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This year, on October 20, all country members of the United Nations Organization celebrated for the first time the World Statistics Day, according to the UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/64/267 adopted on June 3, 2010 under the auspices of the 64th session.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that the prices for construction-assembly works in the quarter III 2010 increased with 0,4% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
National Bureau of Statistics announces that agricultural production, in all types of households, in January-September 2010 increased with 8,7% against the respective period of the previous year. The increase of global agricultural production was determined by the increase of animal production - with 15,5%, and of vegetal production - with 4,4%.
Industrial production price indices
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in September 2010 the prices in total for industry have decreased in comparison with August 2010 with 0,3%. In comparison with December 2009 the industrial production price index has increased with 5,5%, and with 7,2% in comparison with September 2009.
National Bureau of Statistics presents data on average harvest crops as of October 1, 2010.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that the statistical publication "Education in the Republic of Moldova" edition 2010 has been posted on the website in electronic format. The publicaiton contains main statistical indicators that characterize the educational system of the country furing the period 2000-2009. Data are rpesented by educational levels: pre-primary, primary, day school, secondary vocational, secondary specialized, higher, doctorall and postdoctoral.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that exports of goods in August 2010 registered a value of 122,6 mio. US dollars, which is with 3,4% more than in the previous month and with 25,3% than in August 2009. Imports of goods in August 2010 registered a value of 301,5 mio. US dollars, which is with 4,0% less than in the previous month and with 28,9% more than in August 2009.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in September 2010 compared to August 2010 the consumer price index (CPI) registered 100,8%, and 108,0% compared to September 2009 (in September 2009 compared to August 2009 CPI registered 100,6% and 97,7% compared to September 2008). From the beginning of the year (September 2010 compared to December 2009) consumer prices increased with 4,5%.
The publication contains information regarding main social and economic aspects which characterize the welfare level of the population, especially incomes, expenditures, housing conditions, availability of durable goods, household food consumption etc. The information is presented based on the Household Budget Survey in the Republic of Moldova for 2009. For the main indicators methodological notes are presented.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that at the beginning of the year 2010 in the Repblic of Moldova lived 500,4 thousand persons of 60 years old and over , of which women represent more than a half (60,6%).
National Bureau of Statistics communicates that in January-August 2010 the average salary of one employee in national economy constituted 2897,1 Lei and it increased compared to January-August 2009 with 7,4%.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-August 2010 industrial enterprises of all types of ownership, produced goods to the amount of 16186,5 mio. lei, in current prices. The volume index of industrial production in comparison with January-August 2009 constituted 105,2%, in comparable prices.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in August 2010 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 779,1 thou. tonnes of goods with 6,8% more than in the previous month and with 15,0% more than in August 2009.
Statistical databank was updated with annual time series on Dwellings, Fixed capital investments and Constructions for 2009.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in August 2010 retail trade through commercial units summed up 2303,8 million MDL, which is, in real terms, with 6,2% more than in the prevoius month and with 9,7% more compared to August 2009.
Living standard of the population
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in quarter II 2010, monthly disposable incomes of population summed up in average per person 1259,8 lei, which is with 10,8% more than in the similar period of 2009.
Industrial production price indices
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in August 2010 the prices in total for industry have increased in comparison with July 2010 with 0,7%. In comparison with December 2009 the industrial production price index has increased with 5,9%, and with 8,5% in comparison with Augsut 2009.
Statistical databank was updated with annual time series on domestic trade of goods and services for 2009.
Living standard of the population
National Bureau of Statistics communicates that in quarter II 2010 living subsistence constituted in average per person 1385.8 lei, which is with 11,9% more than in the similar period of 2009.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-June 2010 Gross Domestic Product summed up 31720 million lei, current market prices, and has increased - in real terms - with 5,6% compared with January-June 2009.
National Bureau of Statistics presents data on average harvest crops as of September 1, 2010.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that exports of goods in July 2010 registered a value of 118,6 mio. US dollars, which is with 19,7% more than in the previous month and with 6,7% than in July 2009.Imports of goods in July 2010 registered a value of 314,0 mio. US dollars, which is with 2,7% less than in the previous month and with 18,6% more than in July 2009.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in August 2010 compared to July 2010 the consumer price index (CPI) registered 99,1%, and 107,8% compared to August 2009 (in August 2009 compared to July 2009 CPI registered 98,9% and 97,8% compared to August 2008).
National Bureau of Statistics communicates that in January-July 2010 the average salary of one employee in national economy constituted 2877,8 Lei and it increased compared to January-July 2009 with 6,8%. The real salary in the same period of time decreased with 0,2%.
The publication characterizes the situation on the labour force market in the Republic of Moldova in 2009 compared to previous years. The compilation contains statistical information regarding economically active population, employment, unemployment, work remuneration, labour costs, workforce mobility, use of working time, working conditions, accidents at the working place, professional background.
The statistical compilation contains information regarding the labour market in the Republic of Moldova in 2009, compared to previous years. There are presented data regarding economically active population, employment and unemployment by activities, age groups, sex, area, level of education etc.