Statistical publication "Agricultural activity of small agricultural producers in the Republic of Moldova in 2019" posted on the website

National Bureau of Statistics informs, that the statistical publication "Agricultural activity of small agricultural producers in the Republic of Moldova in 2019", edition 2020 was published in electronic format on the website.
The publication is based on the results of sample statistical survey of the agricultural activity of small agricultural producers and is a synthesis of the main statistical indicators on the situation of small producers in the Republic of Moldova - households and farms, which use agricultural lands with an area of less than 10 ha.
The publication contains information on the areas sown, their structure, the livestock and the volume of agricultural production, as well as data on the structure of incomes from agricultural activity, the structure of consumption and expenditures on plant and animal production and the use of agricultural production.
The publications is available in Excel format.
More detailed information is avaialble under the heading: Products and services / Publication / Agricultural activity of small agricultural producers
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