Living subsistence in I st semester 2013

Living subsistence in I st semester 2013
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that beginning with 2013 the living subsistence is calculated according to a reviewed methodology and approved by the Common Decision, published on September 20, 2013 in Official Monitor No. 206-211, Art. No. 1431 "On approval of the methodological guide on how to calculate the size of living subsistence", no. 147 as of 6 September 2013 under the provisions of the Government Decision no. 285 of 30 April 2013. This indicator will be disseminated with quarterly frequency.
Thus, the size of the living subsistence in the first half of 2013 constituted in average 1608,3 MDL for a person per month.There have been revealed significant differences depending on the residence area, the highest value of the living subsistence being registered for population of big cities (minicipalitiues Chisinau and Balti) - 1692,8 MDL, or 2,9% more as compared with other towns, and 8,3% more as compared with the rural localities, where this indicator represented 1563,2 MDL.
More detailed information is available in Romanian language.
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