The Glossary of statistical indicators makes it easy to search for statistics by providing a description for each word.
Average number of employees in the year of reference (Number of employees and vacancies)

Average number of employees in the year of reference represents a simple arithmetic mean, resulting from the sum of the daily numbers of employees (excluding those whose work contract / work relations were suspended) from the year of reference – including the weekends, legal holidays and other non-working days – divided to the total number of calendar days (365 days).

Employee (Number of employees and vacancies)

Employee – the person carrying out an activity based on an individual work contract with the employer in exchange for remuneration in the form of salary in money and/or in kind.

Number of employees by the end of the year (Number of employees and vacancies)

Number of employees by the end of the year represents the number of persons existing in the unit on the very last day of the year, employed with individual work contract / work relations for a determined or undetermined period of time (including seasonal workers, manager/administrator), who have worked or who were not able to fulfil their work duties because being on a sick leave, maternity leave, child care leave, annual leave, unpaid leave, benefiting from free time provided by law or set according to the work collective contract or those who have been furloughed, on strike, etc. The employees delegated to work abroad and those who are cumulating more jobs are not covered, as well as those who do not have their main work within the reporting unit.