National Bureau of Statistics has organized the International seminar “Social inclusion: notions, indicators, requirements and measurement”

National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova in collaboration with Regional Centre Bratislava (Slovakia), in the framework of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP, UNIFEM, UNFPA) Project "Strenghthening the National Statistical System of the Republic of Moldova", has organized on October 7, 2008 the International seminar " Social Inclusion: Notions, Indicators, Requirements and Measurement”.
The main goal of the event was to discuss the problematics of social exclusion in the context of social policies’ increasing efficiency. Respresentatives of the relavant ministries of RM, Government Office, academia, non-government organisations and think-tanks from the country, as well as respresentatives of the National Institute of Statistics of Romania, UNDP specialists and experts in the field from Croatia, Slovakia and Kosovo, have partiicpated in the seminar.
The objectives of the seminar were to discuss the concepts of social inclusion, social exclusion measurement tools: to present advanced experience and good practices of Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, in the areas of social exclusion measurement and social inclusion policy implementation: to develop concrete recommendations regarding strengthening the capacities of concerned institutions from Moldova to estimate social inclusion and exclusion.
More detailed information on the seminar can be found in the column Seminars and conferences.
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