Round table “International comparability as a tool for analysing national educational system and for elaborating educational policies”

Within the technical assistance provided by UNICEF representative in Moldova on the 21st November 2008 the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of the Republic of Moldova has organized a round table “International comparability as a tool for analysing national educational system and for elaborating educational policies”.
Representatives of central public authorities, academic circle, as well as international organizations (UNESCO, UNICEF Moldova) participated at this event. Furthermore, at the round table Mr. Mark Agranovici, international consultant in the field of education statistics, Director of the Centre for Monitoring Education Statistics of the Federal Institute of Educational Development, who granted consultative assistance to NBS Division of social statistics on the improvement of educational statistical indicators, also participated.
Round table objectives:
- offer opportunities for exchange of best practices and lessons learned by other countries in this field;
- present the revised version of the Classification of Educational Programs - MoldCED;
- discuss possibilities of using statistical indicators for educational policies monitoring;
- discuss the defining and calculation principles of main indicators in education statistics;
- analyse international comparability.
Within this round table the set of education statistical indicators was presented and topics related to the use of international education statistics were broached for the development of national educational system, benchmarking of international indicators system, calculation methods and possibilities.
Nowadays, NBS elaborates a set of indicators in the field of education statistics that will serve as the basis for the elaboration of a common system of statistical indicators in the field of education. At the same time, the updated version of the Classification of Educational Programs according to ISCED-97 was discussed, which will allow presentation of internationally comparable information.
More information is available in Moldovan language
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