The IV-th Steering Committee Meeting of the Project “Technical assistance to support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova”, funded by the European Union took place

The IV-th Steering Committee Meeting of the Project “Technical assistance to support
the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova”, funded by the European Union took place
Representatives of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the Public Services Agency, the Land Relations and Cadastre Agency, the European Union (EU) Delegation to the Republic of Moldova, the Statistical offices of Italy, Poland and Denmark, as well as experts from the project participated on Wednesday, July 28, at the IV-th Steering Committee Meeting (ParStat project).
In the context of the EU-Moldova partnership, the main results of the project activities were outlined during the meeting.
The Director General of the National Bureau of Statistics, Oleg Cara, thanked all the participants for their involvement, highlighting the contribution and support of the statistical offices from Italy, Poland, and Denmark, representatives of Parstat project, as well as national partners (Ministry of Finance, Agency for Public Services, Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre).
Oleg Cara also stressed the importance of improving the quality of statistical processes and data, as well as the urgent need to harmonize national statistics with European statistical standards. „It is a project that contributes to the development of the NBS, but also has an important impact on the entire national statistical system. We appreciate the support of development partners and continue to rely on good cooperation with national and international partners for the successful implementation of all the activities provided for by the project”, Oleg Cara said.
The project ”Technical assistance to support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova” funded by the European Union aims at strengthening the capacities of the National Bureau of Statistics for alignment with EU rules and standards, under the EU-Moldova Association Agreement.
In this context, Aurica Butnari, the project manager of the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Moldova stressed the importance of good implementation of the project “Considering that there is less than one year left before the end of the project, it is very important to joint our efforts to achieve all the indicators established in the project. To do so, we must ensure the most efficient management of resources and good cooperation and communication between partners”, added Aurica Butnari.
During the meeting, key experts of the project “Technical assistance to support the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova” and NBS representatives reported on the activities implemented so far, the main results and progress achieved, as well as the challenges encountered during the implementation of the project.
Furthermore, the members of the Steering Committee agreed on the extension of the project for another six months (within the project budget) until the middle of next year and to re-planning some of the activities in order to achieve better results within the project.
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