Conference “Promoting Gender Equality & Demographic Policies through Improved Data Management”

On May 19, 2009, at the Republic Palace by United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) the Conference “Promoting Gender Equality & Demographic Policies through Improved Data Management” has been organized. Representatives of the central and local public authorities, donors and international organizations, academia, NGOs and media have gathered at this event.
In the framework of the conference it has been launched the publication "Women and men in the Republic of Moldova". This statistical publication was commissioned with support of (UNIFEM) within the UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System (UNDP, UNIFEM, UNFPA) with the financial support of the Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation (Sida).
The current statistical publication “Women & Men in the Republic of Moldova” is the 4th edition since 1999 and published in Romanian and English. It is accompanied by the pocket book, which contains updated statistical data for 2008 and covers the areas such as political participation, demography, labour market, healthcare, education, migration, social protection, criminality, living standards and international statistics.
These publications were commissioned based on data produced by the National Bureau of Statistics and other public state institutions. Compared to previous editions, this publication went through a full review aimed at improving its content and format. Thus, for the first time it comprises an analytical part with brief description of each chapter which help users to form an overview on the situation of women and men and to understand better the dynamics of relations between sexes, progresses in realization of gender equality and gender inequalities existing within the societ ; new statistical indicators and new chapters were included. Information contained in the statistical publication, however, does not include data about enterprises and organisations situated on the left bank of Nistru river and Bender municipality.
The current edition of the publciation "Women and men in the Republic of Moldova", as well as the later editions, can be found in the column Publciations.
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