International Seminar "Dissemination of statistics and launching a new web solution"

Dissemination of statistics and launching a new web solution
The event took place in the framework of the International workshop on dissemination of statistical data and launching of a new Web solution on dissemination of statistical data, organised by the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova jointly with Statistics Norway on May 27-th, 2010.
At this workshop participated representatives of central public authorities, civil organizations, research institutions from the Republic of Moldova, national statistical offices from Norway, Romania, Finland, Estonia, as well as representatives of international organizations in the Republic of Moldova.
The main goal of the Workshop was the launching of the Statbank – the new Web solution of dissemination of statistical data by the NBS.
The topic discussed involved:
- Develeopment of dissemination of statistical information by the Natonal Bureau of Statistics, with a presentation of the statistical databank of the NBS, as being the most recent member of the PC-Axis family.
- Experience of other countries referring to the development of dissemination of statistical information.
The implementation of the PC-Axis tool by the NBS took place in several stages:
- Creation of PC-Axis files (metadata and statistical data) based upon:
- tables available in Excel format.
- Elaboration of a new solution - PX-Creator for importing statistical data from out of date informatical subsystems (available in .dbf format) in PC-Axis.
- The adaptation to the informational system of the NBS.
- Creation of PX-Web the databank, which is part of the PC-Axis family.
The new PX-Web statbank contains information from 20 areas and 63 statistical sub-areas, presented in about 350 tables with statistical data. Time series are usually presented for the years 2000-2009, and for some indicators from the area of demography statistics – from the year 1940, of agriculture statistics – from the year 1980. The databank offers the opportunity to access reference metadata (information on statistical data). A huge advantage of Statbank is in the availability of access also in English language.
The necessity of implementation of the PC-Axis by the NBS is motivated from many points of view. From the point of view of advantages for users of statistical data, the new statbank offers the opportunity to create, present, and save multidimensional tables easily, operatively and user-friendly. Data are presented graphically and are integrated with the reference metadata. From the point of view of advantages for the NBS, Statbank represents an efficient tool for creation, editing and storage of tables. Also, the databank offers the possibility of integration in the present informatic system, used in many countries with a high level of development of statistics, including by Statistics Norway, one of the developers of the soft from the PC-Axis family.
The elaboration of the PC-Axis toolkit by the NBS implies further extension of the databank, including data in territorial aspect (by regions of development), referring to MDG indicators (Millennium Development Goals), through the usage of the available fund of statistical data, migration of relevant data from the time series available on the Web page of the NBS and existent statistical bulletins (tables) to the statbank .
We would like to mention that, the creation of the PX-Web Statbank took place thanks to the assistance offered by Statistics Norway, which grants further important support in the process of harmonization of national statistics to european standards.
- Prezantation "UNECE experiences in statistical dissemination", Lidia Bratanova, Marlen Jigitekov, Steven Vale (.pdf)
- Photo Galery
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