• NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS of the Republic of Moldova

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(Comunicat) Industrial activity in January-November 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs: in November 2023 compared to November 2022 industrial production (gross series) decreased by 6.1%; in January-November 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year industrial production (gross series) decreased by 4.1%.

(Population and Housing Census 2024) News

(Population and Housing Census 2024) Logo and communication and promotion materials

(Comunicat) International trade of goods of the Republic of Moldova in November 2023 and January-November 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in November 2023 registered a value of 379.1 millions US dollars, 10.9% more than in October 2023 and with 6.7% more than in November 2022. Imports of goods in November 2023 amounted 732.2  millions US dollars, with 2.6% more than in the previous month and 14.7% less than in November 2022.

(Comunicat) Consumer price indices in the Republic of Moldova in December 2023 and in 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs that average consumer prices in December 2023: decreased compared to November 2023 by about 0.4%; increased compared to December 2022 (in the last 12 months) by about 4.2%.

(Noutăți) The statistical publication „National and Regional Accounts", edition 2023, posted on the webpage

The National Accounts prepared in accordance with the methodology of the United Nations System of National Accounts, version 2008. The publication includes national non-financial accounts for 2022as well as Regional Gross Domestic Product data for 2021.

(Comunicat) Activity of the primary and general secondary education institutions, beginning of the study year 2023/24

​​​​​​​The National Bureau of Statistics informs at the beginning of 2023/24 study year were active 1201 institutions of primary and general secondary education, inclusive: 87 primary schools, 761 gymnasiums, 344 lyceums, 7 schools for children with mental or physical handicap and 2 evening schools.

(Noutăți) Statistical yearbook "Chisinau in figures" edition 2023 posted on the webpage

The Statistical yearbook "Chisinau in figures" is the most complete publication, which comprises statistical data regarding the demographic, social and economic situation of the municipality. The yearbook is structured in 15 chapters, containing information from various fields: general data, population, labour force, population incomes and expenditures, education, culture and sport, health protection and social protection, dwellings and public utilities, environment, justice.

(Comunicat) Demographics of companies in the Republic of Moldova in 2021

The National Bureau of Statistics informs that in 2021 the number of active enterprises constituted 38,3 thousand enterprises, or 4,2% more than in 2020

(Noutăți) The publication „Results of the sampling structural survey of enterprises”, edition 2023, posted on the webpage

The publication is developed based on the results of structural business survey and presents the main indicators of business activity in the Republic of Moldova, including types of activity, forms of ownership, size classes, and regional aspect.

(Comunicat) Innovation activity of enterprises in the Republic of Moldova in the years 2021-2022

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in the period 2021-2022: the share of innovative enterprises in total enterprises was 11.4%, compared to 12.6% in 2019-2020; the highest share of innovative enterprises in the total number of innovative enterprises was recorded by enterprises in the manufacturing industry, accounting for 46.2% of the total number of innovative enterprises; the share of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with innovation activity constituted 89.8% of the total number of innovative enterprises.

(Comunicat) Industrial activity in January-October 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs: in October 2023 compared to October 2022 industrial production (gross series) increased by 8.1%; in January-October 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year industrial production (gross series) decreased by 3.9%.

(Noutăți) „Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova”, edition 2023 posted on the website

The yearbook contains the most recent statistical data available in various fields, for economic and social characterization of the country in 2022, as well as the evolution in recent years of the main indicators. The data on some indicators are revised compared to those previously published, and for 2022 some indicators are preliminary and in further editions can be revised. In the final part of the Yearbook data on international statistics are presented, which allows comparison of some indicators for the Republic of Moldova with those from other countries.

(Comunicat) The activity of higher educational institutions in the 2023/24 study year

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, in the 2023/24 study year: the network of higher education institutions consists of 21 units; at the beginning of the study year, 56.5 thousand persons were enrolled in higher education institutions, of which 42.1 thousand in the first cycle – Licence’s degree, 9.5 thousand in the second cycle – Master’s degree and 4.9 thousand for integrated higher education.

(Comunicat) Producer price index in November 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs that in November 2023 producer prices in industry: remained at the level of October current year; increased by 1.1% since the beginning of the current year and by 2.5% compared to November 2022.

(Comunicat) Youth NEET in the Republic of Moldova for the third quarter of 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs that the total number of young people aged 15-34 years who forming the NEET group was 167.1 thousand people aged 15-24 years – 38.5 thousand people, aged 15-29 years – 100.3 thousand people.

(Comunicat) Gross Domestic Product in the third quarter and in January-September 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs that the preliminary estimations of the Gross Domestic Product: in the third quarter of 2023 recorded an increase by 2.6% on the gross series and by 3.4% on seasonally adjusted series compared to the third quarter of 2022; in January-September 2023 it decreased by 0.4% compared to the same period in 2022.

(Noutăți) Publication "Territorial statistics", edition 2023, posted on the web page

The compilation presents statistical data in the form of tables from various domains: territorial-administrative organization, environment, population, labour force, population incomes and expenditures, prices, dwellings, education, health protection, culture, tourism, crimes, Regional Gross Domestic Product, industry, agriculture, investments in long term assets, constructions, transport, information technologies, entrepreneurship.

(Comunicat) International trade of goods of the Republic of Moldova in October 2023 and January-October 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, exports of goods in October 2023 registered a value of 341.8 millions US dollars, with 1.8% less than in September 2023 and with 2.9% - compared to October 2022. Imports of goods in October 2023 amounted 713.7  millions US dollars, with 1.6% more than in the previous month and with 5,0% less compared to October 2022.

(Noutăți) Analytical report "Analysis of monetary poverty and wellbeing of households with children", edition 2023 posted on the website

The analytical report contains statistical information on the general characteristics of households with children according to the area of residence, number of children, type of household, quintiles, presence of migrants in households, their level of poverty and wellbeing.

(Comunicat) Population outside the labor force in the Republic of Moldova in the third quarter of 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the Labour Force Survey, in the third quarter of 2023: the population outside the labour force aged 15 and over was 1112.3 thousand persons, decreasing by 9.4% compared to the third quarter of 2022; the inactivity rate of the population aged 15 and over was 54.0%, down by 3.7 percentage points compared to the third quarter of 2022.

(Noutăți) The statistical compilation "Natural resources and environment in Republic of Moldova", edition 2023, published on the web

The publication contains statistics concerning the air protection in atmosphere, the use of aquatic resources, the existence of land and forestry resources, formation and use of consumption and production waste, protected natural areas, the association of hunting, violations of ecologic legislation. For the first time chapters regarding natural disasters and change of weather were included in the publication.

(Comunicat) Distribution of employees by size of salary calculated for September 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the survey "Distribution of employees according to the size of the salary calculated for September 2023": the average gross monthly wage in the real sector units with 4 or more employees and all budgetary institutions amounted to 11930,5 lei;approximately 2 out of 3 employees (66.2%) had salaries more than 7 thousand lei, and every third employee (33.8%) had salaries until 7 thousand lei.

(Comunicat) Activity of technical vocational institutions in academic year 2023/24

National Bureau of Statistics informs that at the beginning of 2023/24 study year the number of pupils study in technical vocational institutions was 46.1 thousand students, of which 27.1 thousand – budget financing.

(Noutăți) Study visit of NBS statisticians to NIS Romania on road freight transport and tourism statistics

A delegation from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) carried out a study visit to colleagues at the National Institute of Statistics of Romania between 4-8 December. This visit is part of the TAIEX project, funded by the European Union. During this mission, NBS statisticians gained knowledge concerning the tools and the methodology of conducting Statistical surveys in Romania in accordance with the European Union regulations on road freight transport and household tourism demand.

(Comunicat) Underutilization of the labor force in the third quarter of 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the Labour Force Survey, in the third quarter of 2023 labour underutilisation rate was 9.2%, increasing by 4.2 percentage points  than in the corresponding quarter of 2022.

(Comunicat) Consumer price indices in the Republic of Moldova in November 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs that average consumer prices in November 2023 increased compared to October 2023 by about 0.2%.

(Noutăți) The quarterly publication „Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau in January-September 2023" posted on the website

National Bureau for Statistics informs that the „Social-economic situation of the municipality Chisinau in January-September 2023" has been posted on the website.

(Comunicat) Labour Force in the Republic of Moldova: Employment and Unemployment in the third quarter 2023

National Bureau of Statistics informs that, according to the results of the survey ,,Labour Force Survey, in the third quarter 2023", the labour force (active population aged 15 years and over) was 947.1 thousand persons, which is 5.0% more than in the third quarter of 2022.

(Comunicat) Number of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova in 2022

On January 1, 2023, according to the National Social Insurance House, the estimated number of people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova accounted for 162,3 thousand people, including 10,9 thousand children aged 0-17 years. People with disabilities represented 6,5% out of the total number of population with usual residence, and children with disabilities accounted for 2,0% out of the total number of children with usual residence in the Republic of Moldova.

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