The Glossary of statistical indicators makes it easy to search for statistics by providing a description for each word.
Accrued liabilities (Finance)

Accrued liabilities – liabilities to other legal and natural persons (personnel, social insurance funds, budget, various creditors).

Actuary (Finance)

Actuary - natural person specialized in financial risk assessment by actuarial methods (statistical, mathematical and economic), holder of a qualification certificate issued by the supervisory authority.

Budget deficit (Finance)

Budget deficit represents the exceeding expenditures over revenues.

Budget surplus (Finance)

Budget surplus represents the exceeding revenues over expenditures.

Debt receivables (Finance)

Debt receivables – the part of assets of the enterprise, which have to be paid by third parties, natural or legal persons, in a certain period.

Expenditures of the national budget (Finance)

Expenditures of the national budget are determined by the allocations stipulated by the annual budget law designed to meet society’s needs to cover social and scientific research expenditures, maintenance of state apparatus, military needs coverage, paying state debt, granting subsidies, developing the economic sector etc.

Financial liabilities (Finance)

Financial liabilities – liabilities connected to the involved capital (bank credits and loans received by the enterprise from natural and legal persons).

Insurance (Finance)

Insurance - transfer of a possible risk, including the risk of financial loss and / or material damage, from the insured to the insurer, in accordance with the insurance contract.

Insurance activity (Finance)

Insurance activity - activity that consists mainly of: providing, negotiating and concluding insurance and reinsurance contracts, collecting fees, liquidating damages, performing regression and recovery actions.

Insurance and / or reinsurance intermediation (Finance)

Insurance and / or reinsurance intermediation - an activity consisting of presenting or proposing insurance and / or reinsurance contracts, from other preparation actions for the conclusion of such contracts, their conclusion, or contributing to the management of contracts, especially in the event of a claim for damages.

Insured (Finance)

Insured - a person who has concluded or for whom an insurance contract has been concluded with the insurer.

Leasing (Finance)

Leasing – a business activity in the frame of which a party (lessor) undertakes, at the request of another party (tenant), to provide in possession and temporary use a good, purchased or produced by the lessor for a periodic
payment (lease rate); upon expiration of the leasing contract, to respect the right of option of tenant to buy the good, to extend the leasing contract or to terminate the contractual reports.

Liabilities (Finance)

Liabilities represent the external sources of financing, given to the enterprise by third parties, which have to be paid in a certain period of time, according the established contract and other regulating documents. The liabilities include: financial, commercial and accrued debt.

Liquidity (Finance)

Liquidity – availability of sufficient assets to meet the payment obligations when they mature.

Monetary aggregates (Finance)

Monetary aggregates represent the volumes and the structure of the monetary mass intended to study the circulation of money in order to regulate it.

National public budge (Finance)

National public budget represents the totality of the state budget incomes and expenditures, local budgets, budget of state social insurance and funds of obligatory medical insurance.

Net profit (Finance)

Net profit – financial result after taxation, obtained by the enterprise during reporting period.

Profitability (Finance)

Profitability is a synthetic form of expression of economic efficiency that reflects a firm’s ability to get from the activity it carries a profit or a benefit. Profitability is measured by the ratio of the results (a profit indicator (gross, net, etc.) and the means (resources or capital) used to obtain them.

Profit (losses) (Finance)

Profit (losses) before taxation reflects the financial result of the enterprise, obtained from all activities.

Revenues of national budget (Finance)

Revenues of national budget are the taxes and duties, grants and other state receipts, stipulated by the law in force.

The liquidity ratio (Finance)

The liquidity ratio is a liquidity indicator of the enterprise that reflects the degree of coverage of short-term payment obligations with current assets.

Trade liabilities (Finance)

Trade liabilities – liabilities resulting from commercial transactions (liabilities to suppliers and entrepreneurs on raw material and fixed assets, goods received, and also for the services provided).