NBS continues to gradually implement the methodology of the European system of integrated statistics on social protection (ESSPROS)

NBS continues to gradually implement the methodology of
the European system of integrated statistics on social protection (ESSPROS)
the European system of integrated statistics on social protection (ESSPROS)
On 20 and 21 December, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) organized an online workshop with an EU expert to discuss the implementation of the methodology of the 'European System of integrated Social Protection Statistics' (ESSPROS) in the Republic of Moldova. During the workshop, NBS representatives presented the activities carried out during 2021, including the social protection schemes identified at national level, as well as the challenges encountered when compiling the data in accordance with the ESSPROS methodology. During the event, the steps to be taken by Moldova to complete the collection of relevant data and cover all social protection schemes were discussed, including the financial flows of expenses and incomes of employers and non-profit organizations.
NBS is assisted in the gradual adaptation of the ESSPROS methodology by an international expert of the project „Technical Assistance to Support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova" (Parstat), financed by the European Union.
While opening the event, Aurelia Spataru, NBS deputy director said: „The official statistics on social protection, which are intended to be produced in accordance with the Eurostat methodology and the good practices of the European Union, are critically important for the Republic of Moldova for the purpose of improving people's life quality, in particular, of those population groups that require the state aid for a decent life. These statistics provide records for planning the size and costs of social benefits, their correlation with the incomes from which they are covered, with the necessary focus on the functions of protectors and their beneficiaries. The production of these statistics is possible only in collaboration with the public authorities that have and can provide the information necessary for the calculation of the ESSPROS statistics”.
Roberto Bianchini, team leader of the Parstat project, noted that: „ESSPROS is a common statistical framework which enables comparison between European countries on social benefits to households and their financing. It is particularly relevant for Moldova that needs to further reinforce policies on social inclusion and social protection of the population living in the country”.
For two days, a team of NBS statisticians, assisted by the international project expert reviewed the data compiled for the completed social protection schemes under the responsibility of several national institutions, such as the National Social Insurance House, the National Health Insurance House, the National Employment Agency and the National Social Assistance Agency. They also validated the data by cross-checking the expenditures reported by the above-mentioned institutions with the transfers from the state budget, identifying the aspects that require further improvement.
The workshop focused on discussions of the link between ESSPROS data and national accounts, highlighting the importance of cooperation and data cross-linking in the future. For certain social protection schemes, not covered by the compilation exercise, potential data sources such as statistical research carried out by NBS were analysed: „Statistical survey on earnings and labour costs", „Statistical survey on consumption and expenditure of non-profit organisations".
At the same time, the participants highlighted the first steps that need to be implemented in the modules of ESSPROS methodology regarding pension beneficiaries and net social benefits, and provided a main set of recommendations. In January, the NBS specialists, assisted by the international expert, will draft a report with recommendations and a roadmap on the continuation of activities to prepare Moldova for the implementation of the ESSPROS methodology.
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