The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the IV-th quarter 2011 the economically active population (employed population and unemployed persons) of the Republic of Moldova was 1216,4 thousand persons, more with 5,5% (63,1 thou.) persons compared to the IV-th quarter 2010.
The publication contains quarterly statistical information which presents the economic, social and demographic situation of the municipality Chisinau. The publication contains statistical indicators regarding industry, agriculture, investments in fixed capital, transport, communications, tourism, retail trade and paid services rendered to the population, insurance, work remuneration, labour force market, unemployment, demographic situation, crimes.
The bulletin contains data on main statistical indicators of regions, counties, municipality Chisinau and municipality Balti.The quarterly operative information is given on industry, agriculture, investments and construction, transport, retail trade, paid services rendered to population, finance, labour, demography, crimes.
National Bureau of Statistics communicates preliminary data regarding investments in long-term tangible assets in 2011.In January-December 2011 enterprises and organizations carried out investments to the amount of 15198,5 mio. lei (current prices). As compared to 2010 this volume increased with 9,3% (comparable prices).
The publication contains flash information with the economic analysis of the main indicators, and also tables and diagrams with statistical data on the socio-economic and demographic situation of the country in 2011.
National Bureau of Statistics, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family and the UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System, have trained 25 public servants in the framework of a round-table carried out on February 22, 2012 regarding the collection, production and dissemination of labour market statistics in the Republic of Moldova.
Public events > Seminars and Conferences
National Bureau of Statistics, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family and the UN Joint Project on Strengthening the National Statistical System, have trained 25 public servants in the framework of a round-table carried out on February 22, 2012 regarding the collection, production and dissemination of labour market statistics in the Republic of Moldova.
In January-December 2011, 4,1 thou. apartments with the total floor area of 477,7 thou. m² were completed from all financing sources, which represents 87,5% as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in 2011 tourism agencies and tour-operators have provided tourism services to 184,6 thousand tourists and excursionists, that is with 14,2% more than in 2010.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in January-December 2011 construction organizations (with main activity "Constructions") carried out construction-assemby works to the amount of 4706 mio. Lei (in current prices), which is 97,5% (in comparable prices) compared with 2010.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in 2011 the capacity of collective tourist accommodation structures was 4379,9 thousand beds-days, increasing 1,3% compared with 2010.
Industrial production price indices
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in January 2012 the prices in total for industry increased 2,9% in comparison with December 2011, and 10,4% in comparison with January 2011.
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in 2011, turnover in retail trade increased 17,1% (in comparable prices) compared to the previous year. Turnover in market services increase 1,2% (in comparable prices) compared to 2010.
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that industrial production in January-December 2011 compared to January-December 2010 registered an increase of 7,4%. In December 2011 compared to December 2010 the volume index of industrial decreased with 3,7%.
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in 2011 exports summed up 2221,6 mio. USD, more than in 2010 with 44,1%. Imports summed up 5191,6 mio. USD, more than in 2010 with 34,7%.
The National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in January 2012 compared to December 2011 the consumer price index (CPI) registered 100,3%, and compared to January 2011 - 107,0%.
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that the average salary in national economy constituted 3193,9 Lei in 2011, and it increased in nominal value 11,6% and in real value (adjusted to consumer price index) - 3,7%.
National Bureau of Statistics presents preliminary number of resident population in the Republic of Moldova as of January 1, 2012.
The publication contains summary statistical time series for 2001-2010 on export, import, trade balance for total, by continents, countries, groups of countries, commodity groups according the Nomenclature of Goods, the Standard International Trade Classification and Big Economic Categories, and also by countries-commodity groups.
National Bureau of Statistics communicates that the agricultural production in all types of households in 2011, according to preliminary data increased with 4,6% compared to corresponding period of 2010. The increase of global agricultural production in 2011 was determined by the increase of plant production - with 6,7% as well as the animal production - with 0,4%.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that in December 2011 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 728,7 thou. tonnes of goods, with 29,0% less than in the previous month and with 8,4% less than in December 2010.
National Bureau of Statistics informs that the prices for construction-assembly works in the quarter IV 2011 increased with 9,3% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
Industrial production price indices
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in December 2011 the prices in total for industry have increased in comparison with November 2011 with 0,4%. In comparison with December 2010 the industrial production price index has increased with - 8,1%.
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that industrial production in January-November 2011 compared to January-November 2010 registered an increase of 8,9%. In November 2011 compared to November 2010 the volume index of industrial increased with 3,5%.
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that exports of goods in November 2011 registered a value of 242,7 mio. US dollars, which is with 14,9% more than in the previous month and with 20,9% more than in November 2010. Imports of goods in November 2011 registered a value of 494,9 mio. US dollars, which is with 5,7% more than in the previous month and with 22,1% more than in November 2010.
National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in November 2011 the average gross nominal earnings constituted 32311,0 Lei, which is 9,8% more compared to November 2010 and with 2,2% compared to previous month (October 2011).
The National Bureau of Statistics informs, that in December 2011 compared to November 2011 the consumer price index (CPI) registered 100,2%, and 107,8% compared to December 2010. From the beginning of the year consumer prices increased with 7,8%.
The publication contains statistics concerning the air protection in atmosphere, the use of aquatic resources, the existence of land and forestry resources, formation and use of consumption and production waste, protected natural areas, the association of hunting, violations of ecologic legislation.
The publication contains data regarding the system of national accounts of the Republic of Moldova for the year 2010. Tables with macroeconomic indicators that characterize the socio-economic situation of the country as a whole, by economic activities and institutional sectors are presented.
This compilation contains detailed information on the creation of primary and total energy resources, distribution and final consumption of energy by main economic activities and branches of industry, as well as the characteristic of energy equipment: installed capacity of electric power stations, consumption of fuel for production of electricity and thermal energy.