On 11 and 12 October 2016, EU funded project „Improved regional statistics in Moldova” delivered a training course on Using Excel in statistics

The training series designed by "Improved regional statistics in Moldova" Project (STATREG) continued with a new module addressing the use of Excel program in statistics dedicated to National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) employees. The training course was organized on 11 and 12 October 2016, as part of the continuous activities within the framework of the project and delivered by Ms. Carmen Holotescu, ICT international expert.
The second Module of this training series aimed to develop the skills relevant to the use of Excel responsibilities at work, covering competence areas identified through a need analysis conducted during 2016 at NBS.
The course focused on Excel skills for effective data dissemination. During the training participants had the opportunity to learn more about the visualization tools and data tracking, creating and formatting charts, about mobile platforms and other areas related to dissemination.
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