Round-table "Labour market statistics"

National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family (MLSPF) and the UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System, have trained 25 public servants in the framework of a round-table carried out on February 22, 2012 regarding the collection, production and dissemination of labour market statistics in the Republic of Moldova.
Nina Punga, head of the Human Resources Development and Occupational Policy Department of MLSPF, has mentioned during the event that a better understanding of the notions related to labour market statistics and the methodological aspects of the data collection process will reveal the advantages resulting from data use and will contribute to the improvement of the quality of work of the government staff in concerned authorities, and, respectively, of the efficiency and sustainability of the implemented employment policies and programmes. “Sustainability of the efforts undertaken by the policy-makers can be ensured through enhancement of data use for the description of the current situation of population, monitoring of phenomena evolution and trends in the society, evaluation of the progress achieved as a results of undertaken measures, factual respect for the rights of different groups of population, etc.”, Ms.Punga said.
“The National Bureau of Statistics is responsible for the methodological coverage and data collection (from households and establishments), processing and producing of statistical information in the fields of wages, employment and labour market as a whole. Similar to the other statistical areas, the labour market statistics has an important role in the continuous improvement of the national statistical system”, Ms.Elena Vatcarau, head of Labour Market and Demographic Statistics mentioned.
Ms.Vatcarau has also underlined that the development of labour market statistics in the Republic of Moldova has been conditioned by a large and continuous demand for statistical indicators, disaggregated by diverse dimensions, and by the acknowledgement by NBS specialists of the importance of evidence-based approach for policy-making in all sectors of economy. “At present, the NBS has good capacities of data production on labour market, on the basis of concepts, methodologies and statistical toolkit compliant with the international (in particular ILO) legislation and standards. Available databases (via NBS databank and thematic issues) on labour force, employment, unemployment and wages have been developed to serve as a reference and information tool for elaboration of analysis, policy debates and decision-making on different topics. In this context the further task of NBS remains to be focused on training of data users as it regards understanding, appropriate use and statistical interpretation of labour market statistics”.
The round table aimed at enhancing the capacities and knowledge of the staff from MLSPF, other ministries, experts of the State Chancellery (participants at the event), learning of the statistical definitions, methodological issues related to the NBS surveys which constitute the basis of labour statistics in Moldova, pertinent international standards, thus facilitating the use of available data within the policy-making and analysis of wages and employment strategic papers or programmes.
The representatives of the Joint UN Project, present at the event, reiterated their continuing commitment to provide necessary assistance to government institutions to improve the national statistical system, including the strengthening of national capacities to produce and use disaggregated statistics in different fields.
The round-table represents a joint activity carried out by the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family and the National Bureau of Statistics, in the framework of the Joint UN Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System, with the UNDP support.
For additional information:
Aurelia Spataru
manager of the Joint Project
Elena Vâtcărău
head of division "Labou market and demographic statistics Division"
tel: 40 30 99
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