The National Bureau of Statistics is launching a new version of the official website in testing mode

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) is launching, in testing mode, a new version of the official website with the address The purpose of testing site is to collect feedback from users and gradually familiarize them with the new site. Thus, we invite all users to browse the new site and contribute to its improvement by offering suggestions and appreciations.
The NBS website is currently the main tool for disseminating statistical data and communicating with users and the general public. The need to develop a new version of the web page corresponds to the new requirements in the field of information technology and responds to the needs of users of statistical data, also expressed in the last online survey of users' opinion regarding the degree of satisfaction with the products and services offered by the National Bank, carried out premiered by the NBS in 2021.
According to the results of the survey, the NBS website enjoys great popularity among users, with the official website being the most visited of all products and services, with a share of over 79 percent of users. In general, the suggestions received from the users for the official website related to the improvement of the design, navigation and search mode of the website. Users want a modern, simple and easy-to-use site with more disaggregated statistical information and ease of understanding and use of statistical data.
Thus, responding to these requests, the new version of the site proposed for testing presents a modern design, is easy to navigate and easier from the point of view of searching for information. The new page also has a mobile version, follows the recommendations regarding the accessibility of information (visual and auditory), offers users the possibility of presenting interactive feedback and includes many other functionalities in correspondence with the websites of European and international statistical offices.
It should be noted that the modernization procedure of the NBS web page was carried out within the Parstat project "Technical Assistance to the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova", implemented during the years 2019-2022 with the support of the European Union.
We note that, during the months of July-August, the new website will undergo additional testing and will be updated in parallel with the current NBS website
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