The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2020 the tourism agencies and tour-operators provided tourism services to 124,5 thousand tourists and excursionists, which represents 33,1% compared to 2019. The number of tourists and excursionists in the reporting year compared with 2019, decreased by 252,1 thousand visitors, the decreased was caused by the decrease of the number of participants of outbound tourism with 235,9 thousand visitors (-76,0%), domestic tourism - with 12,9 thousand visitors (-65,0%) and inbound tourism - with 3,3 thousand visitors (-7,1%).
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in February 2021 the annual inflation registered 0,62%, including food products 1,80%, nonfood products 1,15% and services (-1,89%). The average consumer prices in February 2021 compared to January 2021 increased by 0,38%.
According to the results of the Labour Force Survey, in the IV-th quarter of 2020, the labour force of the Republic of Moldova, which includes the employed and unemployed population, was 877,4 thousand persons, decreasing by 1,2% in comparison to the IV-th quarter of 2019.
Sales indices of agricultural production prices
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that producer prices of agricultural products in 2020 registered 122,5% compared to 2019.
The National Bureau of Statistics communicates about the release of the statistical portrait of women and men in the Republic of Moldova. The synthesis presents statistical data on women and men, reflecting their situation in all areas of society.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that the average gross monthly nominal earnings at the units in the real sector with 4 and more employees as well all budgetary institutions amounted to 8107,5 lei in 2020, increasing by 10,2% compared to year 2019.
Number of employees and vacancies
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that the average gross monthly nominal earnings at the units in the real sector with 4 and more employees as well all budgetary institutions amounted to 8107,5 lei in 2020, increasing by 10,2% compared to year 2019.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2020, the entities in the real sector with 5 and more employees and the budgetary institutions made investments in fixed assets amounted to 27,1 billion lei or 2,6% less compared to 2019.
According to information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020, 26,3 thousand crimes were recorded on the territory of the country, registering a decrease of 17,0% compared to the previous year and 37,2% compared to 2016. The crime rate is 100 offenses per 10 thousand residents compared to 120 offenses in 2019 and 151 in 2016.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in 2020 were put into operation 6 906 dwellings (apartments and individual residential houses) with total area of 545,5 thousand m2, or with 20,7% more than in 2019.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that 90,3 thou. tourists attended collective tourist accommodation establishments in the period of January-December 2020, of which 61,6 thou. were resident tourists (68,2% of total) and 28,7 thou. - non-resident tourists (31,8%).
The EU funded project “Technical Assistance to Support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova” is seeking high-qualified national applicants for two full time fixed term positions: Frontend Developer (A) and Backend Developer (B) for the development and implementation of the Integrated Automated Information System at the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to preliminary data, in January-December 2020, the construction works executed by the entities amounted to 14,0 billion lei, increasing by 3,7% in comparable prices compared to the similar period of 2019.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in December 2020, the industrial production decreased by 1,8% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, as a result of decrease of the manufacturing industry (with 5,6%). In the same time the quarrying industry (+32,5%) and production of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning supply (+12,1%) registered an increase.
The EU funded project “Technical Assistance to Support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova” is seeking high-qualified national applicants for preparing a concept document on the Integrated Automated Information System that is being developed at the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in December 2020, turnover in retail trade registered an increased of 17,2% compared to previous month and with 18,5% compared to December 2019. In 2020, turnover in retail trade increased with 4,6% compared to 2019.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2020 exports summed up 2485,2 millions USD, less than in 2019 with 10,6% and imports summed up 5415,7 millions USD, less than in 2019 with 7,3%.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that 55,6 million passengers were transported with public transport in 2020, with 46,1% less than in 2019. The passengers turnover constituted 2434,7 million passenger-kilometers, with 59,2% less than in 2019.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January 2021 the annual inflation registered 0,22%, including food products 1,26%, nonfood products (-0,08%) and services (-0,95%).
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the global agricultural production, in all types of households in 2020, according to preliminary estimations, registered 72,9% compared to 2019. The decrease of the global agricultural production was determined by the decrease of the vegetable production with 35,9% and livestock production with 3,8%.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in 2020, 3038 building permits for residential and non-residential buildings were issued, less with 1,9% compared to 2019, the reduction being caused by the decrease in the number of permits issued for non-residential buildings.
Industrial production price indices
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in December 2020 the producer prices in industry increased by 0,7% compared to November 2020, and with 3,8% compared to December 2019.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in November 2020, the industrial production increased by 2,7% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, as a result of increase of the quarrying industry (+31,5%) and production of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning supply (+28,7%). In the same time the manufacturing industry registered an decrease (-2,4%).
The EU funded project “Technical Assistance to Support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova” is seeking high-qualified national applicants for two full time fixed term positions: Frontend Developer (A) and Backend Developer (B) for the development and implementation of the Integrated Automated Information System at the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-November 2020 exports summed up 2267,0 millions USD, less than in the corresponding period of 2019 with 11,5% and imports summed up 4848,6 millions USD, less than in the corresponding period of 2019 with 8,6%.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that 50,4 million passengers were transported with public transport in January-November 2020, with 46,7% less than in the similar period of 2019. The passengers turnover constituted 2206,0 million passenger-kilometers, with 60,3% less than January-November 2019.
The EU funded project “Technical Assistance to Support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova” is seeking high-qualified national applicants for preparing a concept document on the Integrated Automated Information System that is being developed at the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova.
The EU funded project “Technical Assistance to Support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova” is seeking high-qualified national applicants for the position of a Graphic and Layout Designer to support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova in revising and enriching the visual identity of the Institution, and developing specific branding products in line with the national legislation and the best European standards followed by other European National Institutes of Statistics.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in December 2020 the annual inflation (for the last 12 months) registered 0,39%, including food products 1,66%, nonfood products (-0,49%) and services (-0,30%).
The yearbook contains the most recent statistical data available in various fields, for economic and social characterization of the country in 2019, as well as the evolution in recent years of the main indicators. The data on some indicators are revised compared to those previously published, and for 2019 some indicators are preliminary and in further editions can be revised.