• NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS of the Republic of Moldova

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(Noutăți) Congratualations to the National Bureau of Statistics's team for the active participation at the sports contest of public service employees, the VIIth edition

The spot contest was organized on 21-23 May, 2010 by the Chisinau Territorial Trade Union Association of the Federation of Trade Unions of Public Service Employees and was held at he Camping Vadul lui Voda. The competing teams (counting 15 teams) participated in seven contests: mini-soccer, men's and women's volleyball, table tennis, draughts, chess and for first time this year - lifting of weight.

(Comunicat) Activity of water supply and sewerage systems in 2009

National Bureau of Statistics presents data on activity of water supply and sewerage systems in 2009.

(Comunicat) Freight and passenger transportation in the Republic of Moldova in January-April 2010

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in April 2010 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 562,5 thou. tonnes of goods with 3,7% more than in the previous month and with 6,6% less than in April 2009. The turnover of goods in April 2010 summed up 237,5 mio tonne-km, with 0,6% less than in the previous month and with 14,0% more than in April 2009.

(Noutăți) Statistical publication "Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova", edition 2009

National Bureau of Statistics informs that the statistical publication "Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova", edition 2009 was published in electronic format on the website.

(Comunicat) Attendance of establishments of collective touristic accommodation in January-March 2010

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-March 2010 the capacity of collective tourist accommodation structures was 709,9 thousand beds-days, increasing with 12,3% compared to the corresponding period of 2009.

(Comunicat) The evolution of industrial production price indices in the Republic of Moldova in April 2010

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in April 2010 the prices in total for industry have increased in comparison with March 2010 with 0,1%. In comparison with December 2009 the industrial production price index has increased with 4,9%, and with 9,5% in comparison with April 2009.

(Noutăți) Social-economic development of the municipality Chisinau, in January-March 2010

National Bureau for Statistics presents the "Social-economic development of the municipality Chisinau, in January-March 2010", available in Romanian version.The publication contains quarterly statistical information which presents the economic, social and demographic situation of the municipality Chisinau.

(Noutăți) "Socio-economic situation of the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010" has been posted

National Bureau of Statistics informs that the "Socio-economic situation of the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010" has been posted. The publication contains operative information with the economic analysis of the main indicators, and also tables and diagrams with statistical data on the socio-economic and demographic situation of the country in year 2009.

(Comunicat) The structure of resident population of the Republic of Moldova, by age and sex, as of Janauary 01, 2010

National Bureau of Statistics presents final data regarding the structure of resident population of the Republic of Moldova, by sex and age, at the beggining of 2010. Number of resident population of the Republic of Moldova as of January 01, 2010 was 3563,7 thou. persons, that is 3,8 thou. persons less than in 2009.

(Noutăți) The statistical bulletin "Main social and economic indicators of the regions, counties and municipalities in January-March 2010 has appeared

National Bureau of Statistics informs about that the statistcal quarterly bulletin "Main social and economic indicators of the regions, counties and municipalities in January-March 2010" has been published.

(Noutăți) Statistical publication "Agricultural activity of small agricultural producers in the Republic of Moldova in 2009",e dition 2010

National Bureau of Statistics informs that the statistical publication "Agricultural activity of small agricultural producers in the Republic of Moldova in 2009",e dition 2010 was published in electronic format on the website.

(Comunicat) Сonsumer prices in the Republic of Moldova in April 2010

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in April 2010 compared to March 2010 the consumer price indices (CPI) registered 100,3%, and 108,1% compared to April 2009 (in April 2009 compared to March 2009 CPI registered 100,3% and 99,7% compared to April 2008).

(Comunicat) External trade activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that exports of goods in March 2010 registered a value of 118,1 mln. US dollars, which is 6,8% more than in the previous month and 5,7% more than in March 2009. Imports of goods in March 2010 registered a value of 312,6 mln. US dollars, which is with 24,0% more than in the previous month and with 6,2% more than in March 2009.

(Comunicat) The evolution of sale prices of agricultural products by agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010

National Bureau of Statistics informs that the average sale prices of agricultural products sold by agricultural enterprises in January-March 2010 compared to the corresponding period of the previous year have increased with 20,6%, from which vegetal production - with 45,2% and animal production with 3,5%.

(Comunicat) Urban sanitation in 2009

National Bureau of Statistics presents data on urban sanitation in 2009.

(Comunicat) Construction of dwellings in the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010

National Bureau of Statistics presents data on construction of dwellings in the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010.

(Comunicat) Construction activity in entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010

National Bureau of Statistics presents data on construction activity in entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010.

(Comunicat) Fixed capital investments in the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010

National Bureau of Statistics presents data on fixed capital investments in the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010.

(Comunicat) Remuneration of employees in the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-March 2010 the average salary of one employee in national economy constituted 2740,2 Lei and it increased compared to January-March 2009 with 6,7%. The real salary in the same period of time increased with 0,9%. In the budgetary sector the average salary was 2432,8 Lei, and increased compared to January-March 2009 with 10,2%, in the real sector of economy - 2923,5 Lei and increased compared to respective period of 2009 with 5,1%.

(Comunicat) Activity of leasing companies in 2009

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in 2009 by leasing companies were leased out fixed assets with total value of 412,5 mio.Lei or 834 mio.Lei (3 times) less than in 2008. The predominating part of fixed assets leased out are the transport means (90%), of which cars - 85% (with value of 315 mio.Lei).

(Comunicat) Doctorate and post-doctorate activity in 2009

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in 2009 doctorate studies took place in 44 institutions, including in 29 research and development institutions and 15 higher education institutions.

(Comunicat) Law violations in 2009

National Bureau of Statistics presents data on law violations in 2009. In year 2009 were registered 383,7 thou. violation of law, wich is 33,0% less than in year 2008.

(Comunicat) The number of live-births by age group of the mother, live-birth order and area in 2009

National Bureau of Statistics informs that the number of live-births in 2009 was 40803, with 1785 (2,8%) more than in 2008, the birth rate being 11,4 live-births per 1000 inhabitants. The birth rate in rural area is higher than in urban areas, being correspondingly 12,4‰ and 10,1‰.

(Comunicat) Research and development activity in 2009

National Bureau of Statistics releases data on Research & Development (R&D) in 2009. R&D activity in 2009 was conducted in 68 institutions (organisations), 55 of which being public institutions or 80,9% from total institutions/organisations. From the total number of institutions, 41 units are specialized in R&D, 10 design and construction offices, 3 design and project engineering units in constructions, 12 higher education institutions, one unit with experimental base status and an industrial enterprise.

(Comunicat) Industrial activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-March 2010 industrial enterprises of all types of ownership, produced goods to the amount of 6028,9 mio. lei, in current prices. The volume index of industrial production in comparison with January-March 2009 constituted 104,9%, in comparable prices. In March 2010 in comparison with March 2009 this index constituited 105,6%.

(Comunicat) Retail trade and services provided to population in January-March 2010

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in March 2010 retail trade through commercial units summed up 1887,4 million MDL, that is with 23,1% more than in the prevoius month and with 12,8% more compared to March 2009. The volume of charged services rendered to the population by officially registered enterprises in March 2010 made up 1223,8 million MDL, that is with 2,1% more, in comparable prices, than in the previous month and with 8,5% more compared to March 2009.

(Comunicat) Freight and passenger transportation in the Republic of Moldova in January-March 2010

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in March 2010 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 582,4 thou. tonnes of goods with 45,5% more than in the previous month and with 1,7% less than in March 2009. The turnover of goods in March 2010 summed up 235,4 mio tonne-km, with 30,1% more than in the previous month and with 17,2% more than in March 2009.

(Comunicat) Global agricultural production in January-March 2010

National Bureau of Statistics announces that agricultural production, in all types of households, in January-March 2010 increased with 10,6% against the respective period of the previous year. The increase of global agricultural production was determined by the increase of animal production - with 11,0%, whth a share in total agricultural production of about 97%.

(Comunicat) Prices in constructions in the Republic of Moldova in the quarter I 2010

National Bureau of Statistics informs that the prices for construction-assembly works in the quarter I 2010 decreased with 1,4% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.

(Comunicat) The evolution of industrial production price indices in the Republic of Moldova in March 2010

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in March 2010 the prices in total for industry have increased in comparison with February 2010 with 0,3%. In comparison with December 2009 the industrial production price index has increased with 5,0%, and with 10,2% in comparison with March 2009.

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