Children situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2011

Children situation in the Republic of Moldova in 2011
National Bureau of Statistics informs that as of January, 1, 2012 the number of the children aged under 18 constituted 727.2 thousand or 20.4% from the total resident population. From the total number of households, 35.4% have been caring at least afeter one child aged under 18. On the average, households with children have 1.6 children.
The number of live-births in 2011 constituted 39.2 thousand persons or 3,2% less than in the previous year. The birth rate was 11 live-births per 1000 inhabitants. More than a half (51.5%) from the number of live-births were boys, the rate of boys live-births being of 11.8%.
More detailed information is available in Romanian language.
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