• NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS of the Republic of Moldova

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(Comunicat) Freight and passenger transportation in the Republic of Moldova in January-September 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in September 2014 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 1771,5 thou. tonnes of goods with 36,2% more than in the previous month and with 17,7% - compared to September 2013. The turnover of goods in September 2014 summed up 418,2 mio. tonne-km, with 15,0% more than in the previous month and with 3,1% less compared to September 2013.

(Comunicat) The evolution of industrial production prices in the Republic of Moldova in September 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the producer prices in industry in September 2014 has decreased with 0,2% compared to August 2014, meanwhile increased with 3,9% compared to December 2013 and with 5,3% - compared to September 2013.

(Comunicat) Industrial activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-August 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the indices of industrial production in January-August 2014 compared to January-August 2013 constituted 104,3%. In August 2014 compared to August 2013 the indices of industrial production registered 103,9%.

(Publicație) "Women and men in agriculture of the Republic of Moldova", edition 2014

Along the same objective this leaflet provides a basic gender analysis based on sex-disaggregated data collected by the first General Agricultural Census of the Republic of Moldova (carried out in 2011). It highlights main disparities between women and men engaged in agriculture in Moldova, particularly in terms of their access to assets, inputs and services. Understanding specific challenges of female and male farmers, agricultural entrepreneurs and workers will enable gender-aware decisions about the sector, leading to more effective, efficient and sustainable solutions.

(Comunicat) External trade activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-August 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in August 2014 registered a value of 176,2 mio. US dollars, with 13,8% less than in the previous month and with 13,1% - compared to August 2013. Imports of goods in August 2014 registered a value of 412,9 mio. US dollars, with 7,6% less than in the previous month and with 7,1% - compared to August 2013.

(Comunicat) Evolution of consumer prices in the Republic of Moldova in September 2014

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in September 2014 compared to August 2014 the consumer price index registered 100,8%, and compared to September 2013 - 104,8%.

(Comunicat) Elderly population in the Republic of Moldova in 2013

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, at the beginning of the year 2014, in Republic of Moldova were registered 559,5 thousand persons aged 60 years and over, representing about 15% of the total resident population of the country. About two thirds of the total number of elderly people is living in rural areas. Depending on age, it is found that every third person is aged between 60-64 years and 13,7% are people who are more than 80 years old.

(Comunicat) Freight and passenger transportation in the Republic of Moldova in January-August 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in August 2014 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 1331,6 thou. tonnes of goods with 3,5% more than in the previous month and with 6,5% less compared to August 2013. The turnover of goods in August 2014 summed up 365,7 mio. tonne-km, with 2,6% more than in the previous month and with 12,2% less compared to August 2013.

(Comunicat) Average earnings in July 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in July 2014 the average gross nominal earnings constituted 4328,8 Lei and it increased with 10,8% compared to July 2013. The index of the real salary in July 2014 compared to July 2013 was 105,2%.

(Comunicat) The evolution of industrial production prices in the Republic of Moldova in August 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the producer prices in industry in August 2014 has decreased with 1,1% compared to July 2014, meanwhile increased with 4,1% compared to December 2013 and with 6,2% - compared to August 2013.

(Comunicat) Population incomes and expenditures in quarter II 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in quarter II 2014, monthly disposable incomes of population summed up in average per person 1756,1 lei, which is with 5,3% more than in the similar period of 2013. Monthly population expenditures in quarter II 2014 in average per person constituted 1807,6 lei, which is with 2,6% more than in the corresponding period of 2013.

(Comunicat) Living subsistence in the I-st semester 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the size of the living subsistence in the first semester of 2014 constituted in average per month for a person 1667,7 lei, which is with 3,7% more than in I st semester 2013.

(Comunicat) Gross Domestic Product in the Republic of Moldova in the second quarter and first semester of 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, Gross Domestic Product in the second quarter of 2014 amounted 26 226 million lei in current prices, increasing - in real terms - by 4,2% compared to the second quarter of 2013 on gross series and by 1,9% compared to the first quarter of 2014 on seasonally adjusted series. In the first semester of 2014 Gross Domestic Product constituted in nominal value 47 695 million lei, current market prices, being increasing - in real terms - by 3,9% compared to January-June 2013.

(Comunicat) External trade activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-July 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in July 2014 registered a value of 204,3 mio. US dollars, with 0,6% more than in the previous month and with 0,2% less compared to July 2013. Imports of goods in July 2014 registered a value of 447,2 mio. US dollars, with 1,1% less than in the previous month and with 6,0% - compared to July 2013.

(Comunicat) Industrial activity of the Republic of Moldova in January-July 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the indices of industrial production in January-July 2014 compared to January-July 2013 constituted 104,2%. In July 2014 compared to July 2013 the indices of industrial production registered 103,2%.

(Noutăți) Launch of animated maps in agricultural field

Animated data visualisation using this application presents the changes in territorial aspect of indicators related to livestock of cattle, cows, pigs, sheep and goats, horses, rabbits and bee families from 2007 to the present.

(Noutăți) "Quarterly statistical bulletin, January-June 2014" posted

The bulletin contains data in dynamics in the form of tables on main statistical indicators for years, quarters, months, which characterize the social, economic and demographic situation of the country. Information on social and economic situation of CIS countries is presented. For the main indicators there are presented methodological notes.

(Comunicat) Evolution of consumer prices in the Republic of Moldova in August 2014

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in August 2014 compared to July 2014 the consumer price index registered 99,6%, and compared to August 2013 - 105,1%.

(Noutăți) The statistical quarterly bulletin "Main social and economic indicators of the regions, counties and municipalities in January-June 2014" posted on the webpage

The bulletin contains data on main statistical indicators of regions, counties, municipality Chisinau and municipality Balti.The quarterly operative information is given on industry, agriculture, investments and construction, transport, retail trade, paid services rendered to population, finance, labour, demography, crimes.

(Comunicat) Labour force in the Republic of Moldova: employment and unemployment in the II-nd quarter 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the II-nd quarter 2014 the economically active population (employed population and unemployed persons) of the Republic of Moldova was 1328,6 thousand persons, more with 3,1% (40,2 thou.) compared to the II-nd quarter 2013. The structure of the active population has changed as follows: the share of employed persons increasead from 95,3% to 96,4%, while the share of unemployed persons decreased from 4,7% to 3,7%.

(Noutăți) The statistical compilation "Labour force in the Republic of Moldova. Employment and unemployment", edition 2014 posted on the website

The statistical compilation contains information regarding the labour market in the Republic of Moldova in 2013, compared to previous years. There are presented data regarding economically active population, employment and unemployment by activities, age groups, sex, area, level of education etc.

(Noutăți) The quarterly publication "Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau in January-June 2014" posted on the website

The publication contains quarterly statistical information which presents the economic, social and demographic situation of the municipality Chisinau. The publication contains statistical indicators regarding industry, agriculture, investments in long term tangible assets and construction, transport, communications, tourism, domestic trade of goods, insurance, work remuneration, labour force market, unemployment, demographic situation, crimes.

(Comunicat) Investments in long-term tangible assets in the Republic of Moldova in 2013

National Bureau of Statistics communicates precised data on investments in long-term tangible assets in 2013.In 2013 enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownerships carried out investments in long-term tangible assets to the amount of 18635,7 mio. lei (current prices) from all financing sources.

(Comunicat) Construction of dwellings in the Republic of Moldova in January-June 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-June 2014, 1099 apartments with the total area of 126,5 thou. m2 were completed. This indicator is in decreased with 9,1% as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year.

(Noutăți) "Socio-economic situation of the Republic of Moldova in January-June 2014" was posted

The publication contains flash information with the economic analysis of the main indicators, and also tables and diagrams with statistical data on the socio-economic and demographic situation of the country in January-June 2014.

(Comunicat) Investments in long-term tangible assets in the Republic of Moldova in January-June 2014

National Bureau of Statistics communicates that, in January-June 2014 enterprises and organizations all types of economic activities carried out investments to the amount of 6126.4 mio. Lei (current prices). This indicator is in increase with 4,5% (comparable prices) as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year.

(Comunicat) Construction activity in entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova in January-June 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in January-June 2014 construction organizations carried out construction-assemby works to the amount of 2247,8 mio. Lei (in current prices), which is 99,7% (in comparable prices) compared to January-June 2013.

(Noutăți) The statistical publication "Aspects of the standard of living of population in 2013" was posted on the website

(Comunicat) Freight and passenger transportation in the Republic of Moldova in January-July 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in July 2014 enterprises of railway, road, river and air transport, have transported 1273,7 thou. tonnes of goods with 2,9% less than in the previous month and with 8,3% - compared to July 2013.

(Comunicat) Average earnings in June 2014

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in June 2014 the average gross nominal earnings constituted 4203,9 Lei and it increased with 8,9% compared to June 2013.

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