A new version of the official website of the National Bureau of Statistics has been launched

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) launched a new, modernised version of the official website www.statistica.gov.md on 20 October 2022, which is in line with new information technology requirements and the expectations of statistical data users.
The new website has an optimised structure and user-friendly design, it is easy to navigate and easier to search for information. Being adapted to different resolutions, including mobile devices, it allows users to access statistical information in a timely manner.
A key improvement has been made to the Domain Statistics section. The design of the pages dedicated to domains and statistical indicators has been structured and standardized so that the user can find the information in one place, including older information.
At the same time, the visitors to the NBS website will benefit from numerous functionalities in line with the websites of European and international statistical offices, such as Advanced Search, A-Z Glossary of statistical terms and concepts, Dissemination Calendar with advanced filter, shorter URLs containing page keywords. The users will also be able to subscribe to news releases, publications, etc. by selecting statistical domains of interest. At the same time, the website upgrade is an opportunity to increase user interaction and more active user engagement, including being able to share content from the web pages directly on social media.
The new page follows the recommendations on accessibility of information (visual and auditory), provides users with the opportunity to provide interactive feedback on whether there are any errors on the site and opinions on the usefulness of the information presented on the site.
Considering that at the current stage the NBS website is the main tool for dissemination of statistical data and communication with users and the general public, the necessity to develop a new modernised version responds to the requirements of statistical data users that were expressed in the last online opinion survey , conducted for the first time by the NBS in 2021, regarding the degree of satisfaction with the products and services it offers.
According to the results of the survey, the NBS website enjoys high popularity among users, with the official website being the most accessed of all products and services, with a share of over 79 percent of users. In general, the suggestions received from users for the official website were related to improving the design, navigation and search on the site. The users prefer a modern, simple and easy-to-use website, making it easier to understand and use statistical data.
As a reminder, the new version of the official website was made public for testing in July current year with the aim of collecting feedback from users and gradually familiarizing them with it, with users contributing to the improvement of the site by offering suggestions and comments. From July until now the page has been further tested and updated in parallel with the previous webpage.
The new version of the NBS website was developed within the framework of the Parstat project "Technical Assistance to the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova", implemented with the support of the European Union during 2019-2022.
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