
Natural movement includes demographic events that directly or indirectly affect population change. These include births, deaths, stillbirths, marriages and divorces. The data source is Public Services Agency, which provides monthly online information on births, deaths, marriages and divorces. The National Public Health Agency provides data on the causes of death. All data are disaggregated by sex, age, environment and administrative-territorial units. The data is published annually.

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Release calendar

DateHourCategoryUpdated informationReference periodIssuer
15.05.202514:00StatbankDeaths 2024BNS
15.05.202514:00StatbankDivorces 2024BNS
15.05.202514:00StatbankBirths 2024BNS
15.05.202514:00StatbankMarriages 2024BNS
15.05.202514:00News releasesThe number of live-births by age group of the mother, live-birth order and area 2024BNS
27.05.202510:00News releasesGeneral mortality by main causes of death 2024BNS
17.06.202514:00News releasesDemographic situation 2024BNS
09.07.202514:00StatbankMain demographic indicators 2024BNS
