Adolescent and women fertility rate - number of live births per 1000 women of a certain age (in the limits of reproductive age - 15-49 years) divided to the total number of women of this age.
Age-specific mortality rate – is the frequency of deaths by age per 1000 people of that age.
Born-alive is the product of conception, expelled or completely extracted from the mother's body of the fetus at the end of 22 weeks of gestation and/or with the weight of the child from 500 grams and more, breathing or showing other signs of life (breathing, cardiac activity, pulsations of the umbilical cord or voluntary muscle contractions). Until 2007, a live birth was defined as the total expulsion or extraction of the fetus from the mother's body, regardless of the duration of the pregnancy.
Deaths is the person whose vital functions have definitively ceased after some time has passed since birth.
Divorce is the dissolution of a legally concluded marriage, through a final decision of the judicial bodies.
Gross reproduction rate– the average number of girls that a woman would have, who would not be subject to the risk of mortality, during her fertile life, under the fertility conditions of the respective year.
Infant mortality rate indicates the number of children who died under one year of age per 1000 live births in a reference year.
Marriage it is the union between a man and a woman, concluded in accordance with the legislation of the country.
Natural growth - represents the difference between the number of live births and the number of deaths during the year.
Positive natural growth (growth) – the number of live births exceeds the number of deaths.
Negative natural growth (decrease) – the number of deaths exceeds the number of live births.
Net reproduction rate – the average number of girls born to a woman who survive to the end of the reproductive period at the given level of fertility and mortality in the reference year.
Rank of the born-alive refers to the numerical order of a live birth relative to the mother's total number of live births.
Standardized mortality rates– adjusted rates remove the effect of different population structure which allows valid comparisons between two or more populations.
Total fertility rate– the average number of children born per woman of childbearing age (15 - 49), under the fertility conditions of the respective year.