Postponement of the dissemination terms of the press releases "Labor, Employment and Unemployment" and "Income and Expenditure of the Population”

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) informs that the press releases "Labor Force, Employment and Unemployment in the First Quarter 2019" and "Income and Expenditure of the Population in the First Quarter 2019" to be disseminated on 21 and 26 June 2019 respectively, will be disseminated to the general public after the official launch in July this year of the number of people with habitual residence1 recalculated on the basis of the results of the Population and Housing Census of 2014.
Thus, based on the estimation of Labor Force Survey (LFS) and Household Budget Survey (HBS) research indicators, starting with the current year, the number of people with habitual residence should be used, not the number of stable population, how they were used up to the year 2019 will also take into account the estimated migration flows on the basis of the crossings of natural persons at the state border.
In order to ensure the quality and internal coherence of data produced by the NBS, the expected period for data release for Q1 and Q2 is September 2019.
NBS also informs that on the basis of the population of habitual residence for the years 2014-2018 estimated, in the second half of the year will start activities review (retrospective recalculation) of the main socio-economic statistical indicators per capita for the years 2014 -2018.
1The population with habitual residence includes all persons (with the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova, foreign or without citizenship) who have been living in the Republic of Moldova for a period of at least 12 months, regardless of temporary absence (for recreation, holiday, visits to relatives and friends, business, medical treatment, religious pilgrimage, etc.) or intends to remain on the territory of the country for at least one year.
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