Share of experience for specialists National Bureau of Statistics and the National Social Insurance in Republic of Moldova

Share of experience for specialists of National Bureau of Statistics
and the National Social Insurance House of the Republic of Moldova
During February the project "Improving regional statistics in Moldova"(STATREG) organized two study visits:
On 22-26 February the National Institute of Statistics of Romania hosted four representatives of the National Bureau of Statistics. The aim of this study visit was to get an insight into experiences in the development of macroeconomic indicators in agriculture (regional GVA) in the calculation of Regional Accounts (regional GDP).
On 23-25 February, Statistics Lithuania hosted a visit of the representatives of Statistics Moldova and the Moldovan Social Insurance Fund Board. On the first day of the visit, Moldovan guests met with the representatives of the Lithuanian State Social Insurance Fund Board (SODRA) in order to learn about the social insurance concept, classification, data transfer to Statistics Lithuania. On other days of the visit, the representatives of Statistics Lithuania shared their experience with Moldavian colleagues in using SODRA data for the production of statistics on earnings and labour costs, presented the data assessment methods, discussed data quality and confidentiality issues.
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