Situation of persons with disabilities

Situation of persons with disabilities
National Bureau of Statistics presents the situation of persons with disabilities in 2012.
Number of persons with disabilities
According to the 2010 global estimates more than a billion of people live with some forms of disability or about 15% of the world population. About two-thirds of people with disabilities live in developing countries and with transition economies. However, the number of children with disabilities varies from 93 million in case of children aged 0-14 years to 150 million for the age group of 0-18 years. Disability is a challenge seriously increasing worldwide including the Republic of Moldova, because the process of population aging, the risk of accidents as well as the growing number of cases of chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc.).
The social protection bodies of the population of the Republic of Moldova record about 183 000 people with disabilities. On average, from 10 000 of inhabitants there are 516 people with disabilities and every sixth person with disability fall into the category of severe disability. People with disabilities represent 5,2% of total population and the children with disabilities - 2,1% of the total number of children in Moldova.
More detailed information is available in Romanian langauage.
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