Marin Gospodarenco

Marin Gospodarenco

(February-May 2016)

Date of birth: 27.11.1984
Birthplace: Chisinau city, Republic of Moldova
Marital status: single


  • 2012-2014 - Master degree in Political Science, specialty National security, MA of the University of the Academy of Science
  • 2002-2007 - Higher education, specialty International Economic Relations, bachelor's degree in Economics, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova

Professional activity:

  • February-May 2016 – Director General of the National Bureau of Statistics of RM;
  • 2012-2016 Head of Financial, economic and accounting Division within National Bureau of Statistics of RM
  • 2011 Marketing manager, "DoinaVin" company
  • 2007-2010 specialist coordinator/main specialist/adviser in the Management of investment projects service within the General department of public debt, Ministry of Finance of Moldova.

Language skills: Romanian - native; Russian - fluent; English - fluent, certified "Studium" SRL; French - intermediate; German - beginner.
