National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in December 2021, the industrial production increased by 11,4% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to preliminary estimates, in the fourth quarter of 2021 the volume of construction works decreased compared to the same period of 2020 by 11,6% (in comparable prices), due to the decrease, by structural elements, of the volume of maintenance and current repairs by 24,7%, capital repairs by 9,9% and new construction by 5,9%
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2021 the tourism agencies and tour-operators provided tourism services to 320,9 thousand tourists and excursionists, with 2,6 times more than in 2020.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2021 exports summed up 3144,4 millions USD, more than in 2020 with 27,5% and imports summed up 7176,6 millions USD, more than in 2020 with 32,5%.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in December 2021, turnover in retail trade registered an increased of 17,4% compared to previous month and decreased with 1,0% compared to December 2020. In 2021, turnover in retail trade increased with 12,0% compared to 2020.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that 60,9 million passengers were transported with public transport in 2021, with 9,5% more than in 2020. The passengers turnover constituted 3483,8 million passenger-kilometers, with 43,1% more than in 2020.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January 2022 compared to January 2021 the average consumer prices increased by 16,56%, including food products by 21,05%, nonfood products by 13,37% and services by 14,80%.
The Steering Committee Meeting of the EU funded project „Technical Assistance to Support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova” (ParStat project) was organised on 25th January 2022 to present and discuss the activities implemented during the previous semester and the activities planned in the first half of 2022.
The online survey „User satisfaction with statistical products and services provided by NBS”, was conducted for the first time by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2021 being the first in a number of online surveys that the National Bureau of Statistics plans to conduct regularly.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that the Statistical databank has been supplemented with new statistical information reflecting the domains of Entrepreneurship and Construction.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in 2021, 4118 building permits for residential and non-residential buildings were issued, more with 35,5% compared to 2020.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that, global agricultural production, in all types of households in 2021, according to preliminary estimates, increased by about 49,9% compared to 2020. The increase of the global agricultural production was determined by the increase of the crop production by 75,5%.
The EU funded project “Technical Assistance to Support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova” (ParStat) is seeking national organisations with relevant experience in user satisfaction surveys to carry out a public survey to determine users’ satisfaction level with the statistical information and services provided by the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova.
Industrial production price indices
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in December 2021 the producer prices in industry increased by 1,6% compared to November 2021 and with 16,1% compared to December 2020.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in November 2021, industrial production increased by 6,2% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year. The increase in production in November 2021 compared to November 2020 is due to the increases in the extractive industry, in manufacturing industry, generating the increase of production on total industry by 0,5% and 6,6% respectively.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-November 2021, 55,7 million passengers were transported with public transport, with 10,6% more than in the similar period of 2020. The passengers turnover constituted 3180,5 million passenger-km, increasing with 44,2% compared to January-November 2020.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in January-November 2021 summed up 2819,5 millions USD, more than in the corresponding period of 2020 with 25,4% and imports summed up 6419,6 millions USD, more than in the corresponding period of 2020 with 32,4%.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs that the average consumer prices in December 2021 compared to December 2020 (in the last 12 months) increased by 13,94%, including food products by 17,46%, non-food goods by 12,06 % and services provided to the population by 11,59%.
The National Bureau of Statistics approved by order no. 51 of 31 December 2021 „Regulation on access to individual data for scientific purposes" and „Publication guide for examining requests for access to individual data for scientific purposes".
National Bureau of Statistics presents the Newsletter for the quarter 4th 2021, which contains the most important news and events from the activity carried out by NBS during this period.
The compilation presents statistical data in the form of tables from various domains: territorial-administrative organization, environment, population, labour force, population incomes and expenditures, prices, dwellings, education, health protection, culture, tourism, crimes, Regional Gross Domestic Product, industry, agriculture, investments in long term assets, constructions, transport, information technologies, retail trade, entrepreneurship.
The publication contains statistics concerning the air protection in atmosphere, the use of aquatic resources, the existence of land and forestry resources, formation and use of consumption and production waste, protected natural areas, the association of hunting, violations of ecologic legislation. For the first time chapters regarding natural disasters and change of weather were included in the publication.
On 20 and 21 December, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) organized an online workshop with an EU expert to discuss the implementation of the methodology of the 'European System of integrated Social Protection Statistics' (ESSPROS) in the Republic of Moldova. During the workshop, NBS representatives presented the activities carried out during 2021, including the social protection schemes identified at national level, as well as the challenges encountered when compiling the data in accordance with the ESSPROS methodology. During the event, the steps to be taken by Moldova to complete the collection of relevant data and cover all social protection schemes were discussed, including the financial flows of expenses and incomes of employers and non-profit organizations.
The publication includes the national non - financial accounts for 2020, prepared in accordance with the methodology of the United Nations System of National Accounts, version 2008. The collection is structured in 8 chapters that refers to the: macroeconomic indicators; consolidated accounts; accounts by institutional sectors; accounts by institutional sectors and economic activities; gross domestic product by type of ownership; the small and medium enterprise sector; integrated economic accounts; regional gross domestic product.
The National Bureau of Statistics presented the draft of the new questionnaire on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in enterprises, in line with the requirements of Eurostat - the EU's statistical body. During this activity, NBS was assisted by an international expert, Virginia Balea, working at the Romanian National Institute of Statistics.