Publications issued in the years 2004-2016
General statistics
- Social-economic situation of the Republic of Moldova
- Main social and economic indicators of the regions, counties and municipalities
- Natural movement of the population of the Republic Moldova
- Population of the Republic of Moldova by age and sex in territorial aspect, as of January 1
- Population and demographic processes in the Republic of Moldova
Labour market
- School-to-Work Transition Survey in the Republic of Moldova
- Work organisation and types of working schedules
- Reconciliation between professional and private life
- Labour force market in the in Republic of Moldova
Social statistics
- Health protection in the Republic Moldova
- Criminality in the Republic of Moldova
- Time Use in the Republic of Moldova
- Approaches to social exclusion in the Republic of Moldova. Methodological and analytical aspects
Gender statistics
- Women and men in the Republic of Moldova
- Women and men on the labour market of the Republic of Moldova
- Harmonized set of development indicators in a gender sensitive manner
- Conditions for Enterprise Creation and Development: Gender Analysis
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