The balances of food resources and their use for the year 2021
The National Bureau of Statistics presents the statistical data on the balances of food resources and and their use for the 2021 year.
The balances of food resources and and their use represent a synthesis of indicators, which characterize the inputs and uses of the main agricultural products.
The total resources of cereal crops (excluding vegetables), including products derived from them, in 2021 constituted 3646.5 thousand tons or with 929.2 thousand tons (by 34.2%) more than in 2020. The production of cereal crops ( excluding vegetables), including products derived from them, in 2021 , recorded 4651.2 thousand tons, or with three times more than the previous year. The import constituted 83.2 thousand tons and decreased with 24.4 thousand tons (with 22.7%) compared to 2020, and the export constituted 1530.7 thousand tons, with 895.6 thousand tons (by 2.4 times ) more compared to the previous year.
More detailed information is available in Romanian language.
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