National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the indices of industrial production in January-May 2015 compared to January-May 2014 constituted 105,5%. In May 2015 compared to May 2014 the indices of industrial production registered 101,9%.
On July 7–9, Statistics Lithuania hosted a study visit of the representatives of Statistics Moldova. Statistics Lithuania received 12 Moldovan guests: Director General of Statistics Moldova Ms SPOIALĂ Lucia, heads of divisions responsible for the production of statistics, economy and finance, human resources, dissemination of statistical information, statistical infrastructure, coordinator of statistical data collection and other specialists.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in May 2015 registered a value of 172,9 mio. US dollars, with 14,3% more than in the previous month and with 14,3% less compared to May 2014. Imports of goods in May 2015 registered a value of 328,0 mio. US dollars, with 0,4% less than in the previous month and with 24,3% less compared to May 2014.
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that the statistical publication "Agricultural activity of small agricultural producers in the Republic of Moldova in 2014", edition 2015 was published in electronic format.
Public events > Seminars and Conferences
Representatives of Moldovan ministries, holders of administrative data sources, academia and civil society responded to the invitation of statisticians and gathered on 30 June-1 July 2015 within a workshop on developing entrepreneurship statistics from gender perspective in the Republic of Moldova.
Representatives of Moldovan ministries, holders of administrative data sources, academia and civil society responded to the invitation of statisticians and gathered on 30 June-1 July 2015 within a workshop on developing entrepreneurship statistics from gender perspective in the Republic of Moldova.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according the situation as of January 1, 2015, the dwelling stock of the Republic of Moldova represented 81046,5 thousand m². 32073,6 thousand m² or 39,6% of the total dwelling stock is in urban localities, and 48972,9 thousand m² or – 60,4% in the rural ones. The level of insurance of population with dwelling stock per inhabitant represented, in average, 22,8 m² - at the national level, 21,3 m² - in urban localities and 23,9 m² - in rural localities.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2014 the number of small and medium sized enterprises was 52,3 thousand enterprises, or with 1,4 thousand enterprises (2,8%) more than in 2013. The sector of small and medium sized enterprises represents about 97,4% from the total number of enterprises.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in May 2015 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 1093,8 thou. tonnes of goods, with 20,0% more than in the previous month and with 2,7% compared to May 2014. The turnover of goods in May 2015 summed up 326,1 mio. tonne-km, with 11,4% more than in the previous month and with 0,1% less compared to May 2014.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in April 2015 the average nominal gross earnings constituted 4526,5 lei, and it increased with 12,9% compared to April 2014. The index of the real salary in April 2015 compared to April 2014 was 104,9%.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that the publication "Moldova in figures, edition 2015" was published in electronic format on the website. The pocket-book contains statistical information regarding demographic, social and economic situation of the country for 2011-2014. The main indicators are presented in territorial aspect.
Industrial production price indices
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in May 2015 the producer prices in industry remained at the same level as in April 2015, at the same time prices increased with 4,2% compared to December 2014 and with 4,5% compared to May 2014.
Living standard of the population
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in quarter I 2015, monthly disposable incomes of population summed up in average per person 1853,6 lei, which is with 12,3% more than in the similar period of 2014. Monthly population expenditures in quarter I 2015 in average per person constituted 1913,1 lei, which is with 10,4% more than in the corresponding period of 2014.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in the first quarter of 2015 the Gross domestic product on gross series totaled 24423 mil. lei current market prices, increasing - in real terms - by 4,8% compared to first quarter of 2014. On the series seasonally adjusted, Gross domestic product increased by 0,7% compared to the fourth quarter of 2014 and by 4,7% compared to the first quarter of 2014.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to semifinal data, in 2014, Gross Domestic Product summed up 111 757 million lei, current market prices, has increase - in real terms - with 4,6% compared to 2013.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-April 2015 exports of goods amounted 639,4 mln. USD, while imports of goods amounted 1305,6 mln. USD. Compared to the same period of the 2014, exports decreased by 7,9% and imports by 21,4%.
Public water supply and sewerage systems
National Bureau of Statistics is announcing that, in 2014 on the territory of the country there were placed 836 water supply systems. Of the total water pipe network 94 percent or about 784 systems were functioning during the mentioned year. The total length of water pipelines and drinking water supply networks amounted to 10,5 thousand km or 0,6 thousand km more than in 2013.
As part of the project's capacity building activities STATREG organised a study visit to the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. The visit took place from May 20th to 22nd, and was attended by 8 representatives from NBS and its territorial offices.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the indices of industrial production in January-April 2015 compared to January-April 2014 constituted 106,5%. In April 2015 compared to April 2014 the indices of industrial production registered 102,1%.
The bulletin contains data in dynamics in the form of tables on main statistical indicators for years, quarters, months, which characterize the social, economic and demographic situation of the country.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in May 2015 compared to April 2015 the consumer price index registered 100,5%, and compared to May 2014 - 108,1%.
From May 18th to May 20th, STATREG project organised a Workshop on concepts and data requirements for regional accounts in the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. This training addressed the concepts and methods promoted by Eurostat to compile regional Gross Value Added (GVA) and regional Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
On 5-7 June, 2015 took place the XIIth edition of Sports Contest of the Public Service Employees at the Vadul lui Voda Camping, organized by the Chisinau Territorial Trade Union Association. At the current edition participated 16 teams - representatives of ministries and of other public authorities.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in April 2015 registered a value of 151,3 mio. US dollars, with 13,5% less than in the previous month and with 22,2% less compared to April 2014. Imports of goods in April 2015 registered a value of 329,5 mio. US dollars, with 18,2% less than in the previous month and with 25,7% less compared to April 2014.
The bulletin contains data in the form of tables regarding main statistical indicators of counties, municipality Chisinau, municipality Balti and TAU Gagauzia. The quarterly operative information is given on industry, agriculture, investments in long term tangible assets and construction, transport, work remuneration, demography, crimes.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the I-st quarter 2015 the economically active population (employed population and unemployed persons) of the Republic of Moldova was 1151,9 thousand persons, more with 2,1% (23,8 thou.) compared to the I-st quarter 2014. The structure of the active population has changed as follows: the share of employed persons decreased from 94,9% to 91,5%, while the share of unemployed persons increased from 5,1% to 8,5%.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the number of residential population of the Republic of Moldova on January 1, 2015 amounted to 3555,2 thousand, of which 1507,3 thousand (42,4%) consist the urban population and 2047,9 thousand (57,6%) - the rural one. Population distribution by sex is as follows: 51,9% (1844,9 thou. persons) - women and 48,1% (1710,3 thou. persons) - men. The percentage rate is maintaining the same range as the previous year.
The publication contains quarterly statistical information which presents the economic, social and demographic situation of the municipality Chisinau. The publication contains statistical indicators regarding industry, agriculture, investments in long term tangible assets and construction, transport, communications, tourism, domestic trade of goods, insurance, work remuneration, labour force market, unemployment, demographic situation, crimes.
The publication contains flash information with the economic analysis of the main indicators, and also tables and diagrams with statistical data on the socio-economic and demographic situation of the country.
National Bureau of Statistics communicates that, in January-March 2015 enterprises and organizations all types of economic activities carried out investments to the amount of 2442,4 mio. Lei (current prices). This indicator is in increase with 2,4% (comparable prices) as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year.