The Glossary of statistical indicators makes it easy to search for statistics by providing a description for each word.
End products (Industry)

End products are considered to be the products which were processed within the enterprise (have passed the whole technological process) and meet the technical standards and conditions set in the contract. In the framework of industrial statistics, products are expressed in quantities and values.

Industrial production (Industry)

Industrial production represents:
– direct and useful result of extracting raw material and material existing in nature;
– result of agricultural and forestry products’ primary processing;
– result of previously processing of industrial products;
– activities for restoring initial technical and qualitative parameters of industrial products (such as: repairing works, maintenance works, etc.).

Industrial Turnover Index (Industry)

The industrial turnover index characterizes the economic situation and is used to assess current sales trends and, therefore, to report market fluctuations. The industrial turnover index provides information on future prospects, the need for and the possibility of financing the desired investments and operating costs.

Works (services) of industrial nature (Industry)

Works (services) of industrial nature represent the works performed by the economic units within some cooperation actions, which do not provide for some essential form transformation of the product subject to processing. Only the works which are executed for third parties or those executed for non-industrial sectors of the enterprises are reported.