​​​​​​​Presentation of the Preliminary Results of the 2024 Population and Housing Census

Around 2.4 million people - this is the population of the Republic of Moldova, according to the preliminary results of 2024 Census. The data were presented to the public today at an event organized by the National Bureau of Statistics with the support of the Government of the Republic of Moldova and development partners, including the Delegation of the European Union and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The event, dedicated to the presentation of the preliminary results of the Population and Housing Census 2024 (RPL 2024), took place at the NBS headquarters and gathered representatives of the public administration, national and international partners, civil society, academia and media.

During the event, were disseminated the preliminary results of the 2024 Population and Housing Census, covering data on population size and structure by sex, major age groups, place of residence, and country of birth, as well as the distribution of the population by development regions and ethno-cultural characteristics (ethnicity, religion, mother tongue, usual spoken language, and difficulties in daily activities). Additionally, were provided methodological explanations regarding the determination of usual residence and other aspects related to PHC 2024.

In his opening remarks, Oleg CARA, Director General of the National Bureau of Statistics, stated: "We are pleased to present today the preliminary results of the Population and Housing Census conducted from April 8 to July 7, 2024, which provide updated data on the demographic and ethno-cultural structure of the country's population. This year, we will continue processing census data to present additional findings, with concise final results expected in August 2025 and detailed results at the beginning of 2026. We are confident that this much-anticipated data will be fully utilized for its valuable informational potential."

The Director General also expressed his gratitude to the residents who participated in the census, the enumerators and supervisors for their responsibility and dedication, as well as to national and international partners, the business sector, academia, media representatives, and others for their contributions, support, and promotion of the census, as well as for mobilizing citizens to participate.

Artur MIJA, Secretary General of the Government and President of the National Census Commission, underlined the importance of the data obtained from the survey of more than 2.4 million citizens: "It was a complex exercise, and now that we know the results, we can create public policies that directly address people's needs. We thank the citizens who opened their doors and responded to our public call—you have shown that you care and that our diversity is a resource, not a barrier. Together, we have proven that Moldova can!"

In his speech, Jānis MAŽEIKS, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, said:"Nowadays, accurate information is more important than ever. I, myself, am very much looking forward at seeing the results of the census. This data plays a vital role in shaping public policies that genuinely benefit citizens, whether in infrastructure, healthcare, public transportation, or other key areas. Furthermore, a high-quality census is a valuable tool for preventing corruption and ensuring democratic processes at both local and national levels. I am confident that our support to strengthen the capacity of the National Bureau of Statistics will continue, to the benefit of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova." stated the EU Ambassador.

Natalia PLUGARU, Deputy Representative of the United Nations Population Fund in Moldova, reiterated that the 2024 Population and Housing Census is a strong testament to the collaboration between the National Bureau of Statistics, UNFPA, and the European Union:
"Together, we have empowered national institutions to produce reliable and inclusive data, essential for evidence-based policymaking. The 2024 Census was conducted using innovative methodologies, ensuring the inclusion of all population groups, including hard-to-reach individuals. By adhering to the best international practices, we guarantee the accuracy and relevance of this data, which will support sustainable growth and social cohesion. This data provides a clear picture of population dynamics, guiding responses to major demographic challenges such as population aging, migration, and gender disparities." said Natalia Plugaru.

Key Findings of the 2024 Census

Total population with usual residence: 2 401,2 thousand people

Distributed by:

  • Sex: Women – 1,269.8 thousand (52.9%), Men – 1,131.4 thousand (47.1%)
  • Place of residence: Urban – 1,113.7 thousand people (46.4%), Rural – 1,287.5 thousand people (53.6%)
  • Age groups:
    • 0-14 years – 460.7 thousand (19.2%)
    • 15-24 years – 255.4 thousand (10.6%)
    • 25-64 years – 1,247.9 thousand (52.0%)
    • 65+ years – 437.2 thousand (18.2%)
  • Development regions:

North – 604.7 thousand people (25.2%), Center – 667.5 thousand people (27.8%), Chișinău Municipality – 719.7 thousand people (30.0%), South – 306.1 thousand people (12.7%), U.T.A. Gagauzia – 103.2 thousand people (4.3%)

  • Citizenship:

Republic of Moldova – 83.4%, Republic of Moldova and other countries – 15.6%, Other countries – 0.9%.

  • Country of birth:

Born in the Republic of Moldova – 95.9%, Born in other countries – 4.1%

More information about the 2024 Census results (press release, Excel tables, infographics and other useful data) can be found at www.statistica.gov.md under "2024 Census / Preliminary Results".

The National Bureau of Statistics expresses its gratitude to all those who participated in the census process, including enumerators, national and international partners and citizens who contributed by providing information.

The final summarized results of the PHC are expected to be published within 12 months after the census, while the detailed final results, including breakdowns by age group, sex, locality, etc., will be available and published within 18 months after the census completion.

The successful implementation of this important and complex exercise was made possible thanks to the support of central and local public authorities, the assistance provided by the European Union, UNFPA Moldova, other UN agencies, as well as other national and development partners.

The Population and Housing Census takes place every 10 years and is a nationwide activity that provides a complete demographic picture of the country. This is the third census for the Republic of Moldova since the declaration of independence and for the first time the data collection took place in digital format.

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