The Glossary of statistical indicators makes it easy to search for statistics by providing a description for each word.
Consumer Price Index (Consumer price indices)

Consumer Price Index is an estimative indicator, which characterizes the general trends of the prices for purchased goods and the tariffs for services used by the population, in order to satisfy their needs over a certain period of time (current period) in comparison to a fixed period (base period).

The calculation of indices is based on the structure of households expenditures and the prices recorded for 1200 goods and services, representative in all forms of trade and services provided, in 900 centres of 8 cities of the country.

For the calculation of the given index, there are taken into consideration only the elements included in the population consumption (excluding the own consumption of goods and services; expenditures for taxes, fires, interest rates, securities and other).

The list of foodstuff and non-foodstuff products and services, for which the prices and tariffs are registered, includes the goods and services with the highest weight in the consumption expenditures of the population, thus the change of their prices would reflect the trend of the group prices, to which they belong.

Inflation rate at the end of the year (Consumer price indices)

Inflation rate at the end of the year represents the consumer price increase in December of one year as against the same month of the previous year. The inflation rate is calculated based on the product of the monthly indices with a chain base in relation to 100. This product is expressed in percentage, and 100 is subtracted from it.

Monthly average inflation rate (Consumer price indices)

Monthly average inflation rate expresses the average of monthly price increases. It is calculated as a geometrical mean of the monthly consumer price indices with a chain base from which the comparison basis equal to 100 is subtracted.

Monthly inflation rate (Consumer price indices)

Monthly inflation rate represents the increase in consumer prices in one month as against the previous month.

Yearly average inflation rate (Consumer price indices)

Yearly average inflation rate represents the average increase in consumer prices in one year as against the previous year. This rate is calculated as a ratio, expressed in percentages, between the average price index of one year and that of the previous year, from which 100 is subtracted. At their turn, the average price indices of these two years are determined as simple arithmetic means of the monthly indices from each year, calculated as against the same base.

Yearly inflation rate (Consumer price indices)

Yearly inflation rate represents the increase in consumer prices in one month of the current year, as against the same month of the previous year. It is calculated as a ratio, expressed in percentages, between the price index of one month of the current year and the price index of the corresponding month of the previous year, calculated as against the same basis, from which 100 is subtracted.