• NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS of the Republic of Moldova

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(Comunicat) Attendance of establishments of collective touristic accommodation in 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2015, 278,9 thou. tourists attended the establishments of collective touristic accommodation of which 184,5 thou. Moldovan tourists (66,2% of total) and 94,4 thou. foreign tourists (33,8%).

(Noutăți) For the first time statistical compilation "Natural movement of the population of the Republic Moldova in 2014" was developed

The compilation includes key demographic indicators such as births and deaths, number of registered marriages and divorces.The information on key indicators is presented in territorial profile, for some indicators on villages and towns, by gender, age and other characteristics. The publication is the most comprehensive publication that reflects the development of the demographic processes in republic of Moldova in 2014.

(Comunicat) International visitors arrivals to the Republic of Moldova and departures of moldovan visitors abroad registered crossing the state borders was about in 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in 2015 number of foreign visitor arrivals to the Republic of Moldova recorded crossing the state border was about 2,9 million, with a growth of 28,1% compared with the 2014 year.

(Comunicat) Evolution of consumer prices in the Republic of Moldova in January 2016

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January 2016 compared to December 2015 the consumer price index registered 100,7%, and compared to January 2015 - 113,4%.

(Comunicat) Number of resident population in the Republic of Moldova as of 1st January 2016, in territorial aspect*

National Bureau of Statistics presents data on number of resident population in the Republic of Moldova as of 1st January 2016, in territorial aspect.

(Comunicat) External trade of the Republic of Moldova in 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in December 2015 registered a value of 163,5 mio. US dollars, with 2,2% less than in the previous month and with 9,8% - compared to December 2014. Imports of goods in December 2015 registered a value of 352,6 mio. US dollars, with 5,4% less than in the previous month and with 30,2% less compared to December 2014.

(Comunicat) Building permits issued in January-December 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-December 2015, 4316 building permits for residential and non-residential buildings were issued, down with 11,8% compared to January-December 2014. Of the total volume, 2481 building permits were issued for residential buildings (57,5% of total), of which 2410 were issued for private houses (97,1% of the building permits issued for residential buildings).

(Comunicat) Freight and passenger transportation in the Republic of Moldova in 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in December 2015 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 971,9 thou. tonnes of goods, with 14,8% less than in the previous month and with 25,5% compared to December 2014. The turnover of goods in December 2015 summed up 338,0 mio. tonne-km, with 0,02% more than in the previous month and with 14,8% less compared to December 2014.

(Comunicat) Global agricultural production in 2015

National Bureau of Statistics communicates that, global agricultural production, in all types of households (agricultural enterprises, farms and population households) in 2015, according to preliminary estimations, registered 86,2% compared to 2014. The decrease of global agricultural production was caused by decrease of plant production - with 22,6%, animal production increase with 2,2%.

(Noutăți) Specialists of the National Bureau of Statistics participated in a study visit to the Office for National Statistics of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

During 18-20 January 2016, a team of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), headed by the General Director, Mrs. Lucia SPOIALA, participated in a study visit to the Office for National Statistics of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, organised in the framework of bilateral cooperation project with Statistics Sweden.

(Comunicat) Evolution of the prices in constructions in the Republic of Moldova in the quarter IV 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, price index for construction-assembly works in the IV quarter 2015 constituted 108,2% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.

(Comunicat) The evolution of industrial production prices in the Republic of Moldova in December 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in December 2015 the producer prices in industry increased with 0,1% compared to November 2015 and with 9,1% - compared to December 2014.

(Comunicat) Average earnings in November 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in November 2015 the average nominal gross earnings constituted 4613,4 lei, and it increased with 5,9% compared to November 2014. The index of the real salary in November 2015 compared to November 2014 was 93,3%.

(Comunicat) Industrial activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-November 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the indices of industrial production in January-November 2015 compared to January-November 2014 constituted 102,0%. In November 2015 compared to November 2014 the indices of industrial production registered 89,7%.

(Comunicat) External trade activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-November 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-November 2015 exports of goods amounted 1803,4 mln. USD, while imports of goods amounted 3634,2 mln. USD. Compared to the same period of the 2014, exports decreased by 16,4% and imports by 24,5%. The trade balance deficit in January-November 2015 has been of 1830,8 mln. USD, lower by 822,8 mln. USD (-31,0%) than that recorded in the corresponding period of 2014.

(Noutăți) Statistical yearbook "Chisinau in figures" edition 2015 posted on the webpage

The yearbook is the most complete publication, which comprises statistical data regarding the demographic, social and economic situation of the municipality Chisinau for 2014 in comparison with previous years.

(Comunicat) Evolution of consumer prices in the Republic of Moldova in December 2015

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in December 2015 compared to November 2015 the consumer price index registered 100,8%, and compared to December 2014 - 113,6%.

(Comunicat) External trade of the Republic of Moldova in January-November 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in November 2015 registered a value of 167,2 mio. US dollars, with 11,3% less than in the previous month and with 19,7% - compared to November 2014. Imports of goods in November 2015 registered a value of 334,5 mio. US dollars, with 0,8% less than in the previous month and with 28,0% - compared to November 2014.

(Noutăți) Publication "National accounts, 2014" was published

The publication contains data regarding the system of national accounts of the Republic of Moldova for the year 2014. Tables with macroeconomic indicators that characterize the socio-economic situation of the country as a whole, by economic activities and institutional sectors are presented.

(Comunicat) Gross Domestic Product in the Republic of Moldova in 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the revised data, in 2014 Gross Domestic Product summed up 112050 million lei, current market prices, and has increased - in real terms - with 4,8% compared to 2013.

(Comunicat) Activity of the primary and general secondary education institutions, beginning of the school year 2015/16

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the academic year 2015/16 began in primary and secondary education within a network formed of 1323 units which includes 1321 the day institutions and 2 evening type institutions. In the public sector functioned 1307 institutions, but the number of institutions with private property has registered the number of 16 units that are working only in urban area.

(Noutăți) The 3rd Steering Committee meeting of the STATREG project "Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova" took place

On 17th of December 2015 the 3rd Steering Committee meeting of the STATREG project "Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova" where The STATREG team presented the progress so far. The meeting was chaired by Ms Lucia Spoiala, Director General of National Bureau of Statistics.

(Comunicat) Average earnings in October 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in October 2015 the average nominal gross earnings constituted 4564,9 lei, and it increased with 5,9% compared to October 2014. The index of the real salary in October 2015 compared to October 2014 was 93,6%.

(Comunicat) Freight and passenger transportation in the Republic of Moldova in January-November 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in November 2015 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 1149,5 thou. tonnes of goods, with 7,6% less than in the previous month and with 23,3% - compared to November 2014. The turnover of goods in November 2015 summed up 337,4 mio. tonne-km, with 3,2% more than in the previous month and with 17,2% less compared to November 2014.

(Noutăți) The statistical compilation "Natural resources and environment in Republic of Moldova", edition 2015, published on the web

The publication contains statistics concerning the air protection in atmosphere, the use of aquatic resources, the existence of land and forestry resources, formation and use of consumption and production waste, protected natural areas, the association of hunting, violations of ecologic legislation. For the first time chapters regarding natural disasters and change of weather were included in the publication.

(Comunicat) The activity of higher education institutions in the academic year 2015/16

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the higher education institutions network have a total of 31 units including 19 state and 12 non-state institutions. Most of them, mainly 26 units are located in Chişinău municipality, 2 units - in Balţi and 1 unit - in Cahul, Taraclia and Comrat.Number of students in higher education decreased by about 8 thousand people compared to the previous school year. In this order of ideas, at the beginning of academic year 2015/16 the number was 81,7 thousand students (excluding foreign students), of which 82 percent are enrolled in state institutions.

(Comunicat) The evolution of industrial production prices in the Republic of Moldova in November 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in November 2015 the producer prices in industry increased with 1,2% compared to October 2015, with 9,0% compared to December 2014 and with 9,3% - compared to November 2014.

(Comunicat) Gross domestic product in the third quarter and in January-September 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the third quarter 2015, Gross domestic product summed up 35890 million lei, current market prices, and has decreased - in real terms - with 3,7% compared to quarter II 2014 in unadjusted series and with 4,1% in seasonally adjusted series; compared to quarter II 2015, in seasonally adjusted series, Gross domestic product decreased with 2,5%.

(Comunicat) Population incomes and expenditures in quarter III 2015

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in quarter III 2015, monthly disposable incomes of population summed up in average per person 2006,2 lei, which is with 12,2% more than in the similar period of 2014. Monthly population expenditures in quarter III 2015 in average per person constituted 2137,7 lei, which is with 16,7% more than in the corresponding period of 2014.

(Noutăți) The publication "Results of the sampling structural survey of enterprises" was posted

The publication presents the results of enterprises activity (including small and medium) received as a result of data processing of the Sampling Structural Survey spent in 2014, with application of sample survey methods. The Structural Survey contains a set of indicators, by means of which the whole industrial and commercial system of the enterprise is characterized. Analytical tables containing main economical indicators, including by types of activities, forms of ownership and size of enterprise are presented.

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