The first General Agricultural Census organised in the Republic of Moldova

The conducting for the first time of the General Agricultural Census in the Republic of Moldova (GAC) is organised according the Government Decisions nr. 992 from 03.09.2007 and nr. 371 from 06.05.2010. The first GAC will be carried out during the period 15 March-15 April 2011.
It is necessary to be mentioned that only specialised agricultural censuses were organised up to now in the Republic of Moldova: such as for sown areas (the last was organised in 1985), livestock (1992), and perennial plantations (1994). According the international practice and the recommendations of Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations (FAO), the general agricultural census is an essential activity for the assessment of situation in agriculture, thus giving the possibility to collect relevant data at national and regional levels, with no other current alternative.
Taking into account the fact that agriculture has an important place in the country economy (agricultural lands represent 75% of the total country area; approximately 28% of employment is in agriculture; the export of agricultural production represents 49% in total exports; the share of agriculture Gross Value Added represents 12% in Gross Domestic Product; namely, the general agricultural censuses play a special role in collecting reliable data concerning the situation in agriculture, in particular, on the activity of small agricultural producers (approximately one million).
The GAC purpose is to provide complex and detailed information on the situation in agricultural sector to central and local public authorities, academia and researchers, economic units, and general public, in particular on:
a) Structure of agricultural producers;
b) Potential of human, land and technical resources in agriculture:
- Area of agricultural lands by use – arable lands (including the structure of sown areas), orchards, vineyards, etc.;
- Number of fructiferous trees and vines – total and by the main groups of varieties;
- Livestock and poultry number by species, age group and sex;
- Stock of tractors, agricultural machinery and energy potential;
- Employment in agriculture, including in gender aspect, etc.
Data collected during the census will represent the basic information source to ensure the development of agricultural and rural sectors in general, the food and population security, will serve to local public authorities in relevant decision-making process for the development of rural areas, investment attraction, etc.
It is to be mentioned that according Government Decision nr. 309 from 17.03.2007, the Republican Commission for General Agricultural Census will manage and coordinate the preparation and conducting works of the GAC at the national level; the territorial GAC commissions – at rayon level, municipality Chisinau and Balti and TAU Gagauzia. The National Bureau of Statistics is responsible for methodological aspects, data collection and processing, and database administration, and Census results production and dissemination.
The GAC organisation in the Republic of Moldova frames in the FAO Programme for the 2010 Round of Censuses in Agriculture, and shall be conducted according EU standard on the organisation of general agricultural censuses.
The total budget planned for the organisation of the General Agricultural Census in the Republic of Moldova represents 67 million Lei. The Government of Kingdom of Sweden allocated a grant of 20.4 million Swedish Kronor, what represents over 50% of the total GAC operational costs. The European Union will contribute with circa 1 million Euros, what represents approximately 23% of GAC budget. As well, the Government of Romania and United States and FAO offered technical assistance. The state budget of the Republic of Moldova will allocate circa 17 million Lei for this important activity.
Contact person:
Ala Paslariuc,
Head of Section of Information Dissemination and Public Relations
Tel. 403 051
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