• NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS of the Republic of Moldova

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(Comunicat) The touristic activity of tourism agencies and tour-operators in January-September 2017

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-September 2017 tourism agencies and tour-operators provided tourism services to 239,3 thousand tourists and excursionists, with 21,2% more than in the corresponding period of 2016.

(Comunicat) Attendance of establishments of collective touristic accommodation in January-September 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-September 2017, 269,0 thou. tourists attended the establishments of collective touristic accommodation, of which 106,5 thou. foreign tourists and 162,4 thou. Moldovan tourists.

(Comunicat) Industrial activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-September 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in September 2017, the industrial production increased by 7,9% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, as a result of increase of the manufacturing industry and the production of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning supply.

(Comunicat) The volume of cash receipts on the banking system in the Republic of Moldova in January-September 2017

According to data of National Bank of Moldova, in January-September 2017 cash receipts in the financial institutions amounted to 82190 million lei, more with 9,6% compared to the same period of the previous year.

(Comunicat) Evolution of consumer prices in the Republic of Moldova in Octomber 2017

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in September 2017 the annual inflation registered 7,9%, including: food products – 10,6%, nonfood products – 4,0% and services – 8,7%. Also the consumer price index in Octomber 2017 compared to September 2017 registered 101,5%.

(Comunicat) The number of crossings of the state border by foreign citizens and Moldovan citizens in January-September 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-September 2017 the number of crossings of the state border by foreign citizens, at the entrance in Republic of Moldova, totaled 3,0 million, increasing by 6,0% compared to the corresponding period of 2016.

(Comunicat) External trade activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-September 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-September 2017 exports summed up 1651,8 mio. USD, more than in the corresponding period of 2016 with 15,3% and imports summed up 3438,8 mio. USD, more than in the corresponding period of 2016 with 18,8%.

(Comunicat) The evolution of sale prices of agricultural products by agricultural enterprises in January-September 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that producer prices of agricultural products in January-September 2017 registered 100,9% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.

(Comunicat) Building permits issued in January-September 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-September 2017, 2891 building permits for residential and non-residential buildings were issued, less with 3,5% compared to January-September 2016.

(Comunicat) Global agricultural production in January-September 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, volume index of global agricultural production, in all types of households in January-September 2017 summed up 22509 mio. Lei, that is 103,7% in comparable prices compared to January-September 2016.

(Comunicat) Freight and passenger transportation in the Republic of Moldova in January-September 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-September 2017 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 11,9 mio. tonnes of goods, with 21,8% more than in the corresponding period of the previous year.

(Comunicat) The evolution of industrial production prices in the Republic of Moldova in September 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in September 2017 the producer prices in industry increased with 0,1% compared to August 2017, with 3,9% compared to September 2016, and with 2,3% compared to December 2016.

(Comunicat) Industrial activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-August 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in August 2017, the industrial production increased by 6,4% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, as a result of increase of the manufacturing industry and the production of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning supply.

(Comunicat) Evolution of consumer prices in the Republic of Moldova in September 2017

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in September 2017 the annual inflation registered 7,6%, including: food products – 9,4%, nonfood products – 4,2% and services – 9,2%. Also the consumer price index in September 2017 compared to August 2017 registered 100,9%.

(Comunicat) External trade activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-August 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in August 2017 registered a value of 208,0 mio. US dollars, with 8,6% more than in the previous month and with 23,8% - compared to August 2016. In January-August 2017 exports summed up 1427,9 mio. USD, more than in the corresponding period of 2016 with 15,2%.

(Comunicat) Elderly population in the Republic of Moldova in 2016

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, at the beginning of the year 2017, in the Republic of Moldova were 609,9 thousand persons aged 60 years and over, representing 17,2% of the total resident population of the country. About 60% of the total number of elderly people are women and 57% live in rural areas. Every third person is aged between 60-64 years and 13,4% are people who are more than 80 years old.

(Comunicat) Freight and passenger transportation in the Republic of Moldova in January-August 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-August 2017 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 9,8 mio. tonnes of goods, with 21,2% more than in the corresponding period of the previous year.

(Comunicat) The evolution of industrial production prices in the Republic of Moldova in August 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in August 2017 the producer prices in industry increased with 0,2% compared to July 2017, with 4,0% compared to August 2016, and with 2,2% compared to December 2016.

(Noutăți) "Quarterly statistical bulletin, January-June 2017" posted on the website

The bulletin contains data in dynamics in the form of tables on main statistical indicators for years, quarters, months, which characterize the social, economic and demographic situation of the country. Information on social and economic situation of CIS countries is presented. For the main indicators there are presented methodological notes.

(Comunicat) Living subsistence in the I-st semester 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the size of the living subsistence in the first semester of 2017 constituted in average per month for a person 1866,3 lei, which is with 2,9% more than in I st semester 2016.

(Comunicat) Population incomes and expenditures in quarter II 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in quarter II 2017, monthly disposable incomes of population summed up in average per person 2227,6 lei, which is with 9,8% more than in the similar period of 2016. In real terms population incomes registered an increase of 2,5%.

(Comunicat) Gross Domestic Product in the Republic of Moldova in the second quarter and first semester of 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the second quarter of 2017 the Gross domestic product on gross series totaled 34251 mil. lei current market prices, increasing - in real terms - by 2,5% compared to second quarter of 2016. On the series seasonally adjusted, Gross domestic product increased by 2,8% compared to the second quarter of 2016 and with 0,7% - compared to the first quarter of 2017.

(Comunicat) Industrial activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-July 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in July 2017, the industrial production increased by 1,6% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, as a result of increase of the manufacturing industry. In the same time, the quarrying industry and the production of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning supply registered a decrease.

(Comunicat) Evolution of consumer prices in the Republic of Moldova in August 2017

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in August 2017 the annual inflation registered 7,3%, including: food products – 8,4%, nonfood products – 4,9% and services – 8,6%.

Quality in statistics

(Comunicat) External trade activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-July 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-July 2017 exports summed up 1219,9 mio. USD, more than in the corresponding period of 2016 with 13,9%, and imports summed up 2578,3 mio. USD, more than in the corresponding period of 2016 with 18,1%.

(Noutăți) The quarterly publication "Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau in January-June 2017" posted on the website

The publication contains quarterly statistical information which presents the economic, social and demographic situation of the municipality Chisinau. The publication contains statistical indicators regarding demographic situation, work remuneration, health, tourism, crimes, agriculture, industry, investments in long-term assets, construction, transport.

(Comunicat) Labour force in the Republic of Moldova: employment and unemployment in the II-st quarter 2017

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the quarter II 2017 the economically active population of the Republic of Moldova was 1316,0 thousand persons, less with 3,4% compared to the quarter II 2016.

(Noutăți) The statistical compilation "Labour force in the Republic of Moldova. Employment and unemployment", edition 2017 posted on the website

The statistical compilation contains information regarding the labour market in the Republic of Moldova in 2016, compared to previous years. There are presented data regarding economically active population, employment and unemployment by activities, age groups, sex, area, level of education etc.

(Noutăți) The statistical publication "Aspects of the standard of living of population in 2016" was posted on the website

The publication contains information regarding main social and economic aspects which characterize the welfare level of the population, especially incomes, expenditures, housing conditions, availability of durable goods, household food consumption etc.

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