A new compartment in StatBank - Gender Statistics!

National Bureau of Statistics announces the extension of Statistical databank "Statbank" https://statbank.statistica.md/pxweb/Database/EN/databasetree.asp with a new compartment - Gender Statistics, developed with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) within the UN joint Project "Strengthening the National Statistical System".
Gender statistics represents statistics about women and men, reflecting their situation in all areas of society. It is an important tool that allows monitoring the characteristics of women and men as a specific social-demographic group, for decision-making policies, respecting the equality principle of rights and opportunities for women and men. Gender statistics is intended to both the central and local public administration authorities involved in decision-making, as well as non-governmental organizations, academia, mass-media which monitors and analyzes the situation of equal opportunities.
Compartment Gender Statistics contains 25 tables with statistical data disaggregated by sex, which are grouped into 4 subcompartments according to the basic strategic objectives of the National Programme of Gender Equality, namely:
- Women's Economic Empowerment
- Education and training of women during lifetime
- Participation of women in decision-making process
- Women’s health
Most indicators in this compartment were calculated for the first time and can not be found in other compartments of the Statbank. Also, the indicators are part of the Minimum Set of Gender Indicators developed by the UN Statistical Commission. Data are available for 2008-2013 and will be updated annually.
Other data on gender statistics also can be found on the official statistics statistica.gov.md heading: Statistics by themes / Gender statistics.
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