rectors) divided by the total number of rectors.
Education system – all institutions and organizations (educational, economic, political, scientific, cultural, public) and of communities (family, nation, professional groups, mass-media), which directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly, perform educational functions, ensuring the training and professional development process of personality within the formal, non-formal and informal education.
Eggs production – all the quantity of eggs collected during one year, for all kinds of poultry, including the eggs used for poultry reproduction (incubation etc.).
Embezzlement of foreign property (art. 191 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - the misappropriation, disposal or illegal use of the property of another or other persons by whom they were entrusted on the basis of a title and for a certain purpose or refusal to return, which caused considerable damage.
Emigrants - people who emigrate abroad for a period of at least 12 months. Emigration is the action by which a person who previously had usual residence on the territory of the Republic of Moldova ceases to have usual residence on the territory of the country for a period of at least 12 months.
Emission – any introduction of pollutants into the environment as a result of any human activity, whether intentional or accidental, planned or extraordinary.
Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere – atmospheric air evacuation of pollutants from stationary and mobile sources. All pollutants emitted into the atmospheric air after they pass through the dust and gas capture facilities of the organized pollution sources, so without treatment from the organized and unorganized pollution sources.
Emission limit admissible (ELA) – is evacuation of pollutant, determined by calculating the dispersion in the atmospheric air from the ground emission source or group of sources that do not exceed the air quality norms provided for the population, the animal and plant world.
Emission of pollutants provisionally coordinated (EPC) – is the evacuation of polluting substances which, being evacuated and dispersed from the ground emission source or group of sources, exceeds air quality norms and for which it is foreseen to ELA volume, emission reduction measures plan.
Purification of gases – removal of polluting substances from the gas mixture content when evacuated from sources of atmospheric air pollution by means of special devices, installations and equipment.
The amount of polluting substances captured (neutralized) includes all types of pollutants captured (neutralized) in the dust collecting (gas purification) installations from the total volume of pollutants emitted by stationary sources.
A stationary source of atmospheric pollution – an immobile technological unit, which in the process of operation eliminates pollutants in the atmosphere.
Water capture from natural aquatic objectives for use – extraction of water from surface and underground aquatic basins for water use. The total volume of water captured includes mine waters obtained as a result of the extraction of ores.
Water use – use of water resources extracted from different sources to satisfy economic, social and domestic needs. This does not include use of waste and drainage water and repeated circulating water.
Employed population covers all the persons aged 15 years and over who have carried out an economic or social activity to provide goods or services for at least one hour during the period of reference (one week), in order to obtain incomes in forms of salary, payment in kind, and other benefits.
Employee – the person carrying out an activity based on an individual work contract with the employer in exchange for remuneration in the form of salary in money and/or in kind.
Employer is the person who performs his/her occupation (profession) in his/her own unit (enterprise, agency, workshop, shop, office, firm, etc.), for the activity of which he/she employs one or more permanent employees.
Employment rate by presence of children aged 0-6 years - number of employed women/men aged 25-49 years (have carried out economic or social activities for income), with/without children, divided by the total number of women/men of the respective age.
End products are considered to be the products which were processed within the enterprise (have passed the whole technological process) and meet the technical standards and conditions set in the contract. In the framework of industrial statistics, products are expressed in quantities and values.
The energy balance is composed of two large compartments: “Resources” and “Distributions”.
The “Resources” compartment mirrors the sources producing energy resources, while the “Distributions” compartment – the main distribution and consumptions directions.
The “Resources” compartment of the energy balance contains information on creation of energy resources:
- production of primary energy and recovered energy;
- import;
- stocks at the beginning of the period.
Production of primary energy covers the energy obtained from the exploitation of energy sources existing in nature (in deposits, forests, water flows, etc.). It can be used as such or after a preliminary processing (sorting, washing, purification, etc.) and does not change their initial structure, but only improves the quality to be used as fuel or raw material for producing other combustible or non-combustible products. The primary energy production also covers production of hydro-electrical energy, solar energy, geo-thermal energy, wind energy, biogas, etc. Other sources of recovered energy include combustible products obtained as result of some activities, other than those of energy production, such as wood processing, agriculture, etc.
Import covers quantities of primary and transformed energy entered on the territory of the country from abroad. The volume, which transits the national territory, is not included.
Stocks at the beginning of the reference period cover the stocks of primary energy and transformed energy held by producers, distributors, and consumers, as well as those under economic units’ custody.
The “Distributions” compartment of the energy balance covers the quantity of distributed energy resources by destination, losses, export, and stocks of energy at the end of the year. Sector for transformation in other energy sources is presented by quantities of fuel consumed in installations for electricity production (regardless of the installation type and economic unit type), as well as for production of thermal energy. Final consumption of resources for production-technological needs is represented by consumptions meant for industrial production (specified by types of activities), in agriculture, constructions, transportation, illumination, heating, ventilation, water supply, and other economy sectors.
Export covers the quantities delivered from outside of the country. For electricity – export covers the quantities delivered by the energy system. The electricity transiting the country is not covered.
Losses cover:
- for electricity: technological consumption in transportation, transformation, and distribution installations;
- for thermal energy: quantity of thermal energy from used steam and condensation which is not returned to the steam boilers; thermal energy as hot - water which is not returned to the hot water production source;
- for fuel: quantities lost during transportation, manipulation and storage performed by producers, distributors, and consumers.
Stock at the end of the period covers the quantities of fuel and combustible held by producers, distributors, and consumers at the end of the reference period, regardless of their source.
Engineering structures – the construction objects which are not classified under buildings, but are designed to create conditions for production, services or social-cultural activities (roads, railways, bridges, stadiums, electric networks, sanitation networks, water networks, gas pipelines, communication networks etc.).
Expenditures for final consumption represent the expenses of households and public administration for individual and collective goods and services, as well as the expenses of the non-profit institutions serving households sector.
Expenditures for final consumption of households represent the expenses of households for procuring goods and services used to directly meet the human individual needs of the resident households.
Expenditures for final consumption of non-profit institutions serving households sector represent the expenses of these units for procuring goods and services so as to supply them free of charge to households as social transfers in kind.
Expenditures for final consumption of public administration for collective services include the services provided from the National Public Budget account by enterprises and organizations for the benefit of collectives or some groups of households.
Expenditures for final consumption of public administration for individual services and goods cover the expenses of public administration for procurement of goods and services for the individual benefit of households.
Expenditures for labor force (labor force cost) represents the totality of direct and indirect costs incurred by the employer for the labour force.
Labor force cost includes the direct and indirect expenditures for labor force.
Direct expenditures for labor force include: the amounts calculated for the worked time, amounts calculated for the non-worked time and payments in kind.
The amounts calculated for the worked time include:
- the gross basic salaries corresponding to the effectively worked time in the normal program and overtime (including indexation, allowances from the management, merit-based salaries, and other rights which are part of the basic salary according to the corresponding normative acts);
- top-ups and allowances granted as a percentage of the gross basic salary or fixed amounts;
- other top-ups to salaries according to the law or set forth in the collective work contracts;
- the bonuses granted during the year and the annual bonuses from the payroll fund, the 13th salary, the material assistance for paid leaves etc.;
- other amounts paid from the payroll fund, the net profit, other means according to the law or according to the collective work contracts (commissions from sale, value of the shares distributed to the employees or facilities for procuring shares, payments made by the employer to employees within some saving programs, etc.).
The amounts calculated for the non-worked time include the amounts calculated for: paid leaves, study leave, for holidays, special family events (marriage, birth of child, death, etc.), technical unemployment, etc.
Payments in kind include the amounts paid to the employees as remuneration of work, according to some normative acts or provisions of the work collective contracts in the form of products, rent payment, fuel, energy, transport, meals, etc.
Indirect expenditures for labor force represent the expenditures incurred by the employer, other than the remuneration of the personnel, such as: employer’s contribution for state compulsory social insurance, premiums of health compulsory insurance paid by the employer, vocational training costs, expenditures for personnel recruitment, medical check-up, individual protection equipment, special meals / protection, for hygiene-sanitary materials of protection, etc.
Average monthly labour cost per employee represents the totality of costs (direct and indirect) made by the unit for the labor force, in average, per employee; it is obtained as a relation between the annual amount for expenditures for labor force and the annual average number of employees, and the number of year months.
Expenditures for other innovative activities includes: internal or external training for staff, for the development and / or introduction of new or significantly improved products and processes, in-house or contracted activities to place innovations on the market, including market analysis and advertising, design or for changing the shape or appearance of goods or services, other own or contracted activities such as: feasibility studies, testing, endowment, industrial engineering for the implementation of new or improved products and processes.
Expenditures of the national budget are determined by the allocations stipulated by the annual budget law designed to meet society’s needs to cover social and scientific research expenditures, maintenance of state apparatus, military needs coverage, paying state debt, granting subsidies, developing the economic sector etc.
Expenses for research and development – the amounts spent for the research and development activity (costs) during a certain period of time, regardless of the sources from which the financial means are provided.
Exports of goods and services represent the transactions of goods and services (sale, barter, donations, etc.) made by residents to the non-residents.
Extended labour force represents the sum of labour force and potential labour force.
External trade with goods covers the totality of tangible goods, which are added to the stock of material resources of the country (imports) or are taken off them (exports), by entering or leaving the territory of the country.
Farms – form of entrepreneurship activity performed by using the land plot and the patrimony in the private ownership or use of the farmer who deals with production, processing, and sale of agricultural production. This category of producers includes also the persons who were given land parcels in the counterpart of shares of equivalent land, but did not register the households in the established way. The volume of vegetal production for this category of producers includes only the global yield of the agricultural crops obtained on farmers’ lands, excluding the production from the near house plots.
Financial corporations sector includes the institutional units, whose main function is funding i.e. collection, transformation and redistribution of financial assets. The main resources of these units constitute the funds resulting from the commission works performed, interests, securities, bonds and interest received. This sector includes crediting and security companies, insurance companies and other financial corporations.
Financial liabilities – liabilities connected to the involved capital (bank credits and loans received by the enterprise from natural and legal persons).
The fine is a pecuniary sanction that is applied by the court in the cases and within the limits provided by the legislation in force. The fine is set in conventional units. The conventional unit of fine is equal to 50 MDL.
Putting into operation of the fixed assets – the cost of completed construction and taken into operation in established order the construction objects: buildings, constructions, plants, starting complexes, their lines, and also equipment, instrument, inventory, perennial plantings, working and productive cattle.
Fixed capital consumption represents the decrease of the fixe capital value, used in the production process during the reported period, as a result of the physical and moral wear and tear, or as a result of some deterioration.
Flat – a dwelling consisting of one or more habitable rooms and auxiliary rooms that meets the requirements for living of a one person or family and is part of the apartment building.
Formal education – set of teaching and pedagogical actions designed institutionally through systemically organized structures by training levels and cycles, within the training process followed with exactness, in time and space.
Gas pipelines represent the ways, which ensure, in general as a continuous action, the transport of gas between two or more localities.
Length of gas pipelines is determined by summing up the length of all the lines used to supply gas. It does not cover the length of the distribution network which supplies gas to consumers for their households’ needs.
Gender pay gap represents the difference between the average gross monthly earnings of men and of women divided by the average gross monthly earnings of men, expressed in percentage.
Gender pay gap (in unadjusted form) – the share of the difference between the average gross monthly earnings of men and women in the average gross monthly earnings of men expressed as percentage. The indicator has been defined as unadjusted, because it gives an overall picture of gender inequalities in terms of pay and measures a concept which is broader than the concept of equal pay for equal work.
General incidence rate of diseases represents the frequency of new cases of all diseases that occur for the first time in a population, registered by a medical-sanitary institution, per 100 thousand inhabitants, within a certain space and time.
General prevalence rate of diseases represents the frequency of new cases of all diseases that occur for the first time and that of old cases (registered before), in a population, registered by a medical-sanitary institution per 100 thousand inhabitants, within a certain space and time.
Gini coefficient – sets the degree of deviation of the effective distribution of incomes/expenditures by equal groups of population from the line of uniform distribution of incomes/expenditures. The statistical value of the coefficient varies from 0 to 1; when it is 0 – there is overall equality of incomes/expenditures among all groups of population; when it is 1 – there is total inequality, all incomes/expenditures belong to one individual.
Global participation rate in continuing vocational training (CVT) represents the share of participants in all types of CVT in total number of employees in all surveyed units.
Goods and mail transported by airport transport represent the quantity of goods and mail shipped through a certain flight (with the same number) registered one single time. The weight of goods also includes the weight of containers and packing, express mail, diplomatic mail, excluding the passengers’ luggage and board supplies.
Goods in transit on the territory of the Republic of Moldova (for transport reasons), goods entering or leaving the country with the exclusive purpose of reaching a third country, are excluded since they do not add to or subtract from the stock of material resources of the country through which they pass.
Goods temporarily admitted or dispatched - Moldovan goods which are temporarily abroad and, accordingly, foreign goods temporarily placed in our country (which within a limited time of use shall be returned in the origin country) for trade fairs and exhibitions, commercial samples and pedagogic material, packaging, means of transport, containers and equipment connected with transport, animals for breeding, show or racing, are excluded from external trade with goods.
From the activity object standpoint, transportation is divided into goods’ transport and passengers’ transport.
Road transport of goods - transportation of goods performed with the help of road vehicles for carrying goods.
Goods railway transport – movement of goods using railway vehicles between the place of loading and the place of unloading.
Inland navigable waterways transport – movement of goods and passengers using ships for inland navigable ways or mixed ships for journeys which are carried out entirely (with the same ship) on inland navigable waterways.
Goods transported by railway include the goods loaded in wagons and shipped by railway, regardless of the place of destination. They also include the goods loaded on a foreign railway network and transported on a Moldovan railway to be unloaded in the country or to be transited through the country.
Weight of the goods transported by railway represent the weight in tonnes of goods carried with railway transport. The railway transport covers the goods loaded in wagons and shipped by railway, regardless of the place of destination, as well as the goods loaded in wagons which entered through border railway stations. The quantity of goods transported by railway is registered when shipping the goods. When establishing the weight of transported goods (in tonnes), the following is also taken into account: the weight of packaging, containers or pallets used for transportation, as well as the road vehicle for carrying the goods transported by railway.
Average rolling time for goods wagons expresses the average duration of a complete transport cycle of goods wagons within the network limits, respectively the average time between two consecutive loadings.
Gross average weight of goods trains is determined between the gross operation performance and number of train-km. The manoeuvre trains, the parcel traffic, duty trains and isolated locomotives are not included.
Goods transported with road transport, in tonnes, represent the weight of transported goods within a certain period of time. This category includes the goods transported with own or rented transportation means, regardless of the place of expedition or destination. Road transport of goods includes the goods carried with road vehicles registered in Moldova.
Weight of goods transported with road transport covers the transported goods within a certain period of time. The weight of transported goods is registered when shipping them. The weight of transported goods includes goods’ own weight and the weight of packing, containers, or pallets used for transporting the goods.
Road transport of goods for own account – transport performed by units with their main activity in other areas than transport, and which have in their inventory road transport means for carrying goods, and which perform transports for their own use.
Road transport of goods on others’ account – transport performed by units with their main activity in goods transport area and which perform transportation services for third parties (on others’ account) on payment basis.
Graduate - is the person, who during the reference study year, has successfully completed an education programme.
Gross added value is measured as difference between the value of produced goods and services and intermediary consumption, representing the newly-created value in the production process.
Gross Capital Formation measures the net value of resident units’ acquisitions of goods and services, produced but not consumed in the current period, and includes the gross fixed capital formation, the stocks variation.
Gross Disposable Income measures the part from new created value, that nation has, for final consumption and gross economy. This is equal to balance of primary incomes (gross) minus incomes transmitted as current transfers plus current incomes received by resident units from the rest of the world.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – the main macroeconomic aggregate of the System of National Accounts, that characterizes the final result of production activity of resident producing units, and which corresponds to the value of goods and services, produced by these units for final consumption.
Gross Economy represents the balance of use of gross disposable income and measures the part from gross disposable income which is not used for the expenditure of final consumption.
Gross enrolment rate in tertiary education – represents the number of students in tertiary education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the population in the 5-year age group immediately following upper secondary education.
regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the official school-age population corresponding to the
same level of education.
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) represents the value of tangible assets, purchased by the resident units in order to be used in the production process.
Gross harvest represents the volume of plant production obtained from all the areas of agricultural crops/perennial plantations (separately by crops and groups of crops) in natural expression, without harvesting losses, including the production resulting from the change of crops’ destination.
The gross harvest of agricultural crops is the volume of vegetable production obtained from all areas of agricultural crops / perennial plantations (separate crops and groups of crops) in natural terms, including production obtained on successive sowings, between rows and production resulting from the exchange of crops.
Gross National Incomes (GNI) represents the primary incomes of resident institutional units in the result of their direct participation in the production process and from property, when making a certain asset available to another institutional unit (this being called property income). The GNI replaces and is conceptually equivalent with the Gross Domestic Product.
Gross output in current prices includes also the value of market services (for payment) provided by enterprises serving agriculture and agricultural enterprises, households producing agricultural production and non-market services, provided by budgetary institutions and organizations.
Gross reproduction rate– the average number of girls that a woman would have, who would not be subject to the risk of mortality, during her fertile life, under the fertility conditions of the respective year.
Gross Value Added (GVA) is the balancing item of production account and is measured as the difference between the value of goods and services produced (assessed in basic prices) and intermediate consumption (assessed in purchaser’s prices), thus representing the new value created in the production process. The GVA is calculated before calculating the fixed capital consumption.
Growth rhythm of disposable incomes/consumption expenditures – is the evolution in time of incomes/consumption expenditures and two values of the same indicator recorded in different time units are used to calculate it.
Hayfields represent the lands covered with herbal vegetation, grown in natural way, meant for hay harvesting.
General mortality rate - number of female/ male deaths divided by the total women/ men, expressed in deaths per 1000 population.
Mortality rate by main causes of death - number of female/ male deaths divided by the total women/ men, expressed in deaths per 100 thousand population.
Maternal mortality rate - number of dead women as a result of the complications during pregnancy or delivery, divided by the total number of live births, expressed in deaths per 100 thousand live births.
Infant mortality rate - number of deaths under-one-year-old girls/ boys, divided by the total number of live births of the respective sex, expressed in deaths per 1000 live births.
HIV incidence - number of new HIV infection in women/ men, in the reference year, divided by the total women/ men, expressed in new cases per 100 thousand persons.
Share of women aged 15-49 who experienced physical or sexual violence by husband/ partner - number of women aged 15-49, who have reported at least one case of physical or sexual violence, in the last 12 months and in their lifetime, by the husband/ partner, divided by the total of interviewed women.
Share of women aged 15-49 who experienced physical or sexual violence by other persons than husband/ partner - number of women aged 15-49, who have reported at least one case of physical or sexual violence, in the last 12 months and in their lifetime, by other persons, divided by the total number of interviewed women.
Share of women aged 15-49 who experienced economic violence by husband/partner - number of women aged 15-49, who have reported at least one case of economic violence, in their lifetime, by husband/ partner, divided by the total number of interviewed women.
Share of women aged 15-49 who experienced psychological violence by husband/ partner - number of women aged 15-49, who have reported at least one case of psychological violence in their lifetime, by husband/ partner, divided by the total number of interviewed women.
Public hospital - represents the medical-sanitary institution of public utility with beds and legal personality, which provides specialized medical services in in-patient conditions. Public hospitals include hospitals subordinated to the Ministry of Health and hospitals subordinated to other Ministries and central public authorities.
Private hospital - hospital organized as a legal entity under private law. The medical-sanitary institutions set up within non-governmental organizations or commercial companies, which provide hospital medical services according to the law, are equivalent to private hospitals.
Emergency care institutions - provide pre-hospital urgent medical care and assisted medical transportation, upon the patient’s or other persons’ call, or upon the request of the medical workers in continuous regime, from the place of accident or illness and during the transportation up to patient’s transfer to the medical/sanitary institution, including in crisis situations, on the whole territory of the country.
Primary health care institutions - institutions that provide primary medical services by the family doctor to the patients on the lists based on the application submitted according to the principle of free choice, regardless of person’s status (insured or uninsured), including from other institutions in case of medico-surgical emergencies or other situations justified from medical point of view. Primary health care is provided in: Family Doctors Centers, Health Centers, including autonomous centers, Family Doctor Offices, Health Offices. (Ministry of Health, Order No. 695 dated 13.10.2010).
Specialized ambulatory health care institutions - institutions that provide specialized ambulatory care and medical services on a stationary basis by a specialist doctor together with medium medical staff.
Ambulatory individual enterprises - private institutions that provide outpatient medical services, in ambulatory conditions – services of primary health care and specialized outpatient services.
Pharmacy - pharmaceutical enterprise, part of the health system, with the right and obligation to provide assistance with drugs, other pharmaceutical products and the provision of other pharmaceutical services aimed at the benefit of the population.
Medical personnel – represents the number of doctors or paramedical personnel, during the reference period.
Hooliganism (art. 287 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - intentional actions that grossly violate public order, accompanied by the application of violence against persons or the threat of such violence, the opposition of violent resistance to representatives of authorities or other persons who end hooliganism as well as actions which, by their content, are distinguished by a special cynicism or impudence.
Average number of visits per 1 inhabitant/year represents the number of registered visits of the population to doctors, including for prophylactic purposes, as well as the number of visits made by doctors at home compared to the average annual number of the population.
Average length of stay for inpatients per bed represents the number of hospitalized days/bed divided by the number of patients discharged.
Lethality represents the frequency of people who die in hospital compared to the number of patients discharged (including deceased persons) from the given medical institution, in a given space and time.
Number of surgical interventions represents the number of surgeries performed on patients discharged (including deceased persons) from the surgical departments, in a given space and time.
Household – a group of two or more individuals living together who are, generally, relatives and share a common budget, participate integrally or partially in the formation of incomes and their spending or the individual living and maintaining a separate household that does not belong to another household.
Household with children is considered the household that includes children under 18 years.
Family couples – are the households consisting of couples with or without children under 18 years.
Single people – households consisting of a single person who does not have relatives, or who has relatives but lives separately from them and does not share a common budget or financial relationships with them.
Households consisting of several family nuclei – are households made of several couples with or without children under 18 years or a parent with children under 18 years.
The social-economic status of the household is determined subject to the main source of income of the household head. According to this classification, there are the following possible categories:
- Employees – households for which the main source of income of the household head is remunerated activity;
- Self-employers in agriculture (farmers) – households for which the main source of income of the household head is the individual agricultural activity;
- Self-employers in non-agricultural activities – households for which the main source of income of the household head are incomes from self-employment in non-agriculture (trade, business, handicraft, etc.);
- Pensioners – households for which the main source of income of the household head is the pension;
- Others – households for which the main source of income of the household head are various cash benefits, incomes from assets, remittances and other incomes.
Status in employment: People are classified by the professional status in compliance with the international classification ICSE-93. Status in employment represents the situation of a person, depending on the way he/she obtains incomes from the carried out activity, and namely: employees; non-employees; employers; own account workers; contributing family workers; member of a cooperative.
- Employee – is the person carrying out an activity under a working contract within an economic or social unit – irrespective of its ownership type – or for private persons, receiving remuneration in form of salary, in cash or in kind, commission, etc.
- Employer – is the person carrying out the activity (craft) within his/her own unit (individual enterprise, shop, office, farm, etc.) having one or several permanent employees.
- Own account worker – is the person carrying out an activity within his/her own enterprise or business, without hiring any permanent employee, being helped or not by unpaid family workers. This status covers as well the independent entrepreneurs (private tutors, private taxi drivers, etc.), freelance professionals (strolling players, artists, lawyers), occasional workers, and individual farmers. Own account worker can have temporary employees.
- Contributing family worker – is the person carrying out the activity within a family economic unit, headed by a family member or by a relative, for which he/she does not receive remuneration in form of salary or payment in kind. The agricultural farm is considered as such unit. If several persons from a household are working within their farm, one of them – generally the household head – is considered as own account worker and the others are considered as contributing family workers.
- Member of a co-operative – is the person who worked as member of a co-operative, where every member has equal rights in decision-making process, solution of problems on production/sale, etc.
Household budget survey (HBS) is a sample survey, the main purpose of which is multifunctional definition of the population living standard from the perspective of incomes, expenditures, consumption, living conditions and other indicators.
Household budget survey is monthly conducted on a representative sample by country and area of residence. Yearly approximately 5 thousand households (without the localities from the left side of river Nistru and municipality Bender) are covered in the survey.
The results of the survey are developed quarterly and annually. General information on households is collected through a ”face to face” interview, but as for data on household’s incomes and expenditures the collection is based on daily records of households on the current incomes and expenditures.
ILO Unemployed are persons aged 15 years and over, who during the reference period meet simultaneously the following conditions:
- do not have a job and do not perform any activity to obtain some income;
- are looking for a job over the last 4 weeks and use different methods: get registered at the National Employment Agency or at private employment agencies, take measures to start up an activity on their own, publish and answer to job announcements, call for help from friends, relatives, colleagues, tradeunions, etc.;
- are available to start working in the following 15 days, if they could find immediately a job;
This category of population also includes:
- persons without job, available to work, waiting to be called back to work or those who found a job and will start working at a date following the reference period;
- persons who are usually included in inactive population (pupils, students, pensioners), but who stated that they are looking for a job and are available to start working.
Immigrants - people immigrating to the Republic of Moldova for a period of at least 12 months. Immigration is the action by which a person establishes his or her usual residence in the territory of a state for a period of at least 12 months, after having previously had his or her usual residence in another state.
Imports of goods and services represent the transactions of goods and services (procurement, barter, donation, etc.) made by non-residents to residents.
Inactivity rate among population aged 15 years represents the share of inactive population aged 15 and over in the total population aged 15 years and over (%).
Incidence of a certain disease represents the number of people who develop a certain disease for the first time, registered by a medical institution, during the reference period.
Index of gross average earnings represents the relation between average gross monthly earnings from the current period and that from the comparison period.
Index of real earnings represents the relation between the index of gross average earnings and the consumer price index.
Individual house – a dwelling (separate construction) consisting of one or more habitable rooms and auxiliary rooms, with one or more levels, intended for permanent living, usually of a family.
Industrial production represents:
– direct and useful result of extracting raw material and material existing in nature;
– result of agricultural and forestry products’ primary processing;
– result of previously processing of industrial products;
– activities for restoring initial technical and qualitative parameters of industrial products (such as: repairing works, maintenance works, etc.).
The industrial turnover index characterizes the economic situation and is used to assess current sales trends and, therefore, to report market fluctuations. The industrial turnover index provides information on future prospects, the need for and the possibility of financing the desired investments and operating costs.
Infant mortality rate indicates the number of children who died under one year of age per 1000 live births in a reference year.
Inflation rate at the end of the year represents the consumer price increase in December of one year as against the same month of the previous year. The inflation rate is calculated based on the product of the monthly indices with a chain base in relation to 100. This product is expressed in percentage, and 100 is subtracted from it.
Information technology – use of microelectronic means to collect, store, process, search, transmission , and present data, texts, images, and sounds.
PCs connected to Internet represents the totality of devices (personal computers, servers) with direct access to Internet network through personal IP address.
Internet – global community of information networks with huge resources and a large range of services.
Fixed-line broadband Internet access - technologies that provide at least 256 kbit / s in one or both directions, such as DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), cable modem, leased lines, fiber-to-home, Powerline , satellite, fixed wireless, wireless LAN and WiMAX.
Mobile broadband Internet access - technologies that offer speeds of at least 256 Kbit / s in one or both directions, such as CDMA mobile broadband known in Europe as UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System); HSDPA, completed with HSUPA, CDMA2000 1xEV-DO and CDMA2000 1xEV-DV Access can be implemented by any device pocket, portable or mobile phone, etc.).
Local networks - LAN - data transmission networks by connecting computers located within the strictly defined area, for example, a separate building, edifice. Networks can be wireless.
Internet access users reflect the total number of subscribers subscribing to a basic Internet access service over the fixed and mobile networks, including the provision of broadband access services.
Investments, expenditures and consumption for computerization include all the resources allocated for: design and development of information systems, procurement of electronic and communications equipment, including computers, procurement of software products, information technology personnel training, other consumables and expenditures for consumables, maintenance equipment, databases, computer registers, computer networks, etc.
Electronic commerce (E-commerce) - the sale or purchase of goods or services made through a computer network by specific methods designed for the purpose of receiving or placing orders.
Electronic communications - Any transmission of voice, data, text, sound and images, based on a single technology or a combination of technologies.
User - an individual or legal person using or requesting publicly available electronic communications services.
Operator of mobile telephony - providers, registered in the Republic of Moldova, whose activity consists, in whole or in part, in the provision of mobile telephony services.
Fixed telephony operator - providers, registered in the Republic of Moldova, whose activity consists, in whole or in part, in the provision of fixed telephony services.
Public telephone stations represents the number of public telephones (potters) operated by the provider.
Fixed-line users represents the total number of access lines (from the 1-line access line or 1 telephone number = 1 subscriber) to fixed telephony services (this indicator will not reflect the number of subscribers to unmanaged Internet telephony services (over- the-top")).
National fixed network telephony traffic is the total volume of national voice traffic serviced by the fixed network.
Fixed-line outgoing international telephone traffic is the total volume of calls initiated by subscribers and intended for subscribers of foreign operators (calls to any telephone numbers that do not belong to the National Numbering Plan).
International telephone traffic of fixed networks is the volume of end-to-end international traffic transmitted by foreign (non-resident) operators.
Mobile users - subscribers (manifested through SIM, RUIM, USIM, etc.) on the mobile radio network, whether they subscribe to a voice, mobile Internet, data transport service (e.g., M2M-machine- to-machine), other subscribers.
National mobile phone traffic is the total volume of voice traffic at national level served by the mobile network.
Outbound international mobile phone traffic is the total volume of calls initiated by subscribers and intended for subscribers of foreign operators (calls to any telephone numbers that do not belong to the National Numbering Plan).
International telephone traffic of mobile networks is the volume of ending in its own network of international traffic transmitted by foreign operators.
Television stations represents the number of installations for transmitting mobile images by means of electromagnetic waves to an unlimited number of receiver stations.
TV users, for a fee, represents all TV subscribers who pay the TV service contract, but also based on a double play or triple play integrated service contract.
Radio stations represents the number of installations for transmitting radio broadcasts by means of electromagnetic waves to an unlimited number of receiving stations.
Injured person - a person who has suffered serious, moderate or minor injury to bodily integrity or health, or who has died after the 30th day from the date of the accident, or bodily injury that does not cause harm to health, but who was entitled following a temporary incapacity for work or the need for hospitalization for a period of not less than 24 hours, or outpatient treatment after first aid.
Inland navigable waterway represents the surface of water – river, lake, stream, canal – which is not part of a sea, which by natural or man-made features is suitable for navigation, first of all for the ships meant for transport on inland waterways. The inland navigable waterway, which constitutes the border between our country and other countries, is included in the length of the way.
The length of streams, rivers, and canals is measured on their median.
An Innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product, process, organizational method or marketing method in business practices. Innovation should have new features or intentions to use or that provide a significant improvement over what has previously been used or sold by the enterprise. There are four types of innovations: product, process, organization, marketing.
Product innovation represents the introduction on the market of a new or significantly improved good or service, with respect to their characteristics, facility in use, components or subsystems. For example, the replacement of some raw goods with others including improved characteristics (breathable textiles, light but resistant mixtures, non-polluting plastics for the environment); introduction of new or improved components to existing product lines (ABS braking systems, GPS navigable systems in transport equipment, front / rear camera built into mobile phones, clothing fastening systems).
Process innovation corresponds to the implementation of a production process, a distribution method or a support activity, new or significantly improved. For example, the installation of new or improved manufacturing technologies, such as automatized or sensors equipment that can regulate processes; new equipment needed for new or improved products.
Organizational innovation is the implementation of a new method of organization in the business practices of the enterprise (including knowledge management), in the organization of the workplace and external relations, which was not used before the enterprise. For example, the first introduction of incentives for individual or group performance; reduction or increase in the hierarchical decision-making structure.
Marketing innovation is the implementation of a new marketing concept or marketing strategy that differs significantly from the existing marketing methods in the enterprise and has never been used before in the enterprise. For example, the use of the Internet to market one type of product is considered a marketing innovation, while the second use for another type of product is no longer an innovation.
Innovative enterprises - are enterprises that have launched new or significantly improved products (goods or services) on the market, or introduced new or significantly improved processes, or new methods of organization or marketing.
Institutional sector – regrouping of institutional units in assemblies, from the point of view of main functions performed and sources of financing.
Institutional unit – the resident economic unit (having an interest centre thus developing an economic activity not less than one year on the given territory), being able to take decisions exercising its main function and/or being the owner of assets (has both accounting documents including all the economic and financial operations performed during the period, as well as a balance of its assets and liabilities).
Insurance - transfer of a possible risk, including the risk of financial loss and / or material damage, from the insured to the insurer, in accordance with the insurance contract.
Insurance activity - activity that consists mainly of: providing, negotiating and concluding insurance and reinsurance contracts, collecting fees, liquidating damages, performing regression and recovery actions.
Insurance and / or reinsurance intermediation - an activity consisting of presenting or proposing insurance and / or reinsurance contracts, from other preparation actions for the conclusion of such contracts, their conclusion, or contributing to the management of contracts, especially in the event of a claim for damages.
Insured - a person who has concluded or for whom an insurance contract has been concluded with the insurer.
Intangible assets include inventions, trademarks, licenses, know-how, franchises, software, industrial designs and models, websites, rights to use the intangible assets received as equity participation, other intangible assets.
Serious intentional injury to bodily integrity or health (art. 151 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) is a life-threatening action that has caused loss of sight, hearing, speech or other organ or cessation of its functioning, a mental illness or other damage to health, accompanied by the stable loss of at least one third of work capacity, or which has led to termination of pregnancy or irreparable disfigurement of the face and / or adjacent regions.
Medium intentional injury to bodily integrity or health (art. 152 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - the action that is not dangerous for life and did not cause the consequences provided in art. 151 of the Criminal Code, but which was followed either by long-term disorder of a considerable and stable loss of less than one-third of the working capacity.
Intermediate Consumption (IC) represents the value of goods and services (except the consumption of fixed capital) which are transformed or totally consumed during the production process.
Airport traffic represents embarkation/disembarkation of passengers and loading/unloading of goods and mail in/from national or foreign aircrafts which take off/land on the International Airport Chisinau, as well as movements of aircrafts in this airport.
Commercial air transport service – operation of an aircraft in one or more flight stages carried out on regular basis or not, designated for public fee-based transport of passengers and/or goods and mail.
Regular commercial air transport service (according to a timetable) – service provided through flights or extra flights in case of traffic affluence, carried out according to a published timetable or with a frequency that will constitute a systematic series, opened for public direct reservations.
Non-regular commercial air transport service – service provided through commercial flights other than the regular ones. The flights of air taxi type are also included.
International flight – transport of passengers and/or goods and mail which is performed to, from and inside of the country or between countries different from the one in which the transport operator is located.
Flight stage – in international transport is considered to be the flight of an aircraft when the airports in which the aircrafts take off and land on are located in another country than the country where the transport operator is located. Flight stage refers only to commercial air transport service.
Embarked/disembarked passengers – passengers registered in an airport who start or finish a trip (at the take off or land on). The passengers in transfer or indirect transit are included, meaning the passengers who land on and afterwards take off with another aircraft within an interval of 24 hours, or with the same aircraft with another number.
Loaded and unloaded goods and mail – quantity of goods and mails loaded to be transported and respectively unloaded from the aircraft at the place of destination.
Regular air routes represents the series of the flight with the following characteristics:
- are based on fees and performed with the aircrafts for transport of passengers, goods, and mail which are offered to population directly by the airport transport operator or through its authorized agents;
- are organized so as to ensure the link between two or more airports according to a published timetable or with a regularity which represents an obvious systematic series.
Non-regular air routes are the paid-for flights, other than the ones indicated in regular flights. The charter flights and other non-regular flights are included.
Total movements of aircrafts for commercial services – represents the total of paid take-offs (departures) and land-ons (arrivals) which are performed by civil aircrafts, for regular and non-regular flights.
International transport of goods covers the transport when the loading is performed in Moldova, and unloading in another country or the transport when the unloading is located in Moldova, and the loading place is situated in another country. Statistical data on international goods road transport from the statistical publications include the routes which do not transit Moldova and the traffic in transit.
Invention means a solution that solves a technical problem by technical means.
Investments in non-current assets are set of expenditures directed to creation, purchase and reproduction of intangible assets and tangible assets.
Issuer – the executive authority of the local public administration.
Judge - the person constitutionally invested with attributions of administration of justice, which he executes based on the law.
Judicial expert - a person qualified and empowered, according to the law, to carry out expertise and draw conclusions in the specialty in which he is authorized, regarding certain facts, circumstances, material objects, phenomena and processes, body and human psyche, and which is included in State Register of Judicial Experts.
Labor force employment covers all the persons employed in one of the production activities (within the production limits of the national accounts). Labor force employment includes the employees (work based on an individual work contract for another resident unit or particular population household, and is remunerated) and non-employees (employers – owners of enterprises without the status of a legal entity, own account workers, etc.). The labor force employment may be divided depending on the economic activity; this breakdown is not offered by national accounts, but by the respective area.
Labour force (active population from the economic point of view) covers all the persons aged 15 years and over, who provide the labour force available for production of goods and services during the period of reference, including employed and unemployed population.
Labour force participation rate of the population aged 15 years and over (or activity rate) represents the share of the labour force in total population aged 15 years and over (%).
Labour force underutilization includes time-related underemployment, unemployment and potential labour force.
Land is considered to be the longest-lived asset, thus has an essentially eternal useful life and it represented the land territories owned by the entity according to property right or financial leasing, in order to be used in the entity's business.
Larceny (art. 192 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - the action for the purpose of stealing another person's property from pockets, bags or other objects of the person.
Lawyer - the person who has obtained a license according to the law and who has the right to participate in criminal prosecution and judicial processes, to rule and act on behalf of his clients and / or to represent and consult his clients in the field of law.
Leasing – a business activity in the frame of which a party (lessor) undertakes, at the request of another party (tenant), to provide in possession and temporary use a good, purchased or produced by the lessor for a periodic
payment (lease rate); upon expiration of the leasing contract, to respect the right of option of tenant to buy the good, to extend the leasing contract or to terminate the contractual reports.
Levels of education are an ordered set grouping education programmes together in relation to knowledge, skills and competencies, which each programme is designed to impart.
Liabilities represent the external sources of financing, given to the enterprise by third parties, which have to be paid in a certain period of time, according the established contract and other regulating documents. The liabilities include: financial, commercial and accrued debt.
Life expectancy – is an estimate of the average number of years a person would live if the age-specific mortality rates of a reference year were to remain unchanged throughout their lifetime.
Life expectancy at birth– the average number of years a new born has to live in that period, if during the life the mortality level at each age will remain the same as it was in the year of birth.
Liquidity – availability of sufficient assets to meet the payment obligations when they mature.
Local roads (of rayon / municipal interest) are roads that provide the connection between the towns-residence and the villages (communes) in the district (municipality), as well as the connection between villages (communes), including access to them from the national roads. The respective roads are public property of the administrative-territorial units of the second level.
Local unit is an enterprise or a part of an enterprise (for instance, subsidiary, workshop, plant, storage facility, mine, storehouse, etc.) which meets the following criteria:
- is located at an identified address;
- at least one person operates;
- economic activity is carried on.
Long-term biological assets – mature biological assets, which ensure multiple agricultural produce and/or additional biological assets during a period exceeding one year (e.g., vineyards, orchards, plantations of fruitful berries, perennial crops of flowers, forages, vegetables, cattle, sheep, pigs, adult horses) and immature biological assets that are in preparation for use by purpose (e.g., planted vineyards and orchards, until their transfer to the category per harvest product).
Long-term unemployment - situation when the unemployed person has no work and is looking for a job for one year and longer.
Machinery and equipment include all machinery, equipment, measuring and controlling devices, which can function, only, after assembling and non-assembled works.
Magazine – a periodical on a subject of general interest or specialized from various fields: legislation, policy, economy, culture, philosophy, technique, medicine, fashion, sport, etc.
Maintenance works and current repairs represents the value of the works, done with the purpose to preserve or restore the possibilities of obtaining the future economic benefits (profit) from them, in the proportions established at the initial entry. The maintenance works and current repairs include all operations of painting, coloring and repairing of non-significant parts, which are done to ensure the continuity of its use, preventing the quick use and prolonging the useful life. Also, are included the installation of mechanical, electrical or heating systems, replacement of sewers and water pipes (even if they are new).
Man-days of work incapacity represents the total number days of absence from work due to the loss of work capacity of victims (except for the weekends and legal holidays) because of work accidents.
Manufacture or circulation of counterfeit currency signs or false titles (art. 236 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - manufacture for the purpose of putting into circulation or putting into circulation currency signs (banknotes and coins, including jubilee and commemorative issued by the National Bank of Moldova or by the authorized body of a foreign state or of a monetary union of foreign states), of state securities or other false titles, used to make payments.
Market services provided to the population are those activities related to the sale and purchase on the market the population being the main beneficiary and they are produced by companies whose revenues from the sale of own production, no matter the name of the prices charged (tariff, tax, sale price). In the monthly survey on the market services provided mainly to the population are included the following activities: accommodation and catering, veterinary, travel agencies and tour operators, other services of reservation and tourist assistance, education, health and social assistance, recreation, computer repair, personal and household goods, other services for personal individuals.
Market services rendered mainly to enterprises include those services that may be sold or purchased on the market and that are provided by units whose revenues are obtained mostly from the sale of their own production of transport and storage services, information and telecommunications, professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative and support service activities, irrespective of the name of the prices practiced (tariffs, sales prices) and the methods of collection.
Marriage it is the union between a man and a woman, concluded in accordance with the legislation of the country.
Meat production includes the meat of all kinds of livestock and poultry, fats, foodstuff by-products. Data concern both to industrial and household slaughtering of livestock and poultry.
Mediator - third party, certified under the conditions of the legislation in force, which ensures the development of the mediation process in order to resolve the dispute between the parties.
Member of a co-operative – is the person who worked as member of a co-operative, where every member has equal rights in decision-making process, solution of problems on production/sale, etc.
Migration - the territorial exchange of persons, accompanied by a change of place of residence.
Permutation within the country is internal migration, and outside it - international migration.
Starting from 2014, the international migratory movement is calculated based on the data of the General Inspectorate of the Border Police regarding the crossing of the state border by natural persons.
Milk production – quantity of cow, sheep, goat milk regardless of the fact if it was sold or part of it was used in the households for lactation of calves and piglets. The milk sucked by the claves is not included in the production and is not calculated when determining the average quantity of milk stropped from a cow.
Mineral resources represent a form of capitalized costs of exploration works for which technical feasibility and commercial viability are demonstrated (e.g., topographical, geological, geochemical, geophysical and drilling on exploration stage).
Minor - a person who has not reached the age of 18.
Monetary aggregates represent the volumes and the structure of the monetary mass intended to study the circulation of money in order to regulate it.
Monthly average inflation rate expresses the average of monthly price increases. It is calculated as a geometrical mean of the monthly consumer price indices with a chain base from which the comparison basis equal to 100 is subtracted.
Monthly inflation rate represents the increase in consumer prices in one month as against the previous month.
Population morbidity - represents the totality of cases of illness registered during the year, when addressing in the medical institution or during the prophylactic examination.
Museum is a public cultural institution serving the society, which collects, preserves, researches, restores, communicates and exhibits material and spiritual evidence of human communities’ and environment evolution and existence for people’s education, recreation and knowledge accumulation.
National Accounts represent a coherent and detailed set of macroeconomic indicators providing a comparable and complete image of the economic activity of the country. The indicators obtained because of developing the national accounts represent the most complex macroeconomic analysis tools, which generate the real possibility for the society to measure its performance and to adjust its future conducts.
National public budget represents the totality of the state budget incomes and expenditures, local budgets, budget of state social insurance and funds of obligatory medical insurance.
National roads - roads that are public property of the state, which provide the main international road links, the connection between the capital of the country and the cities of residence, the municipalities and the objectives of republican importance, as well as the connection between them.
National transport of goods represents the transport performed between two places: the loading place and unloading place, both situated in Moldova.
Natural growth - represents the difference between the number of live births and the number of deaths during the year.
Positive natural growth (growth) – the number of live births exceeds the number of deaths.
Negative natural growth (decrease) – the number of deaths exceeds the number of live births.
Net enrolment rate – represents the total number of students of the official age group for a given level of education, who are enrolled in that level of education, expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population.
Net profit – financial result after taxation, obtained by the enterprise during reporting period.
Net reproduction rate – the average number of girls born to a woman who survive to the end of the reproductive period at the given level of fertility and mortality in the reference year.
New construction works (including reconstruction and extension works) – represents the value of construction works performed for the first time, covered in the estimation items.
Newspaper – a daily publication or with higher periodicity, issuing news, information, comments on the most recent national and international events of political, social, cultural, vocational, sport, etc.
Non-current assets – assets held to be used for a period longer than one year in the entity’s operation or to be transmitted for the use by third parties.
Non-financial corporations sector comprises the non-financial institutional units whose main function is to produce non-financial goods and services for market purposes and whose main resources derive from sale of production.
Non-profit institutions serving households sector regroups the institutional units, that render non-market services to households and whose resources, come from voluntary contributions made by households, also from ownership incomes. The sector includes social organizations, political parties, trade unions, religious cults, cultural and sports association etc.
Non-residential buildings – are buildings designed, exclusively, for other purposes than residential (administrative and production buildings, shops, warehouses, cinemas).
Notary - the person authorized by the state to provide public services on his behalf by carrying out the notarial activity based on the license issued by the Ministry of Justice under the conditions of the legislation in force.
Number of employees by the end of the year represents the number of persons existing in the unit on the very last day of the year, employed with individual work contract / work relations for a determined or undetermined period of time (including seasonal workers, manager/administrator), who have worked or who were not able to fulfil their work duties because being on a sick leave, maternity leave, child care leave, annual leave, unpaid leave, benefiting from free time provided by law or set according to the work collective contract or those who have been furloughed, on strike, etc. The employees delegated to work abroad and those who are cumulating more jobs are not covered, as well as those who do not have their main work within the reporting unit.
Occupations are classified in line with the Classification of Occupation in the Republic of Moldova, approved by Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family’s Order no. 22 dated March 3, 2014, harmonized with the respective international standard ISCO-08.
Other subsidies on production – amounts granted by budget for covering losses.
Other taxes on production (OTP) constitute all the taxes, except the taxes on products, which are paid by the enterprises and organizations during their participation in the production process.
Other works include the value for technical-cultural works; works for re-cultivation of the land plots and primary improvement of the agricultural areas; works for cleaning the irrigation and drainage systems; drainage works for the forestry fund areas; works for supplying gas to flats, performed from population’s means; works for substituting flameproof masonry of technical and thermal aggregates, works related to drilling technical wells and for reducing water, performed for the basic activity of the enterprise; renting construction equipment with the afferent service personnel.
Owner means a natural person or legal entity to which the right conferred by a title of protection belon.
Ownership Incomes – include the incomes, receivable or payable, paid by institutional units on the use of financial assets, land and other non-financial, non-production assets.
Share of women and men as members of Parliament - number of seats held by women/ men divided by the total number of seats in the Parliament.
Share of women and men in ministerial positions - number of women/ men holding minister position divided by the total number of minister positions in the Government.
Share of women and men in judiciary - number of women/ men working as judges divided by the total number of judges.
Share of women and men in police service - number of women/ men working in police divided by the total number of employees in police service.
Participation rate in continuing vocational training (CVT) represents the share of participants in all types of CVT in total number of employees of the units that provided CVT.
Participation rate in domestic activities - number of women/men, who have participated in different domestic activities, divided by the total number of women/men.
Passenger is any person who moves around using a transportation means, except for the personnel on duty of the passenger transport.
Passenger-kilometer is the unit of measure which represents the transport of one passenger over a distance of one kilometer. It is the distance passed effectively by the passenger.
From the activity object standpoint, transportation is divided into goods’ transport and passengers’ transport.
Passenger road transport (buses and minibuses, taxi and trolleybuses) – transportation of persons performed with the help of road vehicles meant for carrying persons on public roads.
Passengers railway transport – movement of passengers using railway vehicles between the place of embarkation and the place of disembarkation.
Inland navigable waterways transport – movement of goods and passengers using ships for inland navigable ways or mixed ships for journeys which are carried out entirely (with the same ship) on inland navigable waterways.
Railway transport includes the passengers who left the railway stations from the country, regardless of the destination, and the passengers who entered the territory of the country in wagons through railway stations.
Pastures represent lands covered with herbal vegetation, grown in natural way, meant for animal pasturing.
Penitentiary institutions - institutions subordinated to the National Administration of Penitentiaries in which, according to the court decision, the persons sentenced to imprisonment and life imprisonment, serve their custodial sentence as well as the temporary detention places for persons to whom the measure of pre-trial detention was applied. Penitentiary institutions are: closed, semi-closed, open type penitentiaries, juvenile penitentiaries, women's penitentiaries, criminal investigation isolators and penitentiary hospitals.
A pension is the cash as properly insured, correlative to the obligations relating to the payment of state social insurance contributions.
The number of the pensioners comprises the persons to whom the pensions were established according to the Law on State Social Insurance Pensions and to the Law on Pension Insurance of people in the military command and in the troops body of internal affairs.
Perennial plantations – agricultural land planted with orchards, vineyards and nut plantations:
- Orchards – plantations of trees, regardless of the age and species (stone and seed);
- Fruit bush plantations – are berry plantations (raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, etc.);
- Nut plantations – plantations of nuts, hazel nuts and other species (almond, etc.);
- Vineyards – plantations of vineyards, regardless of the age, species and destination.
Performance – dramatic, puppet, lyrical, popular, choreographic, entertaining, instrumental, vocalinstrument, circus shows and concerts.
Persons outside the labour force (or inactive population from the economic point of view) covers all persons, irrespectively of age, who did not work for at least an hour and were not unemployed during the period of reference.
Place of usual residence – the place where a person usually spends his or her daily rest time, regardless of temporary absences for the purpose of rest, leave/vacation, visits to relatives and friends, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimages.
Pollutant – any solid, liquid, gaseous (vapor) or energy (radiant, electromagnetic, ionizing, thermic, acoustic or vibratory) substance present in the environment, which may have negative effects on human health and / or the environment.
Population activity rate by levels of education - number of economically-active women/men aged 15 years and over (including the employed and unemployed population), divided by the total women/men of the respective age.
Ageing factor of population - the number of people aged 60 and over per 100 inhabitants.
Population and Housing Census - the process of planning, collecting, processing, evaluating, disseminating and analyzing data on persons (demographic, social and economic data), households and dwellings in the Republic of Moldova, with reference to a specific point in time.
Population consumption expenditures correspond to the expenditures in cash and in kind for the household’s current consumption needs: foodstuffs, nonfood products and utility bills.
Population consumption expenditures by their destination are divided in:
- Expenditures for food and non-alcoholic beverages – overall expenditure for the procurement of consumed food products, as well as the counter value of human food consumption from the household’s own resources.
- Expenditures for alcoholic beverages and tobacco – overall expenditure for the procurement of alcoholic drinks, tobacco and smoking accessories, as well as the counter value of the consumption of these products from the household’s own resources.
- Expenditures for clothing and footwear – overall expenditure for the procurement of clothes and shoes, as well as expenditures incurred for the payment of services related to the production and fixing of these.
- Expenditures for housing, water, electricity and gas – overall expenditure for rent, energy, water and utility bills, as well as the expenditures for maintenance and repair of the dwelling.
- Expenditures for furnishings, household equipment and routine household maintenance – overall expenditure for the procurement of long-term use goods, home appliances, as well as the payment of services related to the maintenance of these.
- Expenditures for health – overall expenditure incurred for the procurement of medicines, medical equipment, sanitary and hygiene objects, payment of healthcare services and of hospitalized treatment.
- Expenditures for transport – overall expenditure incurred for the procurement of vehicles, spare parts, services related to their maintenance and fixing, as well as the payment of various services of transportation.
- Expenditures for communication – overall expenditure incurred for the payment of post and telecommunication services, as well as expenditures related to the maintenance of telecommunication equipment.
- Expenditures for recreation and culture – overall expenditure incurred for the procurement of social-cultural, leisure and sports objects; printed production (manuals, teaching materials, newspapers, office supplies, etc.); including the payment of different cultural activities and tourism services, etc.
- Expenditures for education – overall expenditure incurred for the procurement of manuals, school supplies, etc., as well as payments for education services, including extracurricular activities and private lessons.
- Expenditures for restaurants and hotels – overall expenditure incurred for accommodation and nutrition outside the household in various specialized places.
- Expenditures for miscellaneous goods and services – overall expenditure incurred for the personal care services, procurement of hygiene and cosmetic products, travel goods; payment for the insurance of life, real estate, means of transport, etc.; administrative fees; legal services and accountancy etc.
Population employment rate - number of employed women/men aged 15 years and over (have carried out economic or social activities for income), divided by the total number of women/men of the respective age.
Population households – agricultural production produced by using the work performed by members of the household (on the near house plots and gardens) to meet the needs for food products and other needs.
Postal communications - a system of postal units and routes that provide for the reception, processing, transport and distribution of postal items and the provision of postal services.
Postal communication services - product of the activity of receiving, processing, transmitting and distributing postal items.
The mail units are units that carry out services of receiving, transporting and delivering to the destination some written communications, documents, values and material goods for enterprises, institutions and for the population.
Urban post office – a public postal unit for the provision of postal services in the urban area.
Rural Post Office - a postal unit open to the public for the provision of postal services in rural areas.
Access points - physical facilities, including mailboxes, made available to the public either on public roads or at the premises of the universal postal service provider, through which postal items may be entered by users in the public postal network.
Sending mail - written, printed or recorded communication on any physical medium to be transported and distributed at the address indicated by the sender on this medium or on its packaging. Books, catalogs, newspapers and periodicals are not considered as correspondence.
Express reference - reference that is collected, packaged, transmitted and distributed by physical means as quickly as possible.
Sending postal - good having an address to be distributed by your postal service provider. This category includes mailing lists as well as books, catalogs, newspapers, periodicals and postal packages containing goods with or without commercial value.
International postal item - postal item sent from the territory of the Republic of Moldova to an address that it is not on its territory or sent from outside the Republic of Moldova to an address within its territory.
Prints (books, catalogs, periodicals) are postal items that are not included in the mailing category.
The recommended postal items (shipment) are those items for which a flat rate guarantee is offered against the risks of loss, theft, total or partial destruction, damage and for which evidence of deposit at the access point or the consignee is issued upon request.
Declined postal items (shipments) are those items that are insured against loss, theft, total or partial destruction, damage, for an amount equal to the value declared by the sender.
Postcards are postal items containing goods with or without commercial value; postal items must not contain other postal items.
Cecograms - cecographic postcards submitted open, clichés bearing cecographies, sound recordings, and on special paper intended only for the use of the blind, if sent by or to an institution for the blind.
Postdoctoral studies represent a form of extending one’s theoretical knowledge and scientific researches of persons already detaining Doctor’s degree. The number of persons studying for doctoral and postdoctoral degree represents the situation at the end of the year.
Potential labour force represents the sum of two categories of persons: „inactive persons who carried out activities to seek employment, but were not currently available to start work” and „inactive persons who did not carry out activities to seek employment, but wanted employment and are currently available”.
Number of present population - it is determined based on the results of the 2004 census and the data related to the natural movement and migration officially recorded in the reference year. At the same time, the change in the number of the population following the territorial-administrative reorganization is taken into account.
Prevalence of a certain disease represents the number of people who develop a certain disease for the first time (new case) and of people previously registered (old case) with a certain disease, by a medical institution, in the reference period.
Price Index in construction is the ratio between the current prices for construction-assembly works, registered quarterly in 100 representative enterprises to the estimate prices from 1991 and prices from the previous year.
Primary disability – establishing a degree of disability for the first time in the reference year, following the expertise of vital capacities by the National Council for Determining Disability and Work Capacity.
Primary disability rate represents the frequency of illnesses that totally or partially interrupt the work capacity, new case, registered for the first time, in the reference period, per 10 thousand inhabitants, within a given space and time.
Primary disability rate of children aged up to 18 years old represents the frequency of children aged 0 -17 years 11 months 29 days with disabilities, new case, in 1000 children aged 0 -17 years 11 months 29 days, within a given space and time.
Principles of evaluation. In the System of National Accounts, the evidence of economic operations is made in prices used at the moment of transactions (current prices).
Production includes all the products which were manufactured and all the services that were provided during one calendar year.
Production (breeding) of cattle and poultry – volume (weight) of live weight of the live born, increase in mass when growing and fattening minus the mass of perished cattle. The volume of breeding production of animals is calculated by the main types of productive animals.
Production of goods and services for market purposes represents the production which is or can be sold at prices of economic significance.
Production of services for non-market purposes constitutes the production provided for other institutional units for free or at prices which are not economically significant.
Production (sale) of cattle and poultry for slaughtering in live weight – includes the live mass of animals and poultry of all types for slaughtering. The calculation of the volume of meat production is determined by number of slaughtered cattle and their weight. The number of slaughtered cattle includes the cattle sold to procurement organizations, through other sale for slaughtering, as well as the cattle slaughtered in own households. The other sales for slaughtering include the cattle sold on the market, except for the claves, lambs, sheep up to 6 months, pigs – 2 months, and poultry chicks.
Profitability is a synthetic form of expression of economic efficiency that reflects a firm’s ability to get from the activity it carries a profit or a benefit. Profitability is measured by the ratio of the results (a profit indicator (gross, net, etc.) and the means (resources or capital) used to obtain them.
Profit (losses) before taxation reflects the financial result of the enterprise, obtained from all activities.
Public Administration sector includes the institutional units, whose main function is to produce nonmarket services intended for individual and collective consumption and to perform operations of redistribution of state incomes. The resources of these units are formed based on the mandatory contributions made by other institutional sectors.
Public Library – an encyclopedic library, which serves a local or regional community, and is usually financed in whole or in part out of public funds.
Scientific, study, technical and other specialized libraries exist nearby the enterprises, higher educational institutions, colleges and other institutions.
Public roads - roads of public utility intended for the road and pedestrian traffic in order to meet the general road transport requirements of the national economy, the population, the defense of the country. These roads are public property.
Pupil-teacher ratio – refers to average number of pupils per teacher at each level of education (preprimary, primary, lower and upper secondary education) in a given school year.
Quintile – one of the four values dividing the series of frequencies in five equal parts, so that the first 20% (1st quintile) represents the population with the lowest incomes/expenditures, while the last 20% (5th quintile) represents the population with the highest incomes/expenditures.
Railway is the communication way on tracks, meant exclusively for railroad vehicle use.
Railway lines represent the totality of special constructions composed of one or more railways with afferent installations, meant for goods’ and passengers’ transport with railroad vehicles. The railway line may be “in operation” or in conservation.
Length of public railway lines in operation includes only the lines opened to carry goods and passengers, where transportation is carried out based on travel IDs or documents accompanying the freight.
The length of the line with parallel ways to which for every direction are built more pairs of ways (double, triple, etc.) is established by measuring one single way.
Rank of the born-alive refers to the numerical order of a live birth relative to the mother's total number of live births.
Rate of accidents represents the relation between the number of victims of accidents at work in the reference period and the total number of employees, expressed in promilles.
Rate of fatal accidents represents the relation between the number of fatal cases during the respective period and the total number of employees, expressed in promilles.
Real sector – totality of units with financial autonomy, including those that benefit from budgetary allowances, regardless of the branch subordination, type of ownership and organizational-legal form.
Recidivism - the intentional commission of one or more offenses by a person with a criminal record for an intentional offense.
Remuneration of employees represents the total remuneration in monetary or in kind, paid by the employer to the employee for the work performed in the reporting period. The remuneration of employees includes (a) earnings (direct salaries, bonuses and allowances) and (b) social contributions of employers.
Repatriate – the citizen of the Republic of Moldova and/or the person who was born in the Republic of Moldova and its descendants, as well as the person who previously lived permanently on the territory of the country and has the right to establish permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Moldova under the conditions of the law.
Repeated disability - re-assignment of the degree of disability after repeated expertise of vital capacities, to assess the rehabilitation or worsening of the person's health, in the reference year by the National Council for Determining Disability and Work Capacity.
Research and development activity – scientific research and technological development activities as a whole.
Researchers – specialists from research and development activity who deal directly with creation of new knowledge, products, procedures, methods, and systems, as well as with managing the types of activity.
Residential buildings – are constructions with a long-term exploitation, located on a batch of land within borders, with all auxiliary buildings and comfort elements, where more than half of the total building’s area is used for dwelling purposes.
Resident population - the number of people who have permanent residence in the respective territory, including temporarily absent persons.
Rest of the World - the economic relations with other countries are reflected in the “Rest of the World”, that brings together all non- residential institutional units, in the cases in which they interact with residents.
Retail includes the resale (sale without transformation) of new goods and used mainly by the general public for consumption or personal or domestic, by supermarkets, shops, shopping centres, pavilions, kiosks, booths, stalls, vending machines, correspondence, Internet, consumer cooperatives and pharmacies, etc. This division also includes the retail sale of fuels and lubricating and cooling products. In retail does not include: the sale of motor vehicles, motorcycles and parts, sales of food products by individuals market peasant trade in cereals, grains, ores, crude petroleum, industrial chemicals, iron and steel, machinery and industrial equipment, sale of food and drinks for consumption in restaurants and sale of food preparations Lunches, rental of personal and household goods to the general public.
Revenues of national budget are the taxes and duties, grants and other state receipts, stipulated by the law in force.
Road accident or traffic accident - an event, produced as a result of the violation of traffic rules, in which one or more vehicles in traffic on the public road were involved, resulting in injury to health, bodily integrity, death of one or more persons or material damage has been caused.
Note: The statistical data disseminated by the NBS do not include road accidents that caused only material damage.
Roads are terrestrial communication paths specially designed for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
Road transport network – totality of roads open to public traffic throughout the country.
Robbery (art. 188 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - the attack committed on a person for the purpose of stealing property, accompanied by violence dangerous to the life or health of the aggressed person or the threat of such violence.
Scam (art. 190 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - illicit acquisition of another person's property by misleading one or more persons by presenting as true a false deed or as a liar of a true deed, in terms of nature, qualities substantial effects of the object, to the parties (if their identity is the determining reason for concluding the legal act) of the null or voidable legal act, or if its conclusion is determined by the malicious or cunning behavior that caused considerable damages.
School-age population – represents the population of the age group theoretically corresponding to a given level of education as indicated by theoretical entrance age and duration.
Sentenced - the person in respect of whom the decision of the court remained final, by which it was sentenced to a criminal punishment deprived of liberty.
Sewerage system – assembly of technological installations, functional equipment and specific facilities, through which realizing the sewerage service. The sewerage system consists of the following components: sewerage systems, pumping stations, wastewater treatment stations, exhaust collectors for envoy.
Share of informally employed persons in non-agricultural sector - number of women/men aged 15 years and over employed (have carried out economic or social activities for income), informally in the non-agricultural sector, divided by the total number of women/men of the respective age in the non-agricultural sector.
Share of persons employed part-time - number of women/men aged aged 25-49 years, who are employed (c), with part-time working program, divided by the total number of women/men of the respective age.
The share of vaccinated children represents the number of children covered with preventive vaccines, by type of vaccine, divided by the total number of registered children, expressed at 100%.
Small agricultural producers – this category of producers includes population households and farms with land plots of up to 10 ha, registered in the established way, and the persons who were given parcels in the counterpart of shares of equivalent land, but did not register the household in the established way.
Smuggling (art. 248 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - the introduction or removal from the territory of the Republic of Moldova of goods, cultural values, goods subject to excise duty, drugs, precursors, ethnobotanicals or their analogues, toxic and noxious substances, weapons and ammunition prohibited in the civil circuit or subject to authorization, essential components of firearms, strategic goods, military devices, explosive, nuclear or radioactive materials, through places established for customs control or other places than those established for customs control, by concealment of customs control, by hiding in places specially prepared or adapted for this purpose, or by fraudulent use of documents or means of customs identification, or by non-declaration or inauthentic declaration in customs documents or in other documents crossing the border. Alienation or release for free circulation, without payment of import duties, of goods under customs supervision. Removal of goods from the territory of the Republic of Moldova by non-authentic declaration of the origin of the goods as being obtained entirely in the Republic of Moldova.
Social contributions to be paid by employers – represent the payment made by the employers to the state or private social insurance funds for guarantying their employees the right to receive social benefits in case of certain events or some special conditions, which may have a negative impact on the employees’ wellbeing – sickness, work accidents, retirement, unemployment etc. These payments include mandatory, conventional, contractual and voluntary contributions that insure against social risks or needs.
Social work – part of the national social protection system, in which state and civil society is engaged to prevent, restrict or remove temporary or permanent effects of events considered as social risks that lead to poverty or social exclusion of persons and families being in difficulty.
Sown area – arable land sown with agricultural crops and areas sown with agricultural crops between rows of orchards and vineyards.
Spectator – the person who watches / listens to a show or a concert.
Sport premises, gymnastic and health improvement centres are provided for training and didactic activities for health improvement and competitions. They are placed separately or in complexes and correspond to competition regulations by sport and are registered in the Directions for Education, Youth and Sports (documented or with special cards).
Standardized mortality rates– adjusted rates remove the effect of different population structure which allows valid comparisons between two or more populations.
Status in employment: persons are classified by their professional status in line with the international classification ICSE-93. Status in employment represents the situation of a person, depending on the way he/she obtains incomes from the carried-out activity, and namely: employees; non-employees; employers; own account workers; contributing family workers; member of a cooperative.
Status in employment represents the situation of a person, depending on the way he/she obtains incomes from the carried-out activity, and namely: employees; non-employees; employers; own account workers; contributing family workers; member of a cooperative. Persons are classified by their professional status in line with the international classification ICSE-93.
Statutory capita reflects the value of the statutory capital, registered in the establishment documents: in joint stock companies – the nominal value of issued shares; in limited liability companies – the value of the participation quotas; in state and municipal enterprises – the value of state means invested in the statutory capital.
Structure of the employed population by economic sectors - number of employed women/men aged 15 years and over (have carried out economic or social activities for income), in an economic sector, in the total number of employed women/men.
Structure of the employed population by status in employment share of employed women/men aged 15 years and over (have carried out economic or social activities for income), according to a certain status in employment, in the total number of employed women/men.
Subscribed user/registered member - person or organization subscribed to use collections and/or library services.
Subsequent costs are the costs and / or expenses incurred by an economic entity for itself related to the construction (production) of new long-term assets, repair and / or development of existing fixed assets in order to improve their initial characteristics and, accordingly, increase the economic benefits expected from their use included in composition of long-term tangible and intangible assets (capitalized).
Subsequent investments and capital repairs include subsequent expenses, which capitalized by adding to the book value, and incurred in the renovation or development of intangible and tangible assets in order to improve the initial characteristics or to increase the expected economic benefits from the use of the object.
Subsidies include subsidies on products and other subsidies on production.
Subsidies are the amounts (sum) received on a non-reimbursable basis from the National Public Budget (BPN) in connection with the production, sale of goods, services or the use of factors of production to promote a socio-economic policy.
Subsidies on products –amounts paid per unit of good and service produced or imported.
Subsistence level represents the minimal volume of goods and services, necessary for the satisfaction of basic requirements, health protection and support of human vital functions.
Tangible assets include fixed assets: buildings, including residential, engineering (special) structures, transmission facilities, machinery, equipment, transport means and other fixed assets; land; mineral resources; long-term biological assets.
Taxes on products – taxes paid proportionally to the quantity or the value of goods and services produced, sold or imported by the residents. Here are included the value added tax, excises, taxes on imported goods and services.
Technicians – workers who participate in the research and development activity, performing technical functions, as a rule, under the leadership of researchers (operation and maintenance of scientific installations, laboratory devices, computers, preparation of material, technical designs, carrying out of tests, analyses, etc.).
Technological developments – systematic works based on existing knowledge obtained as a result of the surveys and (or) practical experience and focused on creating new materials, products, procedures, devices, services, systems or methods.
The average harvest per hectare of perennial plantations is calculated based on the overall harvest obtained from the areas per fruit relative to the area per fruit.
The average harvest per hectare of agricultural crops is calculated, based on the overall harvest from the main sowings, from 1 ha of harvested area of the relevant crop.
The construction activity represents the sector of the national economy which deals with carrying out construction works, meant to create fixed assets, as well as to maintain the existing constructions at a technical level as close as possible to the initial one.
Theft (art. 186 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - the stealthily of another person's property.
Price Index for industrial production determines the trend of prices for industrial production at the first stage of shipping (without value added tax and excises). The index is calculated monthly, based on statistical records of prices for 1860 representative products in approximately 300 industrial enterprises.
The research of product prices is based on the PRODMOLD 2013 nomenclature of industrial products, harmonized at European standard, 2013 list.
To develop the Industrial Production Price Index, only the transactions from the first trading stage are taken into account, when the products leave the production enterprises.
The object of commercial transactions carried out by the industrial producers to buyers refers to the products sold at the most detailed level (products-assortment). The list of these products is set preventively and is constant for a certain period of time with the possible update upon need.
Commercial transactions may be carried out on the domestic and non-domestic markets.
Observed variable represents the price associated with the transaction, which will be determined depending on the seller (economic unit), the specific nature of the product - subject to transaction, type of buyer, and other characteristics of the transaction.
The prices for the products sold by the economic units are registered separately for deliveries on the domestic and non-domestic markets.
The length of the public roads is achieved by summing up the national and local roads (of regional / municipal interest).
The liquidity ratio is a liquidity indicator of the enterprise that reflects the degree of coverage of short-term payment obligations with current assets.
The teaching staff – refers to individuals who are employed in the education system and teach within the education and training process (full-time and part-time). Each teacher is registered only once, in the educational institution where he has the basic function.
The total area of dwellings (flats/individual houses) is determined as the sum of the living area, which includes the area of habitable rooms (bedrooms and living room) of the dwelling and the area of auxiliary rooms (kitchen, hall, bathroom, shower, toilet etc.) of the dwelling, as well as the surface of the loggias, balconies, terraces which is included in the total surface by the reduction coefficients.
The title describes a document which constitutes a separate article, with distinct title, regardless of the fact if it is published in a single volume/physical unit and regardless of the number of copies existing in the library.
Total demographic dependency ratio - represents the number of children aged 0-14 and elderly people (aged 65 and over) per 100 people aged 15-64, at the beginning of the reference year.
Total fertility rate– the average number of children born per woman of childbearing age (15 - 49), under the fertility conditions of the respective year.
Tourism covers the activities performed by persons during their travelling and stays outside their usual place of residence for a consecutive period of time which does not exceed one year, for such purposes as leisure, business, visiting friends and relatives, medical treatment, religion, pilgrimage.
Organized tourism – tourism form characterized by a beforehand service agreement, including the services related to tourist’s travel and stay, through contracts or any other types of arrangements.
Tourism forms:
- domestic tourism: movement of residents of the Republic of Moldova within the country for touristic purposes;
- inbound tourism: the reception by country of the foreign persons with a stay longer than 24 hours for a tourist purpose;
- outbound tourism: the movement of residents of a country outside its borders for tourism purpose with a stay longer than 24 hours.
The three basic forms of tourism mentioned above may be associated, obtaining thus the following categories of tourism:
- internal tourism - the movement of Moldovan residents within the country for tourism purposes;
- inational tourism which regroups domestic and outbound tourism;
- international tourism - the set of relationships and phenomena resulting from the movement and stay of persons visiting, for tourism purposes, a country other than the country of residence; includes the inbound and outbound tourism.
Travel agencies are individual or legal persons who sell or offer for sale the own or contracted tourist services from other suppliers as well as packages of tourist services set up by the tour operator.
Tour-operators are individual or legal persons who organize packages of tourist services and sell or offer them for sale directly or through a travel agency.
Tourists represent the individual persons traveling to any place other than their place of residence for a period of at least 24 hours and for a purpose other than the pursuit of a paid activity in the place visited.
Excursionists (one-day visitors) represent the persons who do not spend at least one night in a collective or private tourist accommodation structure.
Tourists/excursionists participating in organized tourism are the persons who benefit from the services which are offered and sold by the economic agents that organize the tourism activity.
The tourist accommodation structure represents any construction or well-established place meant, according to its design and operation, to accommodate tourists.
Collective tourist accommodation structure represents the structure which offers rooms and spaces for travelers, and the number of places offered by such a structure should be higher than a minimum specified for groups of persons bigger than a family; all the places of the accommodation structure should have a common commercial administration, even if it is a non-profit unit (for unprofitable aims).
The following are not considered to be tourist accommodation structures:
- accommodation units used exclusively by owners and lodgers for longer than one year, regardless of their classification;
- population auxiliary dwellings, used for tourist purpose exclusively by their owners;
- hostels, boarding schools during the school year;
- health care units (except for resorts and other similar spaces which practice touristic activities;
- sleeping wagons;
- barracks and dormitories for workers, hostels for elderly people, and orphanages.
The tourist accommodation structures do not include the “rooms for rent in family dwelling” unit, regardless of the number of existing bed-places in these units.
Existing (installed) tourist accommodation capacity represents the number of accommodation places of touristic usage registered within the last act of acceptance, homologation, classification of tourist accommodation structures, excluding the additional beds which may be installed in case of need. Number of places is determined for the operational tourist accommodation structures existing as of December 31.
Operational tourist accommodation capacity represents the number of accommodation places offered to tourists by the collective tourist accommodation structures, taking into account the number of days when the respective structures stay open during the considered period, meaning the days when it was possible to accommodate the tourists. It is expressed in places-days (number of places * number of days). The places from the temporarily closed rooms or structures due to lack of tourists, for repairing works, or for other reasons are excluded.
Number of bed-places is determined by the number of persons who can stay overnight in the beds installed in the tourist accommodation structures.
Tourist arrival in the tourist accommodation structure represents the situation when a person is registered in the tourist accommodation structure registry so as to be hosted for one or more consequent nights. Every tourist accommodation structure counts one arrival per tourist, regardless of the number of nights he/she stays consequently in the establishment. The tourists staying in the structure since the month prior to the reported month are not included in the number of arrivals. In case of families hosted in the tourist accommodation structure, the number of arrivals includes every member of the family for whom at least one accommodation place was paid.
Tourists accommodated in the tourist accommodation units cover all the persons (residents and non-residents) who travel outside the localities in which they have their permanent residence, for a period of time less than 12 months, and stay at least one night in a tourist accommodation unit in the visited locality from the country; the main purpose of the trip not being related to performance of a remunerated activity in the visited place.
Overnight is the interval of 24 hours starting with the hotel hour, during which the person is registered in the tourist accommodation space and benefits from hosting, based on the tariff set for the occupied space, even though the duration of the real stay is smaller than the mentioned interval. The overnights afferent to the additionally installed beds (paid by clients) are also taken into consideration.
Tourist overnight is considered to be every night spent by the tourist or during which the tourist is registered (his/her physical presence is not necessary) in a tourist accommodation structure.
Indices of net use of touristic accommodation capacity in function expresses the relation between the accommodation capacity in function and its real use by tourists, within a determined period of time. It results from dividing the total number of fulfilled overnights to the touristic accommodation capacity in function during the respective period of time.
Average stay duration is calculated by dividing the number of fulfilled overnights to the number of tourists’ arrivals.
Touristic package (vacation package, trip package) is a pre-established combination of at least two touristic services, sold or offered for sale as a single product, for a price in which the cost of every component is not identified separately, these services exceeding 24 hours.
Touristic stay represents the time interval during which the tourist consumes the package of touristic services at the same touristic destination.
Average length of stay – division between the number of tourist-days and the number of tourists participating in touristic actions organized by the tourist agencies and tour-operators.
Trade liabilities – liabilities resulting from commercial transactions (liabilities to suppliers and entrepreneurs on raw material and fixed assets, goods received, and also for the services provided).
Trademark – any graphically representable designation, allowing goods and/or services of one natural person or legal entity to be distinguished from the goods and/or services of other natural persons or legal entities.
Trafficking in influence (art. 326 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - claiming, accepting or receiving, promising, offering or giving to a person, personally or through intermediaries, money, securities, services, privileges, other goods or advantages, for himself or for another person, by a person who has influence or claims to have influence over a public person, persons with a position of public dignity, foreign public persons, international civil servant, to make him fulfill or not to hasten the performance of an action in the exercise of his function, whether or not such actions have been committed.
Transfer represents the transaction in which one institutional unit provides a good, service or asset (financial or non-financial) to another unit, without receiving from the last any goods, services or assets in return as counterpart. There are current, capital and social transfers in kind.
Transit represents the transport performed between two places, loading place and unloading place, both being located in the same country or in different countries, without any loading or unloading on the territory of Moldova.
Transition rate to lower secondary education – represents the new entrants to the first grade of lower secondary education in a given year, expressed as a percentage of the number of pupils enrolled in the final grade of primary education in the previous study year.
Transported passengers represent the embarked passengers to any destination, regardless if the departure takes place on the territory of country or not, conditioned that the vehicle belongs to the transport operator from our country or is rented by him/her.
The passengers transported by air represent the passengers of one flight having the same number, and registered one single time. The passengers in direct transit are excluded – the passengers who after a short stop continue their journey with the same flight or with a flight that has the same number as the arrival flight.
Transported passengers represent the number of persons who were transported during the year, including the passengers benefiting from free-of-charge transportation. They also include the persons transported on the basis of tickets, subscriptions, travel IDs, and other transport documents.
Turnover of passengers represents the volume of passengers transport (in passenger-km) and is determined by the number of transported passengers and the effective distance in km which was passed by every passenger.
Turnover of passengers with trolleybuses is calculated as a product of the number of transported passengers and the average circulation distance of the trolleybus passengers. The average circulation distance is established once in five years as a result of the survey performed for the flow of passengers on the trolleybus routes of the respective city, is approved in the established order and is taken into calculation as a constant measure.
Average distance for passenger transport is expressed in km. It is calculated as a ratio of the turnover of passengers and the number of transported passengers.
Passenger road transport: the operation through which persons’ movement is performed with the road vehicle on a road opened for public circulation, on pre-established distances and conditions. From activity standpoint, it is classified in pubic road transport and own account road transport.
Public passenger road transport is the fee -based road transport performed on contract basis by the road transport operators only with the road vehicles held in possession, at the board of which, during the whole duration of the transportation, there is a copy of the transport license, as well as the route license or the international transport authorization or the transport document corresponding to the occasional services, as the case may be.
Tourist transport is the occasional transport service which ensures the movement of a group of persons for touristic purposes.
Occasional passenger transport service is an activity of public passenger transport, performed on contract basis for every route, which cannot be defined as a regular service or special regular service, used to transport groups of persons established in advance, upon the initiative of a person, due to some events, special manifestations, circular trips of recreational nature, tourism, and other.
Turnover (VAT excluded) represents is the amount of revenue from the sale of products, goods, services and the execution of works both from the main business and from secondary activities.
Turnover of goods is determined by the weight of transported goods and the distances passed by the vehicles which carry out the transportation from the loading place (shipment) to the unloading place (destination).
Net operation turnover of goods – for goods trains – is calculated by summing up the results of multiplying the weight of loaded goods with the distance traveled by the train on the railway, on the territory of Moldova.
Tariff turnover of goods – for goods trains – is calculated by summing up the results of multiplying the quantity of transported goods with the distances travelled by the goods transport, from the shipment place till the destination place for national transport. In case of international and transit transport, only the distance travelled within the railway network on the territory of the country is taken into consideration. Tariff turnover of goods is calculated on the segment from the loading place to the unloading place, depending on the distance registered in the goods transport document. The turnover of goods is registered during the calendar period when the shipment was performed.
Average goods transport distance characterizes the average length traveled by the good, expressed in km. It is calculated as a division between the turnover of goods and volume of transported goods.
Turnover (sales revenue) excluding VAT and excise duties represents the revenues obtained from the sale of products, goods, services and performance of works, both from the main activity and from the secondary activities, exercised by the enterprise during the reference period.
Undeclared work - undeclared work means any work performed by an individual for and under the authority of an employer without respecting the provisions of the Labour Code regarding the working contract.
Underutilization rate represents the share of the labour force underutilization in total extended labour force (%).
Unemployment rate - represents the share of ILO unemployed in total active population, expressed in percentage.
Unemployment rate - number of women/men considered unemployed according to ILO definition, divided by the total number active women/men.
ILO criteria:
1. has no job and does not work;
2. actively looking for a job;
3. available to start work.
Unit value Indices of external trade characterize the changes in value of exports and imports based on the changes of prices, while the volumes are the same. The calculation of unit value indices is based on the data obtained from custom declarations for total exports and imports, and separately for every good, group of goods. The goods selected for the calculations (representative goods) include all homogenous commodities codified according to the Nomenclature of goods, at the 9 digit level, with the information available on quantity and cost, for the reporting and for the base period. The base period for the calculation of unit value indices is considered the previous year.
Unpaid work for the benefit of the community consists in involvement of the convict, outside the time of basic or study service, to work, determined by the local public administration authorities.
Unsentenced - the person against whom the measure of pre-trial detention (does not include persons under contraventional arrest) is applied, under the conditions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, awaiting the decision of the first instance court regarding the conviction or acquittal.
Usual resident population - all persons holding the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova, the citizenship of other states and stateless persons, who, on the reference date, have usual residence on the territory of the country.
The number estimation of the population with usual residence is based on the corrected population with usual residence from the 2014 Census of Population and Housing (PHC), to which live births have been added, deaths have been subtracted (natural increase), and included the migration increase (net migration).
Place of usual residence – the place where a person usually spends his or her daily rest time, regardless of temporary absences for the purpose of rest, leave/vacation, visits to relatives and friends, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimages.
Value of construction works is presented by structure elements of the works and by types of objects.
Victims of accidents at work - the number of employees who suffered as a result of accidents at work, which caused temporary loss of work capacity, disability or death.
Violation of domicile (art. 179 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova) - illegal entry or stay in the home or residence of a person without his consent or refusal to leave them at his request, as well as illegal searches and investigations, the same actions committed with the application of violence or the threat of its application.
Visitor – the person who visits a museum, public collection, exhibition.
Volume of animal production is determined by the quantity of live weight, the increase received and the growth of young animals for year, the increase in weight of mature animals, in the result of fattening, and also the quantity of milk, wool, eggs and other animal products obtained in the result of use of animal and poultry, having no relation with their slaughtering. The volume of animal production is expressed in current and comparable prices.
of goods, which are exchanged between of the Republic of
Moldova and other countries, and increase or decrease the
material resources of the country in the result of their entry
or exit from the country
Volume of plant production is determined by the size of global yield of agricultural crops, and is expressed in current and comparable prices.
Waste – substances, materials, objects, scraps of raw materials from economic activities, domestic and consumer activities that have lost all or part of the initial value, some of which are reusable after processing.
Production and consumption wastes are waste resulting from technological and consumption processes.
Waste – substances, materials, objects, scraps of raw materials from economic, domestic and consumer activities that have lost all or part of the initial use value, some of which are reusable after processing.
Toxic waste – wastes containing hazardous substances with toxic properties or containing pathogens of infectious diseases.
Waste storage - waste disposal in authorized and specially organized places (polygons, landfills, underground areas) for burial or temporary storage for possible further processing and use.
Waste processing – performing of some technological operations (dismantling, cutting, pressing, briquetting, grinding, melting, casting, fermenting etc.), which modify the composition and physical, chemical or biological properties of waste for the purpose of transforming them into secondary raw materials.
Use of waste – reintroduction in the economic circle of waste as secondary raw materials or use after processing as semi-finished products or energy.
Water supplied to consumers – the volume of water delivered to the population, budgetary institutions and other consumers for productive and unproductive needs.
Water supply system – assembly of technological installations, specific functional equipment and facilities through which realizing the water supply service. Water supply system includes the following components: captures, adductions, treatment plants, pumping stations with or without hydrophore, storage tanks, public water transport networks, water supply networks.
Wholesale includes the resale of new and used goods (sale without transformation) to retailers, industrial, commercial or professional users, by other wholesalers acting as agents or brokers in buying the goods for them, or for selling the merchandise to other persons or firms. Wholesale also includes intermediation activities in wholesale (commission activities, between dealers as all intermediation on others behalf or account), no matter of sale on domestic market or for export. This division excludes trade with motor vehicles and motorcycles.
Wholesale and retail trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles, and repair includes: wholesale and retailing of motor vehicles and motorcycles; wholesale and retail sale of new and second-hand vehicles, vehicle repair and maintenance; wholesale and retail sale of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and motorcycles. Activities of commission agents involved in the wholesale or retail sale of vehicles, the sale of cars at auction or the Internet are also included. This division also includes washing and polishing of vehicles, etc.
Wool production includes all sheep wool, regardless whether it was sold or used for households needs. The wool received during industrial processing of leather (the so-called “acidic wool”) is not included in the production. The wool production is presented in natural weight (i.e. weight of non-washed wool) just after shearing.
Working programme of employed persons is defined as being full-time or part-time, according to the respondents’ statements. Generally, a full-time programme for employees is considered to be the programme related to a full-time schedule, as provided in the collective employment contract (normal duration); and a part-time programme is the programme the duration of which is significantly shorter than the normal duration, as provided in the individual employment contract.
Works (services) of industrial nature represent the works performed by the economic units within some cooperation actions, which do not provide for some essential form transformation of the product subject to processing. Only the works which are executed for third parties or those executed for non-industrial sectors of the enterprises are reported.
Yearly average inflation rate represents the average increase in consumer prices in one year as against the previous year. This rate is calculated as a ratio, expressed in percentages, between the average price index of one year and that of the previous year, from which 100 is subtracted. At their turn, the average price indices of these two years are determined as simple arithmetic means of the monthly indices from each year, calculated as against the same base.
Yearly inflation rate represents the increase in consumer prices in one month of the current year, as against the same month of the previous year. It is calculated as a ratio, expressed in percentages, between the price index of one month of the current year and the price index of the corresponding month of the previous year, calculated as against the same basis, from which 100 is subtracted.
Demographic dependency ratio of young people – represents the number of returning young people per 100 people aged 15-64, at the beginning of the reference year.
Youth NEET are young persons not in education, employment or training.