The level of poverty in the Republic of Moldova in 2014-2018

The level of poverty in the Republic of Moldova in 2014-2018
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), in accordance with Government Decision no. 851 of 15.08.2005, calculates the absolute thresholds of poverty and other basic indicators for monitoring and assessing poverty. The main source of information for calculating poverty indicators is the Household Budget Survey (HBS), whose main objective is multiaspective determination of the living standard of the population, including different socio-economic groups, in terms of incomes, expenditures, consumption, living conditions and other indicators that characterize the well-being of the population.
Poverty in the Republic of Moldova is measured using consumption expenditures and the absolute thresholds of poverty (consisting of two components, food and non-food), which is calculated in a specific year and includes the monetary value of the consumption basket, considered to provide the minimum basic needs, nationally acceptable.
More detailed information is available in Romanian language.
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