The Glossary of statistical indicators makes it easy to search for statistics by providing a description for each word.
Contributing family worker (Employment and unemployment)

Contributing family worker – is the person carrying out the activity within a family economic unit, headed by a family member or by a relative, for which he/she does not receive remuneration in form of salary or payment in kind. The agricultural farm is considered as such unit. If several persons from a household are working within their farm, one of them – generally the household head – is considered as own account worker and the others are considered as contributing family workers.

Discouraged persons (Employment and unemployment)

Discouraged persons are inactive persons, available to work in the next 15 days, who do not have a job and who stated that they are looking for a job, but did not take any step over the last 4 weeks for this purpose, or they do not look for a job due to the following reasons:
− thought there are no vacancies or did not know where else to look for;
− do not feel themselves skilled;
− think will not find a job because of the age;
− previously looked for a job and did not find any.

Employed population (Employment and unemployment)
Employed population (Employment and unemployment)

Employed population covers all the persons aged 15 years and over who have carried out an economic or social activity to provide goods or services for at least one hour during the period of reference (one week), in order to obtain incomes in forms of salary, payment in kind, and other benefits.

Extended labour force (Employment and unemployment)

Extended labour force represents the sum of labour force and potential labour force.

ILO Unemployed (Employment and unemployment)

ILO Unemployed are persons aged 15 years and over, who during the reference period meet simultaneously the following conditions:
- do not have a job and do not perform any activity to obtain some income;
- are looking for a job over the last 4 weeks and use different methods: get registered at the National Employment Agency or at private employment agencies, take measures to start up an activity on their own, publish and answer to job announcements, call for help from friends, relatives, colleagues, tradeunions, etc.;
- are available to start working in the following 15 days, if they could find immediately a job;
This category of population also includes:
- persons without job, available to work, waiting to be called back to work or those who found a job and will start working at a date following the reference period;
- persons who are usually included in inactive population (pupils, students, pensioners), but who stated that they are looking for a job and are available to start working.

Inactivity rate among population aged 15 years (Employment and unemployment)

Inactivity rate among population aged 15 years represents the share of inactive population aged 15 and over in the total population aged 15 years and over (%).

Labour force (Employment and unemployment)

Labour force (active population from the economic point of view) covers all the persons aged 15 years and over, who provide the labour force available for production of goods and services during the period of reference, including employed and unemployed population.

Labour force participation rate of the population aged 15 years and over (or activity rate (Employment and unemployment)

Labour force participation rate of the population aged 15 years and over (or activity rate) represents the share of the labour force in total population aged 15 years and over (%).

Labour force underutilization (Employment and unemployment)

Labour force underutilization includes time-related underemployment, unemployment and potential labour force.

Long-term unemployment (Employment and unemployment)

Long-term unemployment - situation when the unemployed person has no work and is looking for a job for one year and longer.

Member of a co-operative (Employment and unemployment)

Member of a co-operative – is the person who worked as member of a co-operative, where every member has equal rights in decision-making process, solution of problems on production/sale, etc.

Occupations (Employment and unemployment)

Occupations are classified in line with the Classification of Occupation in the Republic of Moldova, approved by Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family’s Order no. 22 dated March 3, 2014, harmonized with the respective international standard ISCO-08.


Persons outside the labour force (or inactive population from the economic point of view) (Employment and unemployment)

Persons outside the labour force (or inactive population from the economic point of view) covers all persons, irrespectively of age, who did not work for at least an hour and were not unemployed during the period of reference.

Potential labour force (Employment and unemployment)

Potential labour force represents the sum of two categories of persons: „inactive persons who carried out activities to seek employment, but were not currently available to start work” and „inactive persons who did not carry out activities to seek employment, but wanted employment and are currently available”.

Status in employment (Employment and unemployment)

Status in employment represents the situation of a person, depending on the way he/she obtains incomes from the carried-out activity, and namely: employees; non-employees; employers; own account workers; contributing family workers; member of a cooperative. Persons are classified by their professional status in line with the international classification ICSE-93.

Status in employment (Employment and unemployment)

Status in employment: persons are classified by their professional status in line with the international classification ICSE-93. Status in employment represents the situation of a person, depending on the way he/she obtains incomes from the carried-out activity, and namely: employees; non-employees; employers; own account workers; contributing family workers; member of a cooperative.

Undeclared work (Employment and unemployment)

Undeclared work - undeclared work means any work performed by an individual for and under the authority of an employer without respecting the provisions of the Labour Code regarding the working contract.

Underutilization rate (Employment and unemployment)

Underutilization rate represents the share of the labour force underutilization in total extended labour force (%).

Unemployment rate (Employment and unemployment)

Unemployment rate - represents the share of ILO unemployed in total active population, expressed in percentage.

Working programme (Employment and unemployment)

Working programme of employed persons is defined as being full-time or part-time, according to the respondents’ statements. Generally, a full-time programme for employees is considered to be the programme related to a full-time schedule, as provided in the collective employment contract (normal duration); and a part-time programme is the programme the duration of which is significantly shorter than the normal duration, as provided in the individual employment contract.

Youth NEET (Employment and unemployment)

Youth NEET are young persons not in education, employment or training.